Is this the worst it's been?

Jesus christ, i forgot we’ve been sensational all season

Normally i’d say yes, it should be the norm, believe me my standards are as high as anybody here. But for me I would agree with you had we been playing well all season, but we’ve been at rock bottom for months with a garbage season from the beginning and almost freefall form. So if i look at it from that perspective i’d say its an improvement, Championship team or not. Given how shocking we’ve been i’m actually surprised people were expecting us to dominate them with 5+ goals, we have been that bad but apparently people have short memories

clearly they're not as no one with any standards would be banging on about how dominating a championship side is a worthwhile positive in a game we lost
Im not even bothered by it. I don’t even get the piss taking messages anymore. In fact I sent one to my Leeds supporting mate and I said ‘ffs I’ll do it for you shall I?’ And sent a laughing face. He sent one back saying it wasn’t worth it anymore. He’s right.
clearly they're not as no one with any standards would be banging on about how dominating a championship side is a worthwhile positive in a game we lost

You just conveniently ignored the rest of my post just as you’ve ignored the entirety of our season apparently
We've had lower points but the longer it goes on it will be the worse it been each time in some ways as the club is in a deep slumber, no amount of money can fix it.

I remember when Jose first came here he said it was a sad club, it is still that. The people employed by the owners haven't been able to carry the club forward. I doubt the newer people can do much but maybe Rangnick can be a start of a long way back.
Have Liverpool overtaken us again? Trophy wise, it must be pretty close now.
You just conveniently ignored the rest of my post just as you’ve ignored the entirety of our season apparently

why did you say something worthwhile afterwards then?
I used to count down the days to a United game but now dread them. I've been a supporter since the 70s but have never felt so demoralised by a team apart from this one. Very few players I like , owners with no idea, the disgraceful things weve read all week, miles away from the top 2. The end of the season cannot come quick enough.
I’ve got to hand it to the club, they continue to find new ways to disappoint. Painful chapter, after painful chapter.

Utterly demoralised by it all.
why did you say something worthwhile afterwards then?

Yes but you know i’m right so you aren’t bothering to acknowledge it. You’re emotional so maybe you should take the night off and come back in the morning when you can have a reasonable discussion
probably not the worst its been, but the cumulation of all prior seasons piled on top have left me looking forward to the bloody International breaks
Yes but you know i’m right so you aren’t bothering to acknowledge it. You’re emotional so maybe you should take the night off and come back in the morning when you can have a reasonable discussion

The delusion is strong
For an hour we were looking like a team who had found their freedom and on the road to dominating teams again. If one of those chances go in or Boro's goal gets rightly disallowed then we win with ease. I don't think we are that far away but I don't think we are ready to take the next step and become successful again either.
For an hour we were looking like a team who had found their freedom and on the road to dominating teams again. If one of those chances go in or Boro's goal gets rightly disallowed then we win with ease. I don't think we are that far away but I don't think we are ready to take the next step and become successful again either.

Far away from what? Beating a championship side?
Its the most disorganised we have been both on and off the pitch for sure:
- multiple players publicly advocating for moves and speaking against the manager
- a striker who can't be dropped but has clearly affected the balance of the team
- multiple players potentially leaving
- mason
- no clear tactical identity
- changing of ceo's
- covid outbreak
- a sacked manager plus interim who doesnt seem to know if hes staying on at the end

and we could go on (even the fact that they couldn't serve snacks and drinka at halftime today summed us up).

Its hard to perform to your best when surrounded by so much disorganisation
Jesus christ, i forgot we’ve been sensational all season

Normally i’d say yes, it should be the norm, believe me my standards are as high as anybody here. But for me I would agree with you had we been playing well all season, but we’ve been at rock bottom for months with a garbage season from the beginning and almost freefall form. So if i look at it from that perspective i’d say its an improvement, Championship team or not. Given how shocking we’ve been i’m actually surprised people were expecting us to dominate them with 5+ goals, we have been that bad but apparently people have short memories

We were 2 points off top before the Leicester game (7 games in) and then completely lost the plot against 3 good teams, which culminated in that horror second half against Watford. To say we were garbage from the start of the season isn’t right.

I’m really dreading March. We’re going into those tough fixtures in an unbelievably worse state than we went into October. It’s going to be a mess.
Theres so many things wrong at the club at the moment, but i think it might get worse. We got it so bad at the end of the Fergie era and lent on nostalgia for way too long. Needed to overhaul the academy and restructure but let most to slip into decline and be fundamentally outdated. Trying to play catchup and spending millions of wasted money, albeit with good intentions, on players and managers hoping it "might just work out". That's the way i see it. It's all on the Glazers. Terrible, terrible owners.
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Aside from a couple, a set of players who have won feck all in life bottling another easy chance to win something? Color me surprised.

This is the norm. Accept it. The worst is yet to come.
Tough team to like. Seems to me Ole let the guys away with whatever they wanted to do. Now there is a manager who calls them out for poor behaviour they don’t like it. Several players need to be moved on. We desperately need two world class midfielders.
PL side
Away from home
Down to 10 men
2 of the 4 goals coming in stoppage time

No, me neither. Middlesbrough will never have a luckier theft of a result than they did tonight.

The Utd players, despite being millionaires etc, are under such pressure- including from the clubs own fans- that they can’t play.

But don’t worry too much. Things will change.

edit- lost the poster I was replying to here…
See? We unner dem voodoo
For an hour we were looking like a team who had found their freedom and on the road to dominating teams again. If one of those chances go in or Boro's goal gets rightly disallowed then we win with ease. I don't think we are that far away but I don't think we are ready to take the next step and become successful again either.

If we were playing a top side, I'd agree with you.
But we were playing a Championship side and struggled to beat them in 120 minutes.
When we come up against a top side, we'll get spanked.
It probably is. When the club signed Ronaldo, Varane and Sancho I genuinly thought we would challenge for the league, cup and at least qualify for the quarter finals un CL. But this has been an absolute disaster of a season! I reckon Atletico will qualify pretty easily for the quarter finals and I doubt we will reach end in top 4 in the PL. For the first time ever I’m beginning to lose faith in the club I’ve loved since childhood.
If we were playing a top side, I'd agree with you.
But we were playing a Championship side and struggled to beat them in 120 minutes.
When we come up against a top side, we'll get spanked.

Its actually quite terrifying isn't it

RR has had the easiest run of fixtures and we've looked fecking awful in most of them, what on earth is going to happen when we play a decent side?
We are going to get spanked by City and Liverpool for sure and I think Madrid will comfortably knock us out of the CL and I’m sure we wont get top 4.
Plenty more shit days to come this season.

We are going to be very far from an enticing prospect for any top players and managers this summer. If I was either, I wouldn’t go near us.
Three years of Ole and his coaching would leave any top side in disarray.

We need to accept that it was an amateurish and disastrous decision by the club and really consider what people we have in what roles.

No other top club would do what we did and stick through it for 3 years, so we have to suffer the consequences.

It has lowered standards, ruined an entire coaching set up and wasted key years of players development.

It’s done, and it’s going to take a lot of very good decisions to get out of this self made hole.
I genuinely cannot remember it ever being this bad, from all angles the situation is a mess

The news that we are likely going for pochettino is the cherry on the cake
From a historical perspective, there clearly have been worse times, including relegations. Considering what United are recently, for the money spent, it is startling that against a Championship side an inexperienced youth product was asked to take a crucial penalty. Things are just not right on many fronts.
I used to count down the days to a United game but now dread them. I've been a supporter since the 70s but have never felt so demoralised by a team apart from this one. Very few players I like , owners with no idea, the disgraceful things weve read all week, miles away from the top 2. The end of the season cannot come quick enough.
You and me both mate - I said the same thing to my 12 year old as we trudged off tonight - I love the club but hate this team….and I saw some dross under Sexton and of course post Fergie.
It's only going to get worse. Other clubs are improving and we're only getting worse in terms of how we're run.
City, Spurs, Atletico, Pool in March.

This can go easily worse.

We won't win any of those, but I did think we played OK tonight.

It's nowhere near good enough, but then United have been really quite bad for a very, very long time and in that context, tonight's defeat is not altogether surprising.
37 year old strikers won’t improve with more training.
??? Oh, right, 37 year olds can’t improve. Spoken like a fan who has never competed in football at a decent level. There’s technique and mechanics that get out of whack, not to mention confidence. And we had Rashford blazing over the top and Bruno missing sitters. Really ignorant post.
The end of the Moyes season was one of the lowest points but there was this sense it was just the manager and we could be back where we belonged quickly. This time there is a realisation how rotten the entire club is top to bottom, how far off some of the players are, and how long its going to take to fix it all. This is probably the lowest point in the PL era.
??? Oh, right, 37 year olds can’t improve. Spoken like a fan who has never competed in football at a decent level. There’s technique and mechanics that get out of whack, not to mention confidence. And we had Rashford blazing over the top and Bruno missing sitters. Really ignorant post.

I bet I’ve competed at a better level than you. I also bet I’m older than you. So know what it’s like to be 37 years old and in decline as a footballer

Also possible you’re an idiot. Can’t rule that out.
I bet I’ve competed at a better level than you. I also bet I’m older than you. So know what it’s like to be 37 years old and in decline as a footballer

Also possible you’re an idiot. Can’t rule that out.
Nothing quite like the feeling of your brain saying you're fast enough to get to a ball then realising all of a sudden that no, you can't, it's such a strange experience :lol: especially if you've spent a lifetime being one of the fastest players....
Atkinson’s demise and Fergie’s early years were worse I can remember in my lifetime. Too young for the relegation.