2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Apr 11, 2016
Fred | 2019/20 Performances
52% of white women voted for Trump despite all his rape accusers, video of bragging about sexual assault, bragging about walking in on underage dressing rooms, insulting women by looks, being total opposite to "family values". Maybe because of internalised misogyny. Because in 2018 that demographic was one of the reasons democrats won the house and it appears they are happy to vote for a male alternative to Trump.
I'm not talking about a specific demographic, but all the voters that are not blindly voting for DNC/GOP regardless.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
This really doesn't make any sense to me. Either it's worth talking about both white women and white men as voting demographics, or it's not worth talking about either of them. Besides, if the 2012 Exit Poll numbers aren't completely wrong, then white women actually voted significantly more Democratic in 2016 than 2012. How then can the takeaway be that white women won it for Trump?
Because Hillary Clinton was a white woman who has a strong record of standing up for women's rights yet white women as a demographic instead voted in majority for a pig who is credibly accused of rape by numerous women, bragged about it, bragged about walking into underage girls dressing rooms, is doing what he campaigned on by doing what he can to take away the right to choose for abortion.

Black women voted for Hillary with 94% of the demographic. The disparity among the women vote towards a man like Trump is a lot more revealing than say if it were a bog standard republican like Mitt Romney.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
Not voting is a form of voting though. They couldn't be bothered / energized / inspired to vote for either Hillary nor Trump. The act of taking people for granted based on the color of their skin (black = Democrat right?) is so patronizing. You want people to vote for you, EARN it.


Full Member
Apr 9, 2012
Not voting is a form of voting though. They couldn't be bothered / energized / inspired to vote for either Hillary nor Trump. The act of taking people for granted based on the color of their skin (black = Democrat right?) is so patronizing. You want people to vote for you, EARN it.
But how do you differentiate between an active refusal to vote and apathy. Voting should be mandatory, with x additional other options including 'other..............', 'none of the above', 'I don't care' and 'democracy is a piece of shit burn it all'. Another thread though haha.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
Trump, Graham, and Gingrich have said that they hope it is Bernie.

I don't get where does this idea that Bernie is the best candidate to defeat Trump. If he cannot win in a party that represents center and center-left, how is he gonna win over the entire population? He inspires turnout proved to be totally wrong, with the states that increased turnout going heavily in favor of Biden.

Bernie is easily the most popular in internet forums, but when it comes to the people who vote, he isn't standing that well. Even with massive financial advantage, he just got destroyed on Super Tuesday.
My thesis which could be completely off is that to effectively fight off Nazis you don't do it with Quislings you do it with Partisans. Fight fire with fire. To beat Trump and his extreme right, you put up a strong left with ideas and backbone not some corrupt, senile, bought-for politician that is not going to inspire anyone. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I don't think Bernie is that smart of a politician and he's certainly made some big strategic errors lately, but one thing you can't question is his honesty, integrity, and ability to inspire. He's fighting against ALL OF Democratic party, the Establishment, the media, the special interests and he's still consistently getting 30%. That's about what Trump was getting during the primaries at this exact time.

I think if the Democrats rallied around Sanders he would be a formidable candidate. Alas they won't, which means there's very little chance they will be successful in November. (Because Bernie's 30% is not a given Biden voter in the general!)
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Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
This. If Sanders wins the primaries then I want Sanders running. If Biden wins the primaries I want Biden running. Because of fairness and democracy? Not so much, but because the primaries are the best test (better than polls) of what is needed to win the general election: turning out people to vote for you.

When did we learn that Barrack Obama was actually a strong candidate for the general election? When he started to trounce Hillary in the primaries.

(Fwiw, polls sitting here in March show Sanders and Biden are fairly even candidates in swing states vs Trump, excluding Florida).
Except that never happened, Obama won 17,535,458 vs 17,493,836 in the popular vote or 2,272 vs 1,978 in the delegate count. It was neck and neck for the most part.


Full Member
Sep 9, 2014
How can race or gender just be a "general perspective"?
You've stated that the votes of white women swung an election but haven't elaborated on that claim in any meaningful way that could explain why their vote favored Hillary more than Obama but she still lost, meaning it's your perspective that is too general because it hasn't delved any further than an initial claim.

She literally did worse among all other demographics but you've dismissed that, which is certainly deserving of an explanation because that a) looks
counter-intuitive and it would be b) fantastic to get an insight into why this is the case.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Even though I obviously preferred Bernie (that should go without saying), I honestly think Biden is going to beat Trump quite heavily. But if he doesn't, then there's going to a major reaction concerning the choice of moderate candidates to lose two very winnable elections against Trump.

Charlie Foley

Full Member
Mar 11, 2012
Even though I obviously preferred Bernie (that should go without saying), I honestly think Biden is going to beat Trump quite heavily. But if he doesn't, then there's going to a major reaction concerning the choice of moderate candidates to lose two very winnable elections against Trump.
We will say. I know some on the left banked on a backlash after Hillary lost to Trump. I think as many blamed Bernie as were swayed to the left by Hillary’s failure. I’m sure it will be the same if it happens again


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
We will say. I know some on the left banked on a backlash after Hillary lost to Trump. I think as many blamed Bernie as were swayed to the left by Hillary’s failure. I’m sure it will be the same if it happens again
How is it possible to blame Bernie for 2016? More Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama. In any case, I'd say there was a backlash after Hillary lost to Trump. It just wasn't good enough once more moderates started getting cold feet. Now their excuse is "a moderate woman couldn't beat Trump, but a moderate man might." If that doesn't pan out, then some introspection is in order.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Stamford Bridge
Both candidates can beat him, especially given the repurcussions of a second Trump term. Dems should turn out in high numbers in Nov.
Biden isn’t going to beat Trump. The stuff that was so shocking about Trump that it should have prevented him being elected 4 years ago is now just normalized. The only way (apart from an economic crash) that Trump loses in November is with a candidate that can generate excitement, and that sure as shit isn’t Joe Biden.

George Owen

May 7, 2010
Gold Coast, Australia
Both candidates can beat him, especially given the repurcussions of a second Trump term. Dems should turn out in high numbers in Nov.
Turn out for the last presidential election was quite high. Hillary had the same votes as Obama.

The key to beat Trump is to engage with the 45% of voters who don't go to vote because they find republicans and democrats to be the same shit.

Only Bernie could get to them I believe.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Turn out for the last presidential election was quite high. Hillary had the same votes as Obama.

The key to beat Trump is to engage with the 45% of voters who don't go to vote because they find republicans and democrats to be the same shit.

Only Bernie could get to them I believe.
It should be higher this time.

As for the 45%, Sanders hasn’t successfully done that after four years of time to expand his base: in fact, he may have regressed a bit.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
Even though I obviously preferred Bernie (that should go without saying), I honestly think Biden is going to beat Trump quite heavily. But if he doesn't, then there's going to a major reaction concerning the choice of moderate candidates to lose two very winnable elections against Trump.
I'm not sure of this.

I think the blame will go on his age and his record and they'll fantasise about how Mayor Pete could've won.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Even though I obviously preferred Bernie (that should go without saying), I honestly think Biden is going to beat Trump quite heavily. But if he doesn't, then there's going to a major reaction concerning the choice of moderate candidates to lose two very winnable elections against Trump.
A lot will depend on who Biden picks as his VP and how he conducts himself against Trump in the debates. Expect more Russian info warfare as well.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2013
How is it possible to blame Bernie for 2016? More Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama. In any case, I'd say there was a backlash after Hillary lost to Trump. It just wasn't good enough once more moderates started getting cold feet. Now their excuse is "a moderate woman couldn't beat Trump, but a moderate man might." If that doesn't pan out, then some introspection is in order.
probably should ask the moderates. Anyway introspection from whom? They'll just blame someone or something else and try the same old same old next time around.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
You've stated that the votes of white women swung an election but haven't elaborated on that claim in any meaningful way that could explain why their vote favored Hillary more than Obama but she still lost, meaning it's your perspective that is too general because it hasn't delved any further than an initial claim.

She literally did worse among all other demographics but you've dismissed that, which is certainly deserving of an explanation because that a) looks
counter-intuitive and it would be b) fantastic to get an insight into why this is the case.
This doesn't answer why you think race/gender is just a general perspective. There is proof out there if you're willing to look for it.


wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
The main story of the Warren candidacy, including Warren herself, is how pissed off reasonably wealthy white bleeding heart liberals are that supporting a candidate who spoke repeatedly against the ultra-rich wasn't sufficient to stop people on the left telling them they were on the wrong side morally.

They saw the things she said and thought 'this is big change' and they don't understand why others didn't see it that way so they assume it's a personal thing and the most obvious personal is her gender.


Full Member
Sep 9, 2014
This doesn't answer why you think race/gender is just a general perspective. There is proof out there if you're willing to look for it.
To reiterate, your perspective is general. White women can potentially be a key demographic, but you haven't explained why beyond a general statement, and the emphasis to do that is even greater since the results of the 2016 election don't appear to support your theory.

It is an interesting theory you have and, on the surface, not an easy one to prove, but since you did say it and the burden of proof lies with the person who made the claim, perhaps you could post something to substantiate it.


Dec 19, 2011
I mean, it's not exactly out of character for Trump to lie, you get that?

He's not a political genius - no matter what his proponents say - and he is a compulsive liar; taking his publicly held opinion at face value is foolish.

It's also not beyond the realms of possibility that they're employing the simplest type of reverse psychology because they'd love to face Biden. Convincing Democrats that Biden is more electable - again, a nicely self-fulfilling narrative - is absolutely in Trump's interest.
Yeah, we can assume Trump to be playing 4D chess and do reverse psychology. Or we can assume that he would fancy going against a self-claimed socialist, who despite having a 5-1 financial advantage, got destroyed on the primaries of a party that is further to the left than the general population.


Dec 19, 2011
What @Siorac said.

And Trump ran and won a number of votes on "anti-establishment" and taking advantage of the distrust towards politicians and corporations. By coincident how Clinton was and is perceived by a number of voters. Biden is similar. The polls predicted that Bernie would win over Trump in 2016, Hillary was not a safe bet. Same indications now.
The polls also predicted Hillary winning it quite comfortably. 531 who gave the highest chances to Trump, still had Hillary winning (2/3 chance).

Also, obviously Bernie was going to do better than Hillary in a poll. Trump and the GOP machinery have been attacking Hillary for years, while they left Bernie alone. Obviously that would affect any poll.

If the goal is to beat Trump, then Bernie is still the best bet.
Nope, he is not. He cannot win the primaries in the left party. How he is the best bet at actually winning the general election?

If the voters want better healthcare over time. Bernie is the best candidate.
Probably, probably not. Everyone knows that M4A has no chance of being implemented, even his No.1 cheerleader (AOC) said so. An Obamacare++ on the other hand has a good chance of being implemented, so it is not beyond the possibility that a Biden presidency would result with a better healthcare system.

If the voters want a living wage without having to work 2 jobs, Bernie is the best candidate.
How is he gonna do it? An executive order? Which will most likely get overturned by some low-level judge and eventually go to Supreme Court. Then it will be on the hands of Chief Justice Roberts (we already know how the other 8 judges will vote).

If the voters care about the climate or the environment, Bernie is the best bet.
His Green New Deal plan is not worth the paper on which it has been written. If he is our best bet for climate change, we might as well accept that we are fecked.

Biden is status quo in regards to a system that have made the US citizens (not the rich) gradually into peasants striving to stay alive, not dissimilar to how the feudal system f*cked the serfs for several hundred years.
I actually agree with this line. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a better realistic alternative.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2013
The main story of the Warren candidacy, including Warren herself, is how pissed off reasonably wealthy white bleeding heart liberals are that supporting a candidate who spoke repeatedly against the ultra-rich wasn't sufficient to stop people on the left telling them they were on the wrong side morally.

They saw the things she said and thought 'this is big change' and they don't understand why others didn't see it that way so they assume it's a personal thing and the most obvious personal is her gender.
It was big change she was proposing. And I think she's much more intelligent than the two men left. I think she had the best way to actually explain how her vision gets implemented rather than just reciting a stump speech and slogans.

What would Trump have done to her in a GE? Shout Pocahontas 600 times? She is very technocratic which is what I like. She would have schooled him in a debate.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
To reiterate, your perspective is general. White women can potentially be a key demographic, but you haven't explained why beyond a general statement, and the emphasis to do that is even greater since the results of the 2016 election don't appear to support your theory.

It is an interesting theory you have and, on the surface, not an easy one to prove, but since you did say it and the burden of proof lies with the person who made the claim, perhaps you could post something to substantiate it.
It isn't "my theory". It is a well-known fact. As I said, there is more than enough evidence out there if you're willing to look for it.


Jan 27, 2004
Whether it is Bernie or Biden (preferably Bernie). I just feel that people will come out with the desire to beat Trump and carry the Dems to victory.Unfortunately i don't think policies will matter this time round.


Dec 19, 2011
It was big change she was proposing. And I think she's much more intelligent than the two men left. I think she had the best way to actually explain how her vision gets implemented rather than just reciting a stump speech and slogans.

What would Trump have done to her in a GE? Shout Pocahontas 600 times? She is very technocratic which is what I like. She would have schooled him in a debate.
She is smart, but unfortunately, she lost her way on the campaign and started talking more about identity politics, rather than the issues she has been spending the last 2 decades fighting for. It didn't help that she backtracked on some of the things she said and that she continued getting money from the Super PACs.

She probably would have schooled Trump in a debate, but no idea how much they matter. Hillary schooled Trump too while all he said was 'crooked Hillary, you would be in jail' 600 times, and still won. The debates seem to be more about who is perceived to be stronger (which often is about shouting louder or speaking while your opponent is speaking), rather than actually what you say and the solution you provide. If it was about the smartest candidate with most concrete solutions about the real problems, then Yang would have walked the Democratic primary.

Fergies Gum

Full Member
May 23, 2011
He’s in that position where no good can come of him doing any public events. He’s got the media cheerleading him and trashing Bernie, the last thing they need is him going on stage and licking a girls face or telling the audience about the time he talked about the dangers of social media with Harry Truman.
Irony is that it will be the very same media who start to focus on Biden's state of mind once we get into the general election campaign.
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wants Amber Rudd to call him a naughty boy
Jul 3, 2012
It was big change she was proposing. And I think she's much more intelligent than the two men left. I think she had the best way to actually explain how her vision gets implemented rather than just reciting a stump speech and slogans.

What would Trump have done to her in a GE? Shout Pocahontas 600 times? She is very technocratic which is what I like. She would have schooled him in a debate.
You can think all those things if you so wish. She wasn't rejected because she was a woman though. She was rejected because she used to be a Republican and as the campaign went on she moved to the center.

Fergies Gum

Full Member
May 23, 2011
Biden actually did an event today :eek:. The only problems were that he only bothered to speak for 7 minutes and he screwed up again.

Screw ups included



Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Yeah, we can assume Trump to be playing 4D chess and do reverse psychology. Or we can assume that he would fancy going against a self-claimed socialist, who despite having a 5-1 financial advantage, got destroyed on the primaries of a party that is further to the left than the general population.
First of all, he hasn't got destroyed yet so try to contain your smugness until your boy Joe actually wins.

I think the narrative that Biden is more electable - even though he wasn't pollimg better - and the coordinated cooperation of establishment Democrats and mainstream media played a big part in Super Tuesday results.

But hey, Hillary almost beat Trump - maybe senile Grandpa Joe can actually do it. Though it doesn't really matter much - whether he wins or loses, it looks clear that American politics will keep drifting right. Not great news for the world but oh well.


Dec 19, 2011
First of all, he hasn't got destroyed yet so try to contain your smugness until your boy Joe actually wins.

I think the narrative that Biden is more electable - even though he wasn't pollimg better - and the coordinated cooperation of establishment Democrats and mainstream media played a big part in Super Tuesday results.

But hey, Hillary almost beat Trump - maybe senile Grandpa Joe can actually do it. Though it doesn't really matter much - whether he wins or loses, it looks clear that American politics will keep drifting right. Not great news for the world but oh well.
He was heavily winning in the polls, and essentially lost every state that matters except California, despite that Bloomberg took more votes from Biden, than Warren from Bernie. He is still in the game, but from a heavy favorite, is back to an underdog.

I don't think that US is gonna move to the right in any case, but if that happens, why is that bad news for the world, and how will that negatively affect the rest of the world?

Fergies Gum

Full Member
May 23, 2011
He was heavily winning in the polls, and essentially lost every state that matters except California, despite that Bloomberg took more votes from Biden, than Warren from Bernie. He is still in the game, but from a heavy favorite, is back to an underdog.

I don't think that US is gonna move to the right in any case, but if that happens, why is that bad news for the world, and how will that negatively affect the rest of the world?
Can you honestly say what happened in the 48 hour period after SC did not play a massive role in what happened on ST? The coordination with all those endorsements was not normal and it has been reported Obama was involved behind the scenes.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
I just saw Hillary - a 4 hour miniseries documentary on Hulu. Covers her all political life and more. Pretty interesting.
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