US Presidential Election: Tuesday November 6th, 2012

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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Trump is insane.

Donald Trump's Solution on Gas Prices: Get Tough With Saudi Arabia; Seize Oil Fields in Libya and Iraq? - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line

I had a feisty 35 minute sit-down with Donald Trump today in which he dug in on the "birther" controversy, answered Club for Growth’s charge that he is a “liberal,” talked about a possible independent run and answered your questions.

But we began with his get tough approach on gas prices:

Trump: Look at what’s going on with your gasoline prices. They’re going to go to $5, $6, $7 and we don’t have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says, "Fellas, it’s time. It’s over. You’re not going to do it anymore." I don’t know if you saw yesterday, Saudi Arabia came out and said very strongly there’s plenty of oil. "We’re going to cut back." You know what cutting back means? They’re going to drive up the price even further.

Stephanopoulos: So, what would you do to back up that threat?

Trump: Oh, it’s so easy George. It’s so easy. It’s all about the messenger. They wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for us. If it weren’t for us, they wouldn’t be there. These 12 guys sit around a table and they say, "Let’s just screw the United States." And frankly, the rest of the world.

Stephanopoulos: And so finish this sentence. "If you don’t produce more oil…"

Trump: Look. I’m going to look ‘em in the eye and say, "Fellas, you’ve had your fun. Your fun is over."

Stephanopoulos: So, you would threaten to take away that [security] protection?

Trump: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Let’s-- let me tell you something. Oil prices might go down. Because there’s plenty of oil, all over the world. Ships at sea. They don’t know where to dump it. I saw a report yesterday. There’s so much oil, all over the world, they don’t know where to dump it. And Saudi Arabia says, "Oh, there’s too much oil." They-- they came back yesterday. Did you see the report? They want to reduce oil production. Do you think they’re our friends? They’re not our friends.

And Trump was even more specific on what he would do with the Iraq oil fields: seize them.

Trump: George, let me explain something to you. We go into Iraq. We have spent thus far, $1.5 trillion. We could have rebuilt half of the United States. $1.5 trillion. And we’re going to then leave. So, in the old days, you know when you had a war, to the victor belong the spoils. You go in. You win the war and you take it.

Stephanopoulos: It would take hundreds of thousands of troops to secure the oil fields.

Trump: Excuse me. No, it wouldn’t at all.

Stephanopoulos: So, we steal an oil field?

Trump: Excuse me. You’re not stealing. Excuse me. You’re not stealing anything. You’re taking-- we’re reimbursing ourselves-- at least, at a minimum, and I say more. We’re taking back $1.5 trillion to reimburse ourselves.
You know that whole "they're just there for the oil" thing? He would literally make it about that. I'm sure that would do wonders for the ailing American reputation in the world. Invade, cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and then take their resources. Brilliant.

Does Donald Trump think this is 1811 instead of 2011?

Apparently he's the favoured Republican candidate in the polls now? I can't imagine he'd actually win, but if he actually did... that would surely be orders of magnitude worse than even Bush Jr. If given the chance, he would undoubtedly bring the US down.


There is non worthy of worship except God
Jul 7, 2006

I can't believe he actually said that. I mean, fecking hell. There's not a chance this man is serious, it has to be a wind up. He's effectively advocating another war with Iraq.

I half expect him to release proposals for an invasion of China, in the coming days, as a way of solving the debt crisis.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
I think I agree with you, he is a huge attention seeker though an egomaniac as well so thought he was up for it. Now he must be on a massive WUM, surely?

Red Dreams

Full Member
Aug 16, 2003
Across the Universe....from Old Trafford.

I can't believe he actually said that. I mean, fecking hell. There's not a chance this man is serious, it has to be a wind up. He's effectively advocating another war with Iraq.

I half expect him to release proposals for an invasion of China, in the coming days, as a way of solving the debt crisis.
there are enough rednecks who will vote for him for saying that though.


Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
Looking at the polling numbers at present, Trump's numbers are very serious indeed, if he actually declares he could turn the race for the republican nomination upside down.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum.
There's no chance of him actually winning the actual election, though, right? Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for President sounds like a great thing for the Democrats.


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
California in RL, Liverpool in SM
I don't believe his run is serious, but even if he is, I don't think the country will take the "You're Fired" guy with the weird hair seriously.

And on the off-chance that I'm wrong, how hard is it to emigrate to the UK?

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
I am very pleased the White House came out on this, for an umpteenth time. Obama, for the sake of his own supporters, has to be far more vocal in the face of the ridiculous opposition he gets from nutters stateside.


Member of the Muppet Empire
Jan 14, 2000
My Happy Place - So Don't Be fecking With Me!
Trump has so much baggage, and I'm sure he has lots more enemies than allies. Once, the primary kicks off they will be leaking stuff to the press on a daily basis.

ie. Trump had been setting up one of his corporations for bankruptcy just prior to his marriage to Marla Maples. He had all the vendors to his wedding contracted to said wedding... immediately after the wedding he filed. All the catering companies, waiters, waitresses, flower vendors, everything and anything having to do with the wedding got zip, zilch, nada feckin' dime.

Shrewd or criminal? In this political climate, dealings such as the one above will sink him day after day.

Then he's got decades of relationships with the mafia construction industry in NYC.

Personally, someone will have the courage to tell him that he's out of his fecking mind, probably Donnie Jr.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
Logic and US Primary Season don't usually go together. Essentially what he is doing at the moment is showing how rough corporate life in higher echelon circles in New York can be, contrary to everything he bangs on about in his programmes.

Don't under estimate him though, he knows perfectly well how to cultivate a strong public image despite possessing many, many skeletons.


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
California in RL, Liverpool in SM
I am very pleased the White House came out on this, for an umpteenth time. Obama, for the sake of his own supporters, has to be far more vocal in the face of the ridiculous opposition he gets from nutters stateside.
There's a theory that the WH has silently encouraged this birther nuttiness to keep going because it makes it easier to frame the debate as being between a rational, logical man and a bunch of utter lunatics.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
There's a theory that the WH has silently encouraged this birther nuttiness to keep going because it makes it easier to frame the debate as being between a rational, logical man and a bunch of utter lunatics.
I understand that logic, these sort of individuals are never going to support him since they're scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for reasons to hate him.

Team Brian GB

Baby Cameron loves X-Factor
Jan 11, 2008
I would completely ignore anything coming from Trump at the moment, until he signals whether he is running or not. I cannot quite figure it out, there is so much to guide you either way - he could be running for President, he could be doing it for vanity purposes or he could be a stalking horse on behalf of somebody else or nobody in particular.

Something that has been lacking in these early stages so far is outside support and backers for the President, he needs members of the House, Senators, party elders etc. to be getting very vocal fighting these efforts for him, putting Trump in his place and preventing him from dominating the news cycle.


Nov 3, 2001
The latest over here is that Obamas birth certificate has him listed as African instead of "Negro" ,which according to birthers is a conspiracy.
Watch this story grow now.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Looks like the Republicans are having difficulty ponying up a credible opponent to face Obama. I seriously doubt many of the presumed candidates think they have what it takes to win. Obama's team must be salivating about the likes of Trump, John Bolton, and Ron Paul (and Barbour before he pulled out).


New Member
Mar 15, 2010
California in RL, Liverpool in SM
Seth Meyers let Trump have it, too.

Donald Trump has been saying he will run for President as a Republican, which is surprising, as I just assume he was running as a joke.
Donald Trump often appears on Fox, which is ironic, because a fox often appears on Donald Trump's head. If you're at the Washington Post table with Trump, and you can't finish your entree, don't worry, the fox will eat it.
Gary Busey said recently that Donald Trump would make a great President. Of course he also said the same thing about a rusty old birdcage he found.
Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for a Vice President.
Donald Trump says recently he has a great relationship with "the Blacks", though unless "the Blacks" are a family of white people, I bet he's mistaken.
And one for all you Brits:

It's fitting that this event happened the same weekend as the Royal Wedding, because as I watched the festivities, I couldn't help thinking how wonderful it is to live in a country where people don't wear hats like that.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Obama owned Trump :lol::lol:

Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for a Vice President.
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