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Just finished The Medium. I enjoyed it at first, but by the end I was looking forward to it being over. It's more like a fancy interative story with minimal actual game play elements, apart from the 'puzzles', which are mostly very straight forward, almost on rails, apart from the damn door code, which stumped me because I wasn't expecting it to require that much thought.

It did look pretty at times. Enjoyed the Resident Evil style fixed camera, apart from when it changed and you end up running in to a wall. Voice acting was superb. The sound is good, and it's certainly atmospheric, especially earlier on. After that it becomes less spooky and more demon worldy

Main issue was I just didn't really get in to the story that much. It was kinda confusing. It is actually pretty interesting, especially when you read in to it more and things click better, but it didn't engross me while playing. Also baffled at the end where you didn't get to choose who to shoot after all that build up. Surely they should've let you? That would've made the ending had much more of an effect. Guessing it's setting up for a sequel, but it's a shit way to end it, I thought.

Basically, I'm glad to have played it, but also glad it was on Game Pass and I didn't buy it.

Sounds like another top notch Microsoft Exclusive.
About half way through the 2nd Ori game. It is fantastic. Once you get most of the extra abilities its really something else.

If I had played it last year woudl certainly be game of the year contender
About half way through the 2nd Ori game. It is fantastic. Once you get most of the extra abilities its really something else.

If I had played it last year woudl certainly be game of the year contender

It's fecking amazing. The music is so good.

On the flipside, is PES 2021 the worst football sim ever? It's a surreal experience. The ball physics are complete turd, it's like playing with a (virtual) balloon. Passing is awful, shooting has no oomph. Tedious as feck.
About half way through the 2nd Ori game. It is fantastic. Once you get most of the extra abilities its really something else.

If I had played it last year woudl certainly be game of the year contender
Yeah, incredible games. Said it before, but the two Oris are possibly the best gaming experience I’ve had, which is mad really. That music may be burned into my brain forever.

Disappointing. Was intrigued by it in the initial trailer but the reception since has been a letdown.
Yeah. Hard to pinpoint what they could’ve done better without adding more action, which would’ve made it like every other game. Judging by the subreddit though, there’s some people absolutely buzzing with it, so maybe give it a go if you get a chance.
Wreckfest is up on GamePass and is a right laugh, especially in multiplayer.
It's fecking amazing. The music is so good.

On the flipside, is PES 2021 the worst football sim ever? It's a surreal experience. The ball physics are complete turd, it's like playing with a (virtual) balloon. Passing is awful, shooting has no oomph. Tedious as feck.

Admittedly it's not be a good sim but it's one of the most satisfying football games I've played in ages.

Player individuality really matters and once you get the hang of the offbeat schematics, it feels very satisfying to grind out a win. Like the old arcadey PES games (e.g. 5/6).

I find it's really important to adapt a defensive approach knowing that playing on the attack all game leaves you really open to a counter.

I'll add that I had the same thought as you to begin, particularly with the default ML players as they're absolute pants, but it's leap years ahead of past PES games IMO.
Finished The Medium, I mostly feel the same as @VeevaVee. It's not a good game. The worst part is that, while it's a short game - Steam says 8.6 hours for me - some parts feel really stretched out. If a short game feels like it drags, that's a bad sign. It's just so slow and plodding. Story-wise it does get a little more interesting in the second half. Garbage ending though.
Admittedly it's not be a good sim but it's one of the most satisfying football games I've played in ages.

Player individuality really matters and once you get the hang of the offbeat schematics, it feels very satisfying to grind out a win. Like the old arcadey PES games (e.g. 5/6).

I find it's really important to adapt a defensive approach knowing that playing on the attack all game leaves you really open to a counter.

I'll add that I had the same thought as you to begin, particularly with the default ML players as they're absolute pants, but it's leap years ahead of past PES games IMO.
Nooooo!! I used to LOVE PES 5 and 6!!! It was really, really fun. A lot like an arcade game and slightly ridiculous but still so much fun. This... isn't. Lots of the passing feels really influenced by being scripted, for example. Like basic 5 yard passes either being misplaced or going to the wrong player entirely, despite my direction. The shooting is just maddening. I played the same guy online twice who was pretty useless but both games were draws because he'd score a simple goal whereas with me a one on one with Cavani would always be saved.

I'm really surprised that you can feel player individuality, for me every player is practically identical. I've given it a few tries now but I'm uninstalling it. A really strange and frustrating game!!
Nooooo!! I used to LOVE PES 5 and 6!!! It was really, really fun. A lot like an arcade game and slightly ridiculous but still so much fun. This... isn't. Lots of the passing feels really influenced by being scripted, for example. Like basic 5 yard passes either being misplaced or going to the wrong player entirely, despite my direction. The shooting is just maddening. I played the same guy online twice who was pretty useless but both games were draws because he'd score a simple goal whereas with me a one on one with Cavani would always be saved.

I'm really surprised that you can feel player individuality, for me every player is practically identical. I've given it a few tries now but I'm uninstalling it. A really strange and frustrating game!!

In all honesty it probably is the script. I played some PES 2020 (the e-lite version) online and it was rubbish, lots of counter attacking/simple goals.
In all honesty it probably is the script. I played some PES 2020 (the e-lite version) online and it was rubbish, lots of counter attacking/simple goals.
Ah, that's a shame. Maybe I'll give Master League a go for old times' sake before uninstalling then. PES used to be the king!
Regarding The Medium, it's the same team that made Layers of Fear, so I think that would temper expectations as to the type of gameplay it would involve. Reading the reaction in this thread I'm more intrigued by it because I really don't want a resident evil type thing.
Owing to the fact that Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda parent company ZeniMax Media is yet to be officially finalized, neither company has been able to talk in much detail about what their collective future is going to look like. That acquisition is, however, in the process of getting approved, and with its official confirmation not far away now, we’re reportedly going to get more details on what will follow for both Microsoft and Bethesda in the future.

That’s as per GamesBeat’s Jeff Grubb, who said in a recent podcast that following the acquisition’s closure, Microsoft will be holding some sort of an event – likely in mid-March – during which they will share details about what their future plans are for Bethesda, and what the company’s next few months and years are going to look like. Grubb says it might not be a dedicated Direct-style event, but fans should expect to hear about plenty of new information either way.

“Once the deal closes, they will talk about it in a big way,” Grubb said. “I don’t know if it will be a full Direct-style event, but they will make note of it, and they will talk about it extensively, and they will explain what it means to everybody… kind of talk about the immediate future for both companies becoming one in the future.”
Just got wreckfest from gamepass, good game but Jesus Christ the loading times. You could goto bed and wake up in the morning and it would just have loaded in.

Original Xbox one though, might be better on the new systems.
Just got wreckfest from gamepass, good game but Jesus Christ the loading times. You could goto bed and wake up in the morning and it would just have loaded in.

Original Xbox one though, might be better on the new systems.
Takes about 3 seconds to load on Series X. Been playing it as well. Decent game. Needs 60fps though.
I wish they would but this isn't a new game so not sure it applies here?

I thought that too tbh, might just be absolute garbage from the developer regarding optimising it. Really is terrible. I can understand new games being a bit shite on the old gen but this was never made for next gen.
I thought that too tbh, might just be absolute garbage from the developer regarding optimising it. Really is terrible. I can understand new games being a bit shite on the old gen but this was never made for next gen.
Was thinking a next gen one would be great, with a big online community side and more customisation. They're missing a trick there. Reckon it could be well popular, and bring in a fair bit of money with season passes.
Was thinking a next gen one would be great, with a big online community side and more customisation. They're missing a trick there. Reckon it could be well popular, and bring in a fair bit of money with season passes.

Aye, this seems like a good game, but you can tell it's a "test the waters" type game. Could do with some polishing but definitely a load of fun. Could be infuriating online getting mashed about :lol:
It's been down for the last 5 hours for me now. Doesn't look like it'll be coming back up today.


Looking pretty good now @Alock1
Played a few hours of The Medium earlier. Not quite what I was expecting but I dig it - much more point and click than survival horror.
Enjoy a point and click game - may do Broken Sword 5 as my next game.

Not a bad shout. The first episode is great, feels a lot like the first two games. Second episode isn't quite as good but still worth the time.

Another good point and click I'd recommend is Death Stranding.
I finished Sniper Elite 4. It was great, however the main campaign is on the short side. It was good enough that it's got me thinking about buying the DLC.

If you liked MGS5, then I think you'll like this.
On to the next Game Pass game - A Plague Tale. Heard very good things. First thoughts are the animations and character models are really nice. It’s screaming out for a next gen graphics update, for textures at least.

It feels smoother than the 30fps it’s locked to though. Is that the Xbox fps boost in play?