2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I'm getting three mailers a day from Bloomberg. But he's out after Tuesday, I reckon. I haven't seen a single bit of mail from the others.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2016
Fred | 2019/20 Performances
Effect of 75 years of indoctrination of communism as the definition and only facet of socialism.
The dumbest thing Sanders stated was that he was a Democratic Socialist. If he ran his campaign based on what he wanted to enforce (health care, taxing the rich etc) without saying that he was a socialist, then he would have been difficult to smear. Now, all the canditates, the indoctrinated +60 aged people, DNC +++ will think Sanders = USSR 2.0.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
We knew some omDens would rather have Trump but it being confirmed is depressing.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
I almost want this to happen. I dare them to pull this shit off.

Yeah I sort of want it to happened as well. I'm extremely doubtful that it will actually happened as it would destroy the party in the long run although if it did it might spark off a real labour party in the US.
We knew some omDens would rather have Trump but it being confirmed is depressing.
Same thing happened here with Corbyn in the UK. Check out the Kensington election result.

The Firestarter

Full Member
Apr 8, 2010
Effect of 75 years of indoctrination of communism as the definition and only facet of socialism.
The dumbest thing Sanders stated was that he was a Democratic Socialist. If he ran his campaign based on what he wanted to enforce (health care, taxing the rich etc) without saying that he was a socialist, then he would have been difficult to smear. Now, all the canditates, the indoctrinated +60 aged people, DNC +++ will think Sanders = USSR 2.0.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".
US is so far to the right that he probably believes he is indeed a socialist.

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
Effect of 75 years of indoctrination of communism as the definition and only facet of socialism.
The dumbest thing Sanders stated was that he was a Democratic Socialist. If he ran his campaign based on what he wanted to enforce (health care, taxing the rich etc) without saying that he was a socialist, then he would have been difficult to smear. Now, all the canditates, the indoctrinated +60 aged people, DNC +++ will think Sanders = USSR 2.0.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".
Somewhat agree, although I would say it's more of an effect of a destroyed labour and socialist/communist movement in the US. I suggest people go back and look at the incredible american communist movement/culture in the early 20th century and how it was destroyed by the state. Without this movement socialism has being left to be definite by a tiny section of academics(Who barely get any air time on national television)and progressive liberals who confuse socialism with government spending and being a nice person

Example -

Which results in the general public genuinely not knowing the difference between something like progressivism, social democracy and socialism. I'm not even sure people on the left such as Sanders or AOC know the difference, Sanders may not think what he is offering is radical but he might also think it's still socialism. At best the socialism of the Sanders campaign is based more on a christian understanding of socialism than anything to do with Marx.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".
American conservatives call anyone they don't like a communist, it's just a smear. They called a Obama a communist! But I thought this might be true but polling shows this isn't. Yes it's true a lot of people wouldn't vote for a democratic socialist for presidency but they will vote for Sanders(@berbatrick posted a poll on this) because............people are odd and don't connect the two. Although it could be a issue in the general election when the attack ads ramp up.
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Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Effect of 75 years of indoctrination of communism as the definition and only facet of socialism.
The dumbest thing Sanders stated was that he was a Democratic Socialist. If he ran his campaign based on what he wanted to enforce (health care, taxing the rich etc) without saying that he was a socialist, then he would have been difficult to smear. Now, all the canditates, the indoctrinated +60 aged people, DNC +++ will think Sanders = USSR 2.0.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".
I would much prefer he called himself a social democrat. Not just strategically but I think it’s more accurate. I tag @Carolina Red every time I say this on here and damn it I’m doing it again. My understanding is pre-Lenin the distinction between DS and SD were less significant, they were used more interchangeably, so I know some people who are less bothered by what I see as mislabelling but still. The cynic in me might say the term socialist is being used as a campaign ploy to differentiate oneself but there is a long record of Sanders being called a socialist so perhaps not.

anyway. America is a country where (some) people call Nancy Pelosi a socialist, and the term “liberal socialist” is used unironically. So it would be never difficult to smear someone actually centre left like Sanders. Though it is probably easier now. I do think he is getting better at responding to the “radical” label by asking which of his policy proposals or beliefs are radical. He did it in the Fox PA town hall a few months ago to great effect, and did it more recently too.


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
Were you there?
Reports on this were pretty rampant around convention time in 2016, no denial were forthcoming.

It’s also no great secret that Slick Willy was a not infrequent golf partner of Trump, and both him/Hillary got pictured on more than one occasions with Trump, Trump also spoke glowingly about them before his run.

It’s must be said that the instincts were correct, Trump was the best general opponent she could’ve faced at the time (Kasich, Rubio, Cruz all lead in H2H polling pretty consistently, even Jeb! got a slight edge), however, he also failed to influence his wife to focus more on the low income white working class (there were multiple reports in Politico and similar outlets throughout the year that he felt they didn’t emphasize the economy enough in their campaign messaging), so in the end Trump ended up being the worst she could’ve faced. Not hard to imagine the Blue Wall holding if a dyed in the wool cookie cutter Republican like Rubio has been the nominee, or a known Tea Partier, hard right welfare slashing ideologue like Cruz.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
Bloomberg gets an endorsement from Columbia's mayor. I thought I heard he also got the Charleston mayor's endorsement?
Meanwhile a NYC group (about 90 people) calling themselves people of color write an open letter to SC voters advising them not to vote for Bloomberg.
I wonder how Bloomberg got those endorsements..... is there a money trail to follow?


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
Bernie would not win Florida in a general
Which is too uncomfortably reminiscent of Kerry 04.

Lost Florida easily, focused on the Midwest and came agonizingly close in Ohio, except this time that could be PA.

The argument that ‘demographic is destiny’ is showing flaws here. There’s a couple of cycles away at least before Texas becomes truly competitive, while OH is definitely gone, FL increasingly inelastic, and PA is trending the way of OH. By 24/28, purely by hyper partisanship, Republicans can start the campaign with 269 EV in the bag.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
None of this field would.
yeah but most of this field aren’t going to get to a general :lol:

He doesn't need Florida if he can win the rust belt and upper mid-west: https://www.270towin.com/
I agree and I believe that to be the focus.

@InfiniteBoredom interesting data, thank you. I think Bernie has a shot at GOTV in Arizona which would make things competitive there, and if the field clears and Sherrod Brown gets behind Bernie with a NAFTA focus there’s a push for a result in Ohio. Maybe.


Doesn't understand sportswashing.
Mar 17, 2008
The CL is a glorified FA Cup set to music
orderly disembarking on planes
Which is too uncomfortably reminiscent of Kerry 04.

Lost Florida easily, focused on the Midwest and came agonizingly close in Ohio, except this time that could be PA.

The argument that ‘demographic is destiny’ is showing flaws here. There’s a couple of cycles away at least before Texas becomes truly competitive, while OH is definitely gone, FL increasingly inelastic, and PA is trending the way of OH. By 24/28, purely by hyper partisanship, Republicans can start the campaign with 269 EV in the bag.
A lot of conjecture in that link. Is any of this backed by polls? Is it possible for other candidates to do worse in head to head polls yet come out ahead in the EC map, or is the assumption that Biden is more likely than Bernie to flip Texas?

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
Bloomberg gets an endorsement from Columbia's mayor. I thought I heard he also got the Charleston mayor's endorsement?
Meanwhile a NYC group (about 90 people) calling themselves people of color write an open letter to SC voters advising them not to vote for Bloomberg.
I wonder how Bloomberg got those endorsements..... is there a money trail to follow?
Should you even have to ask at this point?


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
2 very bad polls for bernie today

And, on the other hand:

they have to win the midwest, and he's the guy for that.

Florida Man

Cartoon expert and crap superhero
Jan 24, 2014
Florida, man
2 very bad polls for bernie today

And, on the other hand:

they have to win the midwest, and he's the guy for that.
South Carolina poll is supposedly operated by a Conservative PR firm per one of the comments. I already talked about the StPetePolls’ unreliability. Wouldn’t worry too much into it.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010

South Carolina poll is supposedly operated by a Conservative PR firm per one of the comments. I already talked about the StPetePolls’ unreliability. Wouldn’t worry too much into it.
the SC polls are weird, there are some that have it close and some that have it very easy for Biden, absolutely zero middle ground. i'm too lazy to look properly but i'm guessing it's turnout assumptions or it could just be motivated shit like this. i wonder if dataforprogress will poll it, they've called it correctly in all 3 so far.


Dec 19, 2011
Effect of 75 years of indoctrination of communism as the definition and only facet of socialism.
The dumbest thing Sanders stated was that he was a Democratic Socialist. If he ran his campaign based on what he wanted to enforce (health care, taxing the rich etc) without saying that he was a socialist, then he would have been difficult to smear. Now, all the canditates, the indoctrinated +60 aged people, DNC +++ will think Sanders = USSR 2.0.

So many voters will have agreements with his proposed policies but never vote for him due to him being a "communist".
Totally agree. His policies for most part are common sense, and implemented in the majority of Western countries. He should have run with them, instead of giving himself a tag which is extremely unpopular in the US.

He also didn't do himself any favor with the Cuba comments in the debate. What he said is right, but at the same time, he should have known that it will be spun in a very dangerous way.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
South Carolina poll is supposedly operated by a Conservative PR firm per one of the comments. I already talked about the StPetePolls’ unreliability. Wouldn’t worry too much into it.
Borh states were expected to be weak for Sanders, so I wouldn’t dismiss the polls.
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