FA slams United over 'Battle of the Bridge'


Sep 12, 2004
Chelsea FC
Since it concerns both clubs I thought it was appropriate to post it here.


Manchester United coaches, including Mike Phelan, have been accused of providing inconsistent, unreliable and misleading evidence to the disciplinary commission that investigated the “Battle of the Bridge”, when Patrice Evra clashed with Chelsea groundstaff.

The FA has posted the commission’s full findings on its website in the interests of greater transparency in the disciplinary process, but this break from convention is bound to provoke a furious reaction from Sir Alex Ferguson, particularly when he reads the scathing criticism of his players’ behaviour and the doubts about the credibility of his coaching staff.

Ferguson claimed to have been shocked by the four-match ban given to Evra but the report by the four-man panel, which included David Pleat, the former Tottenham Hotspur manager, makes it very clear that the France full back was entirely to blame for provoking the 30-man mêlée.

And even more damagingly for United, the report is strongly critical of the reliability of evidence provided by United, particularly Phelan, the first-team coach, who claimed that Evra was called “a f***ing immigrant” by Sam Bethell, one of the Chelsea groundstaff. Phelan managed to contradict himself — and Richard Hartis, the United goalkeeping coach — in his two statements to the commission.

“The racist remark is placed at significantly different points in time in the two statements,” the report reads. “The inconsistencies in Mr Phelan’s evidence about the sequence of events are not just the normal expected uncertainty about detail. They cast serious doubt on the reliability of their overall evidence.”

Chelsea were furious that United sources leaked allegations of racism against Bethell, believing that United did so to draw attention from their own bad behaviour. Ferguson and his men were angry at losing the game 2-1, with Rio Ferdinand accidentally knocking into a female steward as he stormed up the Stamford Bridge tunnel. “A number of United players were in a rather wound-up state,” the report found. No United players, not even Evra, testified that they heard the racist remark and Bethell had insisted that he had used the word “idiot” rather than immigrant.

“If Mr Phelan and Mr Hartis are right in their recollection, then it is in the first place surprising that Mr Evra himself did not hear the remark,” the report continues. “It is notable that there were several other people far nearer to Mr Bethell at the critical point in time than were either Mr Phelan or Mr Hartis. Nobody else has come forward with an allegation of any such remark.”

In terms of the initial provocation, the commission found that the United players “were at least as responsible as Chelsea groundstaff. Gary Neville in particular was behaving in an abusive and provocative manner.”

United players were warming down by running around the pitch as Chelsea staff attempted to repair the grass. As the argument erupted, Evra “unnecessarily and gratuitously” banged into Jason Griffin, Chelsea’s head groundsman, who was holding a fork. When the defender told Griffin to drop the implement, the groundsman replied: “I’ll shove the f***ing fork up your a***.” The commission found Griffin a “frank, calm and sensible” witness in contrast to Tony Strudwick, the United fitness coach, who is accused of giving a “misleading” impression and being aggressive even as he gave evidence regarding events of April 26.

The report’s criticism explains why, despite Ferguson’s outrage at the four-match ban and £15,000 fine for Evra, the club decided not to appeal. Evra was found guilty of four charges of improper conduct, including striking Bethell on the side of the head, which the player still denies.

The four-man panel was made up of Pleat, Barry Bright, chairman of the FA’s disciplinary committee, Roy Carter, from the West Riding FA, with Nicholas Stewart, QC, as chairman.

Ferguson was not impressed that the FA called it an “independent” commission. “I wouldn’t know what they were thinking if I were sitting at the breakfast table with them,” Ferguson said. He knows now.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
1) The disproportionate nature of the punishment meted out is a joke. Drogba got a game less for a far worse crime. Chris Morgan got no extension to his ban after a life threatening act of thuggery.

2) Does anyone really believe (FA and Chelsea included) that Evra would simply pick a fight with an onlooking groundsman? Unprovoked? Behave! Something has been said to Evra.

feck it. On reflection, he is missing nothing too taxing, and he can release all his frustration in putting in a class performance against non other than Chelsea on his return to action.


most 'know it all' poster
Oct 26, 2005

Got to say both Evra and Welbeck look well pissed off. There has to have been some sort of provocation but from what I've read not much came about and it was handbags at best.


Don't Just Fly…Soar!
Jan 6, 2008
Thucydides nuts

Got to say both Evra and Welbeck look well pissed off. There has to have been some sort of provocation but from what I've read not much came about and it was handbags at best.
and the black security guard. and Park. Scholes and neville not fussed. :smirk: interesting

edit: and Tevez.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Three black players running at a white steward with a mixed race security guard in between. What a picture.
The one in a yellow thing on him is not exactly a player. :smirk:

Welbeck isn't an immigrant, is he? Or is 'immigrant' a word people generally use while speaking in a racist way?


Full Member
May 25, 2004
Beyond Good & Evil
The problem is that the FA have not described the incident in any of their releases They have not given us a sequence of events.

They have not told us what the groundstaff and stewards did - merely some things that they were unable to establish that they did (or were sceptical about them doing). In contrast they have listed everything they can think of to cast Evra (and Utd to some extent) in a bad light - by describing only his actions, and not those of his opponent, they make Evra look the aggressor.

Feed Me

I'm hungry
Apr 8, 2004
Midlands, UK
Seeing as it was outside of game time, what the feck has it to do with the feckwits Association anyway?

If a player had a ruck with a grounds keeper in training, nothing would have come of it. Could it be, that had we not complained about the alleged racism, then this would have never snowballed.

I can't believe that we would be so small time as to falsely accuse a groundsman of racism. If we were going to make some false allegations, surely it would be more expedient to our cause to say it about a Chelsea player? This leads me to think that something awry was definetly said.


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
So on the one hand there are "doubts" about the groundsman making the alleged remark, because Phelan couldn't decide when it was, and therefore Phelan is a liar.

But then also, the groundsman admits to making the remark, but claims he said "idiot" instead of immigrant.

If you're going to act like a bunch of fecking children, and accuse someone of contradicting themselves, it's probably best not to completely contradict yourselves in the process.

Jason Griffin, Chelsea’s head groundsman, who was holding a fork. When the defender told Griffin to drop the implement, the groundsman replied: “I’ll shove the f***ing fork up your a***.” The commission found Griffin a “frank, calm and sensible” witness

How is it a bunch of people in the employment of the FA can be classed as either suitable or independant judges?


Full Member
Nov 21, 2006
david pleat was part of the independent panel that says it all really


I'd find it flattering if someone hard rubbed agai
Dec 12, 2004
Pity poor Chelsea

Sir Alex will use this to his advantage though. Sure he doesn't mind the FA swanning around us with their cocks out, always maintain the siege mentality


Full Member
May 23, 2008
Attacking Midfield
At least we know for future:

Evidence from United = unreliable and inaccurate.

Evidence from others = truthful and well presented.


Full Member
May 25, 2004
Beyond Good & Evil
...it contains sections as yet uncovered in the press highlights such as

It is also clear to us that from this point Mr Bethell’s attitude and language, particularly towards Mr Evra, were extremely aggressive. In the well understood phrase, Mr Bethell “lost it”. So did Mr Evra. The effect was that they provoked each other.

The earlier released statements only contained descriptions of Evra's actions and charges against him.

Of course, despite attempting to charge Bethell with misconduct they were unable to do so since 'Mr Bethell’s contract of employment with Chelsea did not contain anything which subjected him to The FA’s disciplinary jurisdiction and he did not agree to accept its exercise over him.' Very convenient for Chelsea and himself that.

In the first 'altercation' with Bethell mention is made of a scuffle - the only element described is a possible blow by Evra to Bethell - no other details apart from disputed verbals - I find this odd. In the second confrontation Bethell attempts to punch Evra - odd how little that has been reported. Inappropriate Chelsea behaviour, of which there was a considerable amount, has been entirely excised from the journalistic precis.

Looking at the report in total, it seems clear that the Chelsea contingent got an agreed story pretty straight between them prior to making any statements and the commision therefore used this as evidence to side primarily with them in just about every instance of disputed reporting.

green demon

Caf Nostradamous 2008
Sep 21, 2003
Near to nowhere, in the suburbs of Amnesia.
It seems as if the onus is not to retaliate. If you provoke, you're OK in the eyes of the FA but if you retaliate they will screw you.

It reminds me of when Mascherano grabbed hold of Aliadiere in the face, he retaliated by slapping him and was sent off. Boro appealed and had the three match ban raised to four and Mascherano got nothing.

The same with McManamanamanaman when he pushed his forehead into Neville's. Neville was rightly sent off and Muppet didn't even get booked.


"It's like..."
Apr 1, 2004
The thing is, it's taken them over half a year to get this put together. That's six months to investigate, iron out the details, and come to a decent conclusion. Not too much to ask even for a bunch of incompetent loons.

and yet, they've managed to prove a charge without supplying any evidence, accused someone of providing unreliable evidence, even though other witnesses (from both sides) have actually testified to the same evidence (er...), and, bizarrely, have "failed to prove" a charge of racist abuse, despite admitting they had no duristiction to be investigating it in the first place. AND then they're stupid enough to publish these findings to the world.

This is what I was on about the other week.

Can't understand why we didn't appeal, except that the ban happens to be at a convenient time for us (also suspicious).


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
I think it's madness. These chelsea people shouldn't even have been in and around our players - period. They have no right to mess with our players as they wind down.

It's the fa who should be slammed. It's simple. You tell any fecking club - let the opponants players finish up and then do your shit. If you interfere then you'll get fined..



Sep 27, 2004
Chelsea may have won the battle - no doubts about who won the war.

Bearded but no genius

Full Member
Jul 1, 2004
Chelsea staff are to be trusted because they are black.

Manchester United players are not to be trusted because they are black.


New Member
Jan 16, 2006
go to hell FA, what a loads of rubbish remarks against us.


Sep 12, 2004
Chelsea FC
Don't know what's more pathetic: your club's actions during and after the incident or that there's nobody here who has enough decency to admit that MU players and staff were obviously in the wrong. I think it's all pretty clear, unless you're wearing heavily tinted red glasses while reading the report or possibly, if you're retarded.

I can imagine the reaction if it was the other way around : switch Chelsea for United, Stamford Bridge for Old Trafford, Evra for one of CFC players, etc etc. Doubt anyone here would question the commission had the outcome been favorable for MU.

United players carry the lion's share of the blame for what happened, and on top of it the coaching staff blatantly lied in an attempt to cover up their players' behavior and shift the blame onto Chelsea, while falsely accusing the groundsman of racism in the process, which makes the whole thing even more despicable.

But of course,that was just another conspiracy by the FA against the ever suffering Manchester United. In fact, any time your players get in trouble, which seems to happen quite often nowadays, it's always somebody else's fault.


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
The only question remaining is, what did Roman threaten the FA with to make them come to this decision?


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
Don't know what's more pathetic: your club's actions during and after the incident or that there's nobody here who has enough decency to admit that MU players and staff were obviously in the wrong. I think it's all pretty clear, unless you're wearing heavily tinted red glasses while reading the report or possibly, if you're retarded.

I can imagine the reaction if it was the other way around : switch Chelsea for United, Stamford Bridge for Old Trafford, Evra for one of CFC players, etc etc. Doubt anyone here would question the commission had the outcome been favorable for MU.

United players carry the lion's share of the blame for what happened, and on top of it the coaching staff blatantly lied in an attempt to cover up their players' behavior and shift the blame onto Chelsea, while falsely accusing the groundsman of racism in the process, which makes the whole thing even more despicable.

But of course,that was just another conspiracy by the FA against the ever suffering Manchester United. In fact, any time your players get in trouble, which seems to happen quite often nowadays, it's always somebody else's fault.
why don't you piss off?


90% of teams play better football than us
Jan 16, 2006
Glazers Out
United players carry the lion's share of the blame for what happened, and on top of it the coaching staff blatantly lied in an attempt to cover up their players' behavior and shift the blame onto Chelsea, while falsely accusing the groundsman of racism in the process, which makes the whole thing even more despicable.

Bearded but no genius

Full Member
Jul 1, 2004
Don't know what's more pathetic: your club's actions during and after the incident or that there's nobody here who has enough decency to admit that MU players and staff were obviously in the wrong. I think it's all pretty clear, unless you're wearing heavily tinted red glasses while reading the report or possibly, if you're retarded.

I can imagine the reaction if it was the other way around : switch Chelsea for United, Stamford Bridge for Old Trafford, Evra for one of CFC players, etc etc. Doubt anyone here would question the commission had the outcome been favorable for MU.

United players carry the lion's share of the blame for what happened, and on top of it the coaching staff blatantly lied in an attempt to cover up their players' behavior and shift the blame onto Chelsea, while falsely accusing the groundsman of racism in the process, which makes the whole thing even more despicable.

But of course,that was just another conspiracy by the FA against the ever suffering Manchester United. In fact, any time your players get in trouble, which seems to happen quite often nowadays, it's always somebody else's fault.
That Double really fundamentally traumatized you, didn't it?

This and your 'United Owe Chelsea Obi Mikel Money' rants should go in the Classics.

Not too late to abandon your club though - you've done it four times before.