US Politics

I'm not sure if this goes here, but this made my day. I would have gone to law school if this is what I could have done for a living.


Gas prices are rising again too. A percent of the vote is the difference between the Dems and GOP taking the House. and gas prices and employment are decisive for swing voters...


This epitomizes the problems with the Democrat party. It shows the power of the Democrat party machines (the same machines that keep rotten people like Feinstein in office far past their expiration date) and it gives the GOP endless ammunition in their campaign to paint the liberals as the racists. This absolutely has to end the political careers of all the city council members and the labor fed president in that room. Beyond that, it really needs to instigate a lot of soul searching among the establishment Dems on how they do business. Candidates like Nithya Raman and Mike Bonin are the ones that really need to be getting support and given the freedom to run for higher offices (they are perfect examples of those "better candidates" than Feinstein who have clearly been victimized by the machine run by racist Democrats). Instead of letting these corrupt machines set policy, the Democrats need to really do some soul-searching and actually let the voters decide without their manipulations and in this case, bigotry. I haven't checked but I guarantee right-wing social media has been all over this as proof that its the Dems that are racist.

This epitomizes the problems with the Democrat party. It shows the power of the Democrat party machines (the same machines that keep rotten people like Feinstein in office far past their expiration date) and it gives the GOP endless ammunition in their campaign to paint the liberals as the racists. This absolutely has to end the political careers of all the city council members and the labor fed president in that room. Beyond that, it really needs to instigate a lot of soul searching among the establishment Dems on how they do business. Candidates like Nithya Raman and Mike Bonin are the ones that really need to be getting support and given the freedom to run for higher offices (they are perfect examples of those "better candidates" than Feinstein who have clearly been victimized by the machine run by racist Democrats). Instead of letting these corrupt machines set policy, the Democrats need to really do some soul-searching and actually let the voters decide without their manipulations and in this case, bigotry. I haven't checked but I guarantee right-wing social media has been all over this as proof that its the Dems that are racist.

I agree. Both parties have major issues in this regard. The Dems often don't get scrutinized enough. Would be great to see a viable third party at some point.
From The Guardian:

We’re awaiting an announcement from attorney general Merrick Garland about a “significant national security matter” that could involve another country. He’s set to speak alongside FBI director Christopher Wray at a press conference beginning at 1:30 pm eastern time.
From The Guardian:

We’re awaiting an announcement from attorney general Merrick Garland about a “significant national security matter” that could involve another country. He’s set to speak alongside FBI director Christopher Wray at a press conference beginning at 1:30 pm eastern time.
1:30pm eastern time is 16 minutes ago is it not?