The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Seeing the huge motorcade escorting Trump to his golf course for the second day in a row, it seems like a modern equivalent of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

He's refusing to do his job and even worse, he's stopping other people from doing their jobs for the people they're supposed to represent.

It's an absolute disaster for poor Americans. Winter's here (well, unless you're down in Florida), people have no money, the virus is still rampant and the little help people were going to get in relief has been held up by Trump.
Seeing the huge motorcade escorting Trump to his golf course for the second day in a row, it seems like a modern equivalent of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

He's refusing to do his job and even worse, he's stopping other people from doing their jobs for the people they're supposed to represent.

It's an absolute disaster for poor Americans. Winter's here (well, unless you're down in Florida), people have no money, the virus is still rampant and the little help people were going to get in relief has been held up by Trump.
Yet tens of millions of the mentally deficient in this country are clamoring for the election to be overturned & potentially detonating truck bombs to create disorder & somehow keep him as president. I would posit that the majority of these idiots are the actual ‘poor Americans’ you described.
This man really has no spine, he was advocating for no more stimulus or cheques but Daddy Trump says jump all for section 230 and using American people as hostage.

This man really has no spine, he was advocating for no more stimulus or cheques but Daddy Trump says jump all for section 230 and using American people as hostage.

Tying 230 to helping people stay alive with food and shelter...I shouldn’t be surprised but somehow still am.
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