
Wibble i don't want go stretch this discussion any longer so this will be my last post arguing about it but I don't find your argument about man not being able to have their opinions on the matter very compelling, first of it it reminds me a lot about the arguments against female suffrage( how could woman involve themselves in manly things such as war and politics hur dur , you get my point).
Secondly you set a precedent that only works if you're already pro choice(a woman's body her choice) something which is simply refuted by the opposing side(the woman can't take the choice to terminate the life of the unborn as his/her right to live trumps the mothers right to choose)

Finally the statistics show that there really isn't a meaningful difference among man and woman regarding attitudes toward abortion (in fact the first poll i found on the subject on pew shows it to be pretty even in those regards).

There are many compelling arguments in favor of abortion that I a fervent anti abortionist can acknowledge, this isn't one its counterproductive and simply leads to more toxicity by trying to gather guard the subject.

That's all.

The phoney high road, you gotta love it!
He literally wanted to add a Christian amendment to the the constitution before his untimely death, if you think he would be anything like a Democrat these days you would be up for a rude awakening.

Personally I think its a fine system , im aware of the frustrations regarding it's limitation.
Overall I just don't like the whole revisionism regarding it , in fact it probably benefited the Democrats more in the 20th century ever since the reconstruction ended because democrats would run north Korean numbers in the south allowing them to focus on the other parts of the union something that the Republicans could not afford, and yet to my knowledge there never was a strong movement in gop to abolish it back then, yet the moment Nixon had a larger percentage wise victory in the ec compared to his pv percentage, democrats called for reform.
Someone’s never heard of the reversal in American political parties. He most certainly would be a Democrat these days when considering the two major parties.
Thank you for your productive addition to the discussion.
Appreciate it.

I appreciate the appreciation, when it matches the level of phoney intellectualism. Others make valid arguments and you go to the extreme of suggesting abortions to 35 weeks. People offer logical issues with the ‘pro-life’ (read pro-birth) position and you raise your hand with the tried and test, “I could argue this all day but we’d just be going round in circles”.

The fact of the matter is that if men had to carry a foetus then abortions would be available for free in every chemist, every walk-in clinic in the western world!

As others have said it is the woman’s burden, at least until a foetus can feasibly sustain life by itself and it should therefore be entirely her choice as to what happens with it!

As lawmakers have already began touting, this will bring in a wave of cruel laws with the sole function of pushing women under the thumb (under his eye if you prefer that).

Woman could have any reason for not wanting to carry to term, and it’s valid! Contraception might not have worked, the man might have ‘de-gloved’, she might have been assaulted, raped, the victim of incest, had a one night stand, was drunk, or, like many, actually cannot afford immediate ‘morning after’ treatments (another wonderful system of control to keep poor people popping out kids).

So yes forgive me for treating your phoney high road Act with the pathetic disdain it deserves. Pro-life as it currently is is an oxymoron; where is the free antenatal treatment, free birthing facilities, affordable childcare support. Any one of your mob comes out with this horse shit about ‘I’m standing up for the foetus’ is a god damned liar.
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Someone’s never heard of the reversal in American political parties. He most certainly would be a Democrat these days when considering the two major parties.
There has been certain shifts in a aspects of each political party and I'm well aware of the party change narrative of the 60s but it doesn't really add up.

Also if you somehow transported Lincoln to the current time he would be considered far right, anyone from that era would.
There has been certain shifts in a aspects of each political party and I'm well aware of the party change narrative of the 60s but it doesn't really add up.

Also if you somehow transported Lincoln to the current time he would be considered far right, anyone from that era would.

Are you religious by any chance?
I appreciate the appreciation, when it matches the level of phoney intellectualism. Others make valid arguments and you go to the extreme of suggesting abortions to 35 weeks. People off logical issues with the ‘pcircles”.

The fact of the matter is that if men had to carry a foetus then abortions would be available for free in every chemist, every walk-in clinic in the western world!ro-life’ (read pro-birth) position and you raise your hand with the tried and test, “I could argue this all day but we’d just be going round in circles”.

The fact of the matter is that if men had to carry a foetus then abortions would be available for free in every chemist, every walk-in clinic in the western world!

As others have said it is the woman’s burden, at least until a foetus can feasibly sustain life by itself and it should therefore be entirely her choice as to what happens with it!

As lawmakers have already began touting, this will bring in a wave of cruel laws with the sole function of pushing women under the thumb (under his eye if you prefer that).

Woman could have any reason for not wanting to carry to term, and it’s valid! Contraception might not have worked, the man might have ‘de-gloved’, she might have been assaulted, raped, the victim of incest, had a one night stand, was drunk, or, like many, actually cannot afford immediate ‘morning after’ treatments (another wonderful system of control to keep poor people popping out kids).

So yes forgive me for treating your phoney high road Act with the pathetic disdain it deserves. Pro-life as it currently is is an oxymoron; where is the free antenatal treatment, free birthing facilities, affordable childcare support. Any one of your mob comes out with this horse shit about ‘I’m standing up for the foetus’ is a god damned liar.
If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.

Have a good day sir.

Are you religious by any chance?
No not really, don't really practice anything but I do think I believe in God but that's the extent of it.

Again I'm not denying there has been shifts bu a lot of the narrative falls apart under scrutiny, tell me this would for be considered a republican today? No , would Coolidge be considered a dem i doubt it.

There are cyclical shifts and realignments I'm not denying that but the way that narrative is used seems a bit dishonest to me.
No not really, don't really practice anything but I do think I believe in God but that's the extent of it.

Again I'm not denying there has been shifts bu a lot of the narrative falls apart under scrutiny, tell me this would for be considered a republican today? No , would Coolidge be considered a dem i doubt it.

There are cyclical shifts and realignments I'm not denying that but the way that narrative is used seems a bit dishonest to me.
The part switch is not a perfect circle in a circle, more like an oval in a circle. Lincoln would peg out as a conservative democrat to me.

Just looking at voting patterns, especially in the South, & it is evident that the parties have indeed switched.
Relegion shouldn't have anything to do with it, in fact if you are anti-abortion because of relegiin then you are also against freedom of relegion.
Religion has almost everything to do with the pro-choice movement in the states. Denying that is like stating the Middle East issues aren’t borne out of religion.
If my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.

Have a good day sir.

Thank you for proving my point, phoney intellectual with nothing more than a tissue-thin argument that doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

Have a good night sir, I hope to god you don’t manage to convince anyone to drink the snake oil you’re offering.
The part switch is not a perfect circle in a circle, more like an oval in a circle. Lincoln would peg out as a conservative democrat to me.

Just looking at voting patterns, especially in the South, & it is evident that the parties have indeed switched.
I could raise you Midwest, like my ancestral state of Kansas were it always has been kinda republican and has stayed that way, like most other frontier states, also there have been some ancestoral republican counties in the south and they to for the most part have remained the same like fannin County in Georgia.

I get what you mean, and again not denying that there has been shifts and you could also make the case for Lincoln being progressive in how he saw the role if government (even though he was considered to be of the moderate faction of the party)but to suggest he would be anything like your average progressive soc dem would be massively dishonest.

But that's another subject not pertinent to this discussion.
(One more thing, the coalitions have not differed that much either for example while state of New York was moderately republican in the olden times the city itself was still a Democrat stronghold, its just that the numbers Democrat take in the cities have become to large to over come , look it up the city cost grant the state of New York in 1868 for example , the great civil war hero!)
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I, as a man, feel utterly out of my depth when discussion abortion rights and also feel that it really isn't my place to dictate any view either way. I also feel quite strongly that religion and politics shouldn't mix and this tends to be a moral/religious led debate.
I could raise you Midwest, like my ancestral state of Kansas were it always has been kinda republican and has stayed that way, like most other frontier states, also there have been some ancestoral republican counties in the south and they to for the most part have remained the same like fannin County in Georgia.

I get what you mean, and again not denying that there has been shifts and you could also make the case for Lincoln being progressive in how he saw the role if government (even though he was considered to be of the moderate faction of the party)but to suggest he would be anything like your average progressive soc dem would be massively dishonest.

But that's another subject not pertinent to this discussion.
(One more thing, the coalitions have not differed that much either for example while state of New York was moderately republican in the olden times the city itself was still a Democrat stronghold, its just that the numbers Democrat take in the cities have become to large to over come , look it up the city cost grant the state of New York in 1868 for example , the great civil war hero!)
Fair enough. Appreciate the tête-à-tête even if it was a slight derailment.
Kansas was quite the stronghold for socialism before WW1.
Yeah there was a whole populist movement over here, has an interesting history.
We were one of the first states to give the woman the right to vote as well I think ,and well being at the forefront of civil war and all , anyway I'm getting a bit off rails but it's been a rather noble state I think.
Wibble i don't want go stretch this discussion any longer so this will be my last post arguing about it but I don't find your argument about man not being able to have their opinions on the matter very compelling, first of it it reminds me a lot about the arguments against female suffrage( how could woman involve themselves in manly things such as war and politics hur dur , you get my point).
Secondly you set a precedent that only works if you're already pro choice(a woman's body her choice) something which is simply refuted by the opposing side(the woman can't take the choice to terminate the life of the unborn as his/her right to live trumps the mothers right to choose)

War and politics are a male thing? Really? These uppity women will want the vote next.

I'm pro-choice on all things until it infringes on someone else's rights to an unreasonable degree.

The thing is that to be "pro-life" is an inherently religious viewpoint that are (or a proxy for) totally (legally) irrelevant arguments about ensoulment. The semantic arguments about when conception occurs are really only relevant to pro life arguments against abortion as scientifically we know exactly what is going on. So this should be totally and utterly irrelevant in a secular society. If you are religious and object to abortion don't have one (or more likely end up going to a nearby country where it is is legal to get one when it becomes your own actual problem - hello Ireland).

A far better discussion is about personhood as it removes the religious/supernatural aspect. Unless you are religious and think that when the sperm and egg form is the beginning of life/personhood the debate usually revolves around development stages (woolly), viability (now almost useless due to modern medicine), brain function (again useless as even born babies aren't mentally developed enough to really be people on this basis) or birth (with obvious ethical issues attached). Logically birth is the point where a foetus/baby becomes a separate actual person but I doubt anyone would argue for abortion until 9 months minus 1 day. In practice we assume that a foetus gradually becomes a person during the 9 months of development. We then rather arbitrarily choose a point where the foetus is theoretically sufficiently a person as to be assigned rights equal to that of the woman who is gestating it. After that point abortion is prohibited. This is just a compromise with little firm basis that women accept as it is better than the alternatives of no abortion in our paternalistic societies. Until we can get a better set of criteria it is probably the best we can hope for. However, pro-life fanatics aren't even happy with this as to them it is a religious crusade.

Finally the statistics show that there really isn't a meaningful difference among man and woman regarding attitudes toward abortion (in fact the first poll i found on the subject on pew shows it to be pretty even in those regards).

The statistics are almost exclusively from a hugely religious country like the US. Firstly stats are irrelevant to the argument as most of the same people believe in things like angels. That is no rational way to make law. Secondly it doesn't matter if women in the US are only slightly more pro-choice for the same reason. Women can hold sexist views especially when driven by their religion. No more unlikely that a former black panther turned preacher now being for Black Lives Matters but anti-gay and anti-LGBTI

There are many compelling arguments in favor of abortion that I a fervent anti abortionist can acknowledge, this isn't one its counterproductive and simply leads to more toxicity by trying to gather guard the subject.

That's all.

There are? That never made any sense to me. Life (from the point in time determined by your particular religious viewpoint) is surely sacred or it isn't no matter what? If not why do you get to choose what is a good justification for a woman to get an abortion? Unless rape, incest or something else seems deeply muddle minded.

The one that makes the least sense is "to save the woman's life" thus acknowledging that a human woman has more rights that any foetus she may be carrying.

The only justification required for an abortion should be "because I don't want my pregnancy to continue". End of story. Religion should never ever inform law. It should only ever even be mentioned in law as another category that is is illegal to discriminate against someone on.
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Wibble i don't want go stretch this discussion any longer so this will be my last post arguing about it but I don't find your argument about man not being able to have their opinions on the matter very compelling, first of it it reminds me a lot about the arguments against female suffrage( how could woman involve themselves in manly things such as war and politics hur dur , you get my point).
Secondly you set a precedent that only works if you're already pro choice(a woman's body her choice) something which is simply refuted by the opposing side(the woman can't take the choice to terminate the life of the unborn as his/her right to live trumps the mothers right to choose)

Finally the statistics show that there really isn't a meaningful difference among man and woman regarding attitudes toward abortion (in fact the first poll i found on the subject on pew shows it to be pretty even in those regards).

There are many compelling arguments in favor of abortion that I a fervent anti abortionist can acknowledge, this isn't one its counterproductive and simply leads to more toxicity by trying to gather guard the subject.

That's all.
What if I choose to remove my womb and not carry any children? Which man can tell me I can't do that? I'm choosing to remove my option to reproduce and it can be as drastic as that or have an abortion. I don't think anyone should decide what anyone does with their bodies but that person. That fetus is part of my body. It's not a part of your body or anyone else's. The bottom line is it's MY body. I have my personal views on abortion but every woman should have the right to choose what they want to do with anything that directly affects THEIR life and THEIR body.
What if I choose to remove my womb and not carry any children? Which man can tell me I can't do that? I'm choosing to remove my option to reproduce and it can be as drastic as that or have an abortion. I don't think anyone should decide what anyone does with their bodies but that person. That fetus is part of my body. It's not a part of your body or anyone else's. The bottom line is it's MY body. I have my personal views on abortion but every woman should have the right to choose what they want to do with anything that directly affects THEIR life and THEIR body.
We’ll said. For the vast majority of anti choice proponents this is about control, not life. Never has been.
What if I choose to remove my womb and not carry any children? Which man can tell me I can't do that? I'm choosing to remove my option to reproduce and it can be as drastic as that or have an abortion. I don't think anyone should decide what anyone does with their bodies but that person. That fetus is part of my body. It's not a part of your body or anyone else's. The bottom line is it's MY body. I have my personal views on abortion but every woman should have the right to choose what they want to do with anything that directly affects THEIR life and THEIR body.

Well said.

Republicans are pro life when it comes to abortions and anti life when it comes to gun control?
Well said.

Republicans are pro life when it comes to abortions and anti life when it comes to gun control?
And healthcare
And the environment
And basic human rights
And police brutality
And education
And ending poverty

the dems aren’t much better in most of these but the glee with which the GOP dehumanizes people is on a whole different level.
And healthcare
And the environment
And basic human rights
And police brutality
And education
And ending poverty

the dems aren’t much better in most of these but the glee with which the GOP dehumanizes people is on a whole different level.

Sounds like the Conservative Party in the UK.
Stuck in the middle ages, pandering to people who were probably born in the middle ages.
What if I choose to remove my womb and not carry any children? Which man can tell me I can't do that? I'm choosing to remove my option to reproduce and it can be as drastic as that or have an abortion. I don't think anyone should decide what anyone does with their bodies but that person. That fetus is part of my body. It's not a part of your body or anyone else's. The bottom line is it's MY body. I have my personal views on abortion but every woman should have the right to choose what they want to do with anything that directly affects THEIR life and THEIR body.

Well said. Imagine the outrage if the law could force you to get an abortion? Every part of the religious right would be screaming about women's freedom.

If you object to abortion then don't have one but don't inflict your views on others.
America really is slipping further and further backwards. Sadly it appears to just be fracturing more and more quickly in recent times.
There has been certain shifts in a aspects of each political party and I'm well aware of the party change narrative of the 60s but it doesn't really add up.

Also if you somehow transported Lincoln to the current time he would be considered far right, anyone from that era would.

Lincoln was at least a progressive for his time. No Republican today can claim to be the same and very few Democrats can claim to be the same either.

Back on topic, why do you care so much about human frog spawn? Cells without a brain, emotion or any feeling of pleasure or pain. There isn't even a heart beat until about 6 weeks, the brain develops far later

And what about quality of life? Most of these unwanted children will be born into poverty with mothers who can't cope with little means to give there child a reasonable chance in life.
We’ll said. For the vast majority of anti choice proponents this is about control, not life. Never has been.

I'm not sure this is fair. For some perhaps. But there is a more reasonable discussion to be had about when the feutus can suffer pain or be capable of brain function. Taking away myths about a feutus that can't have either of those functions is important to winning an argument.
I'm not sure this is fair. For some perhaps. But there is a more reasonable discussion to be had about when the feutus can suffer pain or be capable of brain function. Taking away myths about a feutus that can't have either of those functions is important to winning an argument.

Fair enough, but my statement was targeted at the leaders, especially political, of the anti choice movement, not necessarily at everyone who is against abortion.
I'm not sure this is fair. For some perhaps. But there is a more reasonable discussion to be had about when the feutus can suffer pain or be capable of brain function. Taking away myths about a feutus that can't have either of those functions is important to winning an argument.

Who thinks that a foetus can't feel pain at some point or doesn't have a developing brain? Although you are probably talking about how these things develop in terms of an attempt to judge when abortions should be allowed.

Funnily enough the two things are directly connected as pain is in the brain. First you need pain receptors in the skin which develop from 7.5 to 15 weeks, then the neurons in the spinal column need to develop at about 19 weeks, then then need to extend to the part of the brain that can feel pain which takes until weeks 23/24 and finally for a foetus to feel pain the brain needs to be sufficiently developed as to be "awake" which occurs at about 30 weeks. Even then it is doubtful it is developed sufficiently so as to feel pain how an adult, or even a newborn, does.
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