Keir Starmer Labour Leader

This is uniformly the most toxic thread on the CAF at the moment. People who otherwise I reckon hold many overlapping views (other than nickm, who seems to revel in winding people up with how he talks) end up sniping at each other nonstop, in increasingly personal ways.
It is, and the only positive aspect of this thread is it tends to keep the worst of the bickering and name calling out of the Westminster politics thread.
This is uniformly the most toxic thread on the CAF at the moment. People who otherwise I reckon hold many overlapping views (other than nickm, who seems to revel in winding people up with how he talks) end up sniping at each other nonstop, in increasingly personal ways.
It's not a deliberate wind up. I cannot stand groupthink, that is all, and by god this forum reeks of it sometimes.
It's not a deliberate wind up. I cannot stand groupthink, that is all, and by god this forum reeks of it sometimes.
So you hate all political parties? Isn't politics literally just lots of different groupthink?
Starmer on a small boat alert!


He's really bought into the Freeports idea. Oh dear.
'Simply wrong': Labour reject EU offer of 'free movement for under-30s'

Is there a good reason as to why Labour aren't on board with this? Seems like an easy win to get young people onside, or are they are assuming young people will vote for them no matter what just cos?
'Simply wrong': Labour reject EU offer of 'free movement for under-30s'

Is there a good reason as to why Labour aren't on board with this? Seems like an easy win to get young people onside, or are they are assuming young people will vote for them no matter what just cos?

Just absolutely terrified of doing anything that might rock the boat even slightly, probably.

Haven't thought a lot about it, but if it did happen I'm sure you'd get an amplified contingent of bitter people who are angry because Brexit means Brexit and they hate anyone getting anything they don't get themselves
'Simply wrong': Labour reject EU offer of 'free movement for under-30s'

Is there a good reason as to why Labour aren't on board with this? Seems like an easy win to get young people onside, or are they are assuming young people will vote for them no matter what just cos?
Just gotta wait for that pivot once they're in power.

Or something.
I mean he can still apologise and say I made a huge mistake by supporting collective punishment. But no, he chose to lie in the day and the age of technology that he can not hide, but he is a politician, although not a smart one, but a politician who is expected to be full of lies.

Thank god I am not British otherwise I would have to choose to vote between Sunak and this donkey.

Thank god I am not British otherwise I would have to choose to vote between Sunak and this donkey.

I mean there's always the option for third party votes which is what I'll be exercising. Granted you can call it a 'wasted vote' thanks to our cursed FPTP system, but at least it won't be on your conscience that you contributed to granting a mandate to either one of these cretins.
I mean there's always the option for third party votes which is what I'll be exercising. Granted you can call it a 'wasted vote' thanks to our cursed FPTP system, but at least it won't be on your conscience that you contributed to granting a mandate to either one of these cretins.
Welcoming Tory MPs whilst purging those with left leaning values… It will be more of the same shit when this liar gets elected as PM.

Thank god I am not British otherwise I would have to choose to vote between Sunak and this donkey.

It's horrible. I live in an area where the Green candidate has a good chance of unseating the sitting Labour MP, so will be voting that way.
The Faiza Shaheen stuff is unforgivable.

This cnut is like Michael Corleone in estate agents clothing.

After about 18 months of being told it was a pointless exercise and a waste of money (around £2m by all accounts), he's finally given up the legal case against former staffers.

Unfortunately he's not going to allow himself to be around anyone during the election campaign who can bring this up and what it says about his decision making.
Luke Akehurst being parachuted into a safe seat should be enough for these gowls to lose the election. Utter scum and clear corruption.
This is as clear as it gets. To think that racist, genocide supporting piece of shit sat on the NEC and isn't under investigation by the EHRC is laughable.

Not just on the NEC, starmer put him in charge of candidate selection for various parts of the country, notably liverpool.
Not just on the NEC, starmer put him in charge of candidate selection for various parts of the country, notably liverpool.
Complete and utter corruption, he's a despicable fecking cretin. I'm extremely worried about what these cnuts will do when they get sniff of power.
I'd like to hear from Labour supporters what their take is for why Starmer has ascended a horrible, bigoted mess of a candidate that is Luke Akehurst. We're getting plenty of mental gymnastics to justify the brutal deselection of the likes of Faiza Shaheen, but by the same token I'd want to hear what the benefits are to incorporate the likes of Akehurst.
I'd like to hear from Labour supporters what their take is for why Starmer has ascended a horrible, bigoted mess of a candidate that is Luke Akehurst. We're getting plenty of mental gymnastics to justify the brutal deselection of the likes of Faiza Shaheen, but by the same token I'd want to hear what the benefits are to incorporate the likes of Akehurst.
Maybe Akehurst gets Labour more votes?
Starmer's turning out to be more of a nothing burger than I had originally expected. Almost to the point where I have no idea what his plans are for the country at all. The gobshite state of the UK economy is, to me, the single biggest problem that anyone in 10 Downing St should be looking to tackle and Sunak/ Hunt are at least putting forward ideas. Starmer/ Reeves have nothing concrete to offer - all they keep harping on in every interview is Lizz Truss and how she fecked up that interim budget. Well it's been almost two years on from that and like it or not but Sunak/ Hunt have stabilized inflation, have brought energy prices down a little, and state that they plan to grow the economy by cutting taxes. You can disagree with them on whether that's how you should fix the economic problems of the UK but at least they have ideas. Reeves keeps talking about how she will balance the budget like it's some revolutionary thought but that's basic math and table stakes for a Chancellor. Being better than Quasi Quarteng is not enough - a high schooler could've done a better job.

The Tories have been absolutely disgraceful the last 10 years - poltically, economically, and morally - but with just one month to the election I am suddenly finding it hard to get myself to vote Labour given that Starmer's only pitch is that they're "not the Tories"

What an absolute let down