Kyle Rittenhouse | Now crowdfunding LOLsuits against Whoopi Goldberg, LeBron James, and The Young Turks

Why is he taking a gun and bullets to defend himself anyway? Why is he even going there? Regardless of the outcome of the trial the most insane thing here seems to be that a 17 year old civilian can patrol the streets with a rifle and this is totally fine. America is so broken.
Because he is in a highly volatile area with extremely aggressive people? He went there to help his friends, from what I recall. They had stores there. Honestly, this sounds to me like a lot of victim blaming. It's like asking "why was she dressed like that during the night" to a rape victim. FFS, what does it matter at the end of the day when it is clear as day to see he was defending himself? He didn't shoot first or something, he reacted to what other people did to him.

You argue that a 17 years old can patrol the streets with a rifle and that is totally nuts, but at the same time - the whole situation was nuts. What were these rioters even doing burning buildings, stores, stealing and vandalising their way through the streets? It's not like Kyle went out on a stroll to the mall with his gun.
Because he is in a highly volatile area with extremely aggressive people? He went there to help his friends, from what I recall. They had stores there. Honestly, this sounds to me like a lot of victim blaming. It's like asking "why was she dressed like that during the night" to a rape victim. FFS, what does it matter at the end of the day when it is clear as day to see he was defending himself? He didn't shoot first or something, he reacted to what other people did to him.

You argue that a 17 years old can patrol the streets with a rifle and that is totally nuts, but at the same time - the whole situation was nuts. What were these rioters even doing burning buildings, stores, stealing and vandalising their way through the streets? It's not like Kyle went out on a stroll to the mall with his gun.

My word
Will be the face of the far right, cnuts set for life for murdering people.
Probably run for president with the state of this America.

In 20 years will look alot more like Gilead.
The John Conners of Qanon and he will lead them in a war against the Clintonators who want to refine us in to vegan machine lubricant.
Because he is in a highly volatile area with extremely aggressive people? He went there to help his friends, from what I recall. They had stores there. Honestly, this sounds to me like a lot of victim blaming. It's like asking "why was she dressed like that during the night" to a rape victim. FFS, what does it matter at the end of the day when it is clear as day to see he was defending himself? He didn't shoot first or something, he reacted to what other people did to him.

You argue that a 17 years old can patrol the streets with a rifle and that is totally nuts, but at the same time - the whole situation was nuts. What were these rioters even doing burning buildings, stores, stealing and vandalising their way through the streets? It's not like Kyle went out on a stroll to the mall with his gun.

Didn't he literally shoot first?
Rosenbaum is certainly a strange choice of martyr for BLM activists, considering what a massive racist he was. Before you even get to the serial child rape and wife beating.

And that's what people like you don't get. That people don't think people should be killed just because they're bad.

Remember those quotes of yours that dumbo pulled up, on how you react to things based on what race the victims are? They showed you in a pretty shit light, you're as far from a "martyr" someone on Redcafe can get. However, I'm not Jeff so if someone shoots you I'd still say they probably shouldn't have done that.
Because he is in a highly volatile area with extremely aggressive people? He went there to help his friends, from what I recall. They had stores there. Honestly, this sounds to me like a lot of victim blaming. It's like asking "why was she dressed like that during the night" to a rape victim. FFS, what does it matter at the end of the day when it is clear as day to see he was defending himself? He didn't shoot first or something, he reacted to what other people did to him.

You argue that a 17 years old can patrol the streets with a rifle and that is totally nuts, but at the same time - the whole situation was nuts. What were these rioters even doing burning buildings, stores, stealing and vandalising their way through the streets? It's not like Kyle went out on a stroll to the mall with his gun.

Comparing what Rittenhouse did to rape victims. Cafe has hit a new low.
Because he is in a highly volatile area with extremely aggressive people? He went there to help his friends, from what I recall. They had stores there. Honestly, this sounds to me like a lot of victim blaming. It's like asking "why was she dressed like that during the night" to a rape victim. FFS, what does it matter at the end of the day when it is clear as day to see he was defending himself? He didn't shoot first or something, he reacted to what other people did to him.

You argue that a 17 years old can patrol the streets with a rifle and that is totally nuts, but at the same time - the whole situation was nuts. What were these rioters even doing burning buildings, stores, stealing and vandalising their way through the streets? It's not like Kyle went out on a stroll to the mall with his gun.

That's a lie, you should stop that.
Honestly I'll stop. Not really in the mood to get into an obviously debate with already chosen sides that none of us are gonna agree on.
From my perspective I think the prosecution aimed too high. He was never getting done for first degree at his age.
And that's what people like you don't get. That people don't think people should be killed just because they're bad.

Remember those quotes of yours that dumbo pulled up, on how you react to things based on what race the victims are? They showed you in a pretty shit light, you're as far from a "martyr" someone on Redcafe can get. However, I'm not Jeff so if someone shoots you I'd still say they probably shouldn't have done that.
Do you just log on the caf every day with the intention of shitting on someone? A brief glance at your post history suggests you use this platform forum like twitter. You log on, find your target and spend a while having a go at them until they stop responding.
You take bullets if you want to defend yourself and are willing to do so. There's no point in bringing a gun without bullets. What are you gonna do with it? Throw it at people? The videos prove Kyle was acting in self-defence. That's case closed. I do not understand why so many people want to destroy this kid's life out of some political divide.

Because people are petty and don't care about the law as long as it gets their point across. As I've been saying this kid is a grade A cnut trump supporting nutter. This was self defense though.
That he died as a champion of BLM causes, along with Huber.

Mistaking two opportunistic antifa rioters, with horrible criminal histories, for BLM activists.
Are you quoting/paraphrasing someone in particular? If so, do you know where I can find it?
Do you just log on the caf every day with the intention of shitting on someone? A brief glance at your post history suggests you use this platform forum like twitter. You log on, find your target and spend a while having a go at them until they stop responding.

No, I haven't been on for a few days. Thanks for asking, though.
Do you just log on the caf every day with the intention of shitting on someone? A brief glance at your post history suggests you use this platform forum like twitter. You log on, find your target and spend a while having a go at them until they stop responding.
I will second that! She is always looking for an argument and encourages others to pile on until the poster in question gives up (fed up with arguing with her and her cohorts), then claims a “moral” victory. It’s an old and tired way of self promotion at the expense of people she doesn’t agree with. Boring
I will second that! She is always looking for an argument and encourages others to pile on until the poster in question gives up (fed up with arguing with her and her cohorts), then claims a “moral” victory. It’s an old and tired way of self promotion at the expense of people she doesn’t agree with. Boring
You alright there?
I will second that! She is always looking for an argument and encourages others to pile on until the poster in question gives up (fed up with arguing with her and her cohorts), then claims a “moral” victory. It’s an old and tired way of self promotion at the expense of people she doesn’t agree with. Boring

From what I have seen of his/her posts she challenges people until they feel uncomfortable about the position they have taken. I have never seen an issue with the quality of their arguments.
You're equating this to Nazi Germany?
Marauding right wing gangs, spurred on by corporate fascists and their media outlets, shooting people in the street and not being convicted, reminds me of the Weimar Republic.
From what I have seen of his/her posts she challenges people until they feel uncomfortable about the position they have taken. I have never seen an issue with the quality of their arguments.

I don't mind people taking issue with quality, but I'm usually the one who stops responding first so that's a pretty bizarre allegation. It's also intereresting how mr Bacon Sandwich took a quick look at my comment history, because I'm pretty sure it's private to non-staff.
I don't mind people taking issue with quality, but I'm usually the one who stops responding first so that's a pretty bizarre allegation. It's also intereresting how mr Bacon Sandwich took a quick look at my comment history, because I'm pretty sure it's private to non-staff.

If you search posts by username in the search function it shows them regardless of it you have profile set to private
I don't mind people taking issue with quality, but I'm usually the one who stops responding first so that's a pretty bizarre allegation. It's also intereresting how mr Bacon Sandwich took a quick look at my comment history, because I'm pretty sure it's private to non-staff.
You can still find past post by searching specific words and terms and filtering by usernames.