Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Full Member
Jul 4, 2017
Skopje, Macedonia
Because ETH wants him but I think we should tell Barca to pay the wages or walk away. This whole situation is embarrassing.
I think ETH is digging his own grave in this transfer saga, and if we end up not signing him with the season underway and no CDM/CM reinforcement he will pay the price by Christmas.


Full Member
Nov 27, 2020
It sounds like he isn't owed any money legally but if barca want him gone they will need to come to some sort of compromise
He's owed the money if he stays, and he's not obliged to leave the club. If Barca want him to leave so they don't have to pay him they have to make it worth his while. They don't legally have to offer that, but pragmatically they have to, because otherwise they are legally obliged to pay the remainder of his contract and dont get whatever we would pay them. They've tried screwing him over and expect him to cut his losses, or expect us to take their financial liability off their books.


New Member
Sep 29, 2018
You'd think so. But Lewandowski basically threw Bayern under the bus to go there, Raphinha had only eyes for them when Chelsea were interested, it looks like Koundé is also disregarding Chelsea in the hope that Barca might actually be able to pay him something and Bernardo Silva is (allegedly) looking to leave the best team in the world, playing in the best league in the world, to earn substantially less money (factoring in the under the table payments from oil clubs) if any at all at Barca.

I think that's what is most infuriating about this saga is that players would still sell their souls to go there in spite of the fact that they routinely stab loyal players in the back, are a mess behind the scenes, have a rookie coach, are struggling to register them, may not be able to pay them the wages they agree with them and have not looked like a threat in the CL for many many years now. Their reputation does not suffer from the stuff that would tank any other club (except Real) and it irritates me.
I would choose Barcelona over Chelsea/United/City any day of the week and I wouldn't give a flying feck about their prestige or the EPL being "the strongest" league on the planet. That's how much of a difference living in Barcelona/Madrid makes, as opposed to living in the UK where the food is very meh, the weather is fecking meh and, let's be honest, the people, especially the new generation, are extremely meh.

In regards to underhand payments, I'm going on a limb here and I'm saying that most big clubs do it. If City do it and they aren't caught, the others are likely to do it as well.

A few years back I had a choice between Barcelona and Frankfurt for a job. I went to Spain without thinking a second about it. Then I had the same choice, stay in Spain for an extra year, or go to Frankfurt/Manchester. Again the choice was very very easy, even if the pay would have been bigger in the other two cities.

Moving on, I very much agree that Madrid/Barca can do this kind of shit in public to players and still retain their attractiveness for players. I think it's mostly Spain actually, especially for Latin players like Raphina, Bernardo, etc. It's sickening, but it is what it is.


New Member
Mar 21, 2021
I am not sure what I want more now, for FDJ to join us, or for him to stay and feck up Barca. I think both would be equally as satisfying.


scored 25-30 goals a season as a right footed RW
Feb 7, 2005
I’m very confused. I read a tweet this morning where Laporta said that they hadn’t accepted a bid for FdJ?
Jun 26, 2014
Behind the right goal post as "Whiteside shoots!"
I would choose Barcelona over Chelsea/United/City any day of the week and I wouldn't give a flying feck about their prestige or the EPL being "the strongest" league on the planet. That's how much of a difference living in Barcelona/Madrid makes, as opposed to living in the UK where the food is very meh, the weather is fecking meh and, let's be honest, the people, especially the new generation, are extremely meh.

In regards to underhand payments, I'm going on a limb here and I'm saying that most big clubs do it. If City do it and they aren't caught, the others are likely to do it as well.

A few years back I had a choice between Barcelona and Frankfurt for a job. I went to Spain without thinking a second about it. Then I had the same choice, stay in Spain for an extra year, or go to Frankfurt/Manchester. Again the choice was very very easy, even if the pay would have been bigger in the other two cities.

Moving on, I very much agree that Madrid/Barca can do this kind of shit in public to players and still retain their attractiveness for players. I think it's mostly Spain actually, especially for Latin players like Raphina, Bernardo, etc. It's sickening, but it is what it is.
They don’t go to Greggs.

London (and Manchester for that matter) have amazing restaurants/chefs/variety


Full Member
Sep 1, 2015
Just when you think you’ve heard it all in transfer sagas.

This is absolutely ridiculous you have a potentially world class CM who has been told by his current employer that he needed to renegotiate his contract to defer salary payments which has resulted in his employer trying to force him to now either renew again on reduced terms to lose those payments whilst being offered a role as a CB now or leave the club and lose those payments.

If I was De Jong id be absolutely livid with Barcelona and would want nothing to do with them. Absolutely shocking treatment and it’s disgusting that they’re doing all this with the backdrop of huge signings for big fees as an added salt in the wound.


Also at the point where De Jong needs to make his mind up waste your career at CB at a club that has treated you like a fool or waste your career at United winning nothing but playing CM for a manager who loves you.

Let’s see how many we catch with that last line


formerly MrEriksen
Feb 23, 2011
Not long until all these stars will want to play for Rosenborg, Molde, Brann or Viking to escape the sunny spain.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Sep 19, 2016
I would choose Barcelona over Chelsea/United/City any day of the week and I wouldn't give a flying feck about their prestige or the EPL being "the strongest" league on the planet. That's how much of a difference living in Barcelona/Madrid makes, as opposed to living in the UK where the food is very meh, the weather is fecking meh and, let's be honest, the people, especially the new generation, are extremely meh.

In regards to underhand payments, I'm going on a limb here and I'm saying that most big clubs do it. If City do it and they aren't caught, the others are likely to do it as well.

A few years back I had a choice between Barcelona and Frankfurt for a job. I went to Spain without thinking a second about it. Then I had the same choice, stay in Spain for an extra year, or go to Frankfurt/Manchester. Again the choice was very very easy, even if the pay would have been bigger in the other two cities.

Moving on, I very much agree that Madrid/Barca can do this kind of shit in public to players and still retain their attractiveness for players. I think it's mostly Spain actually, especially for Latin players like Raphina, Bernardo, etc. It's sickening, but it is what it is.
I lived for Barcelona in 4 years and would choose living in the UK over there anytime. You can't generalize just based on your own personal experience. Also, trying to draw conclusions on how multi millionaires would live versus how us 'normal' people live is also a futile exercise.


New Member
May 24, 2022
I think ETH is digging his own grave in this transfer saga, and if we end up not signing him with the season underway and no CDM/CM reinforcement he will pay the price by Christmas.
Bloody hell.
Talk about being dramatic. ten Hag wants FDJ. He's also said he would take an alternative but he has to be the right player.
We've went down the route of buying a player to fill a gap, it doesn't work and it never will.


New Member
Nov 25, 2013
Let him carry the water bottles and be played all over the pitch in meaningless games since that's what he prefers


Eats diamonds to beat thermodynamics
Sep 30, 2012
I think ETH is digging his own grave in this transfer saga, and if we end up not signing him with the season underway and no CDM/CM reinforcement he will pay the price by Christmas.
He's taking a fairly big risk to be sure and it could end up making a big mess of the season. If it does, I will still back him because he is the right manager for the long term and the FdJ saga is just a 'nice to have' short cut.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2014
Fellaini's barbershop
Pretty stupid Barcelona made a CB from De Jong. They know we are looking for a midfielder. Guess the deal will be off from our side.


Full Member
Jul 4, 2017
Skopje, Macedonia
We signed Eriksen already

Wait and see
Yes but Eriksen won’t help much for our CDM issue.
What is so funny? 2 of our latest permanent managers got sacked mid season.
Bloody hell.
Talk about being dramatic. ten Hag wants FDJ. He's also said he would take an alternative but he has to be the right player.
We've went down the route of buying a player to fill a gap, it doesn't work and it never will.
Nothing dramatic pal, the season starts in less than 2 weeks and we have reinforced in what most pressing area? I understand he wants FDJ but at what price? I don’t understand that last line? Isn’t every potential incoming transfer for filling a gap?


Predicted Portugal, Italy to win Euro 2016, 2020
Mar 30, 2016
Yes but Eriksen won’t help much for our CDM issue.

What is so funny? 2 of our latest permanent managers got sacked mid season.

Nothing dramatic pal, the season starts in less than 2 weeks and we have reinforced in what most pressing area? I understand he wants FDJ but at what price? I don’t understand that last line? Isn’t every potential incoming transfer for filling a gap?
The laugh was necessary from the other poster and you are being dramatic
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