2021 American Civil War

What is actually hysterical (apart from a woman being shot and maybe losing her life) is that this is all a bunch of Trump's pussies can manage. Trump directs them down Pennsylvania Avenue and they take a stroll, have a personal tour around the building, sit behind Nancy's desk, get selfies and then walk off before anyone cross can turn up.

More of a Damp Squib (Squid probably) than a Mob.

Only watching it now the football's over, I'd quite like to run round with a Lancashire red rose on yellow background flag just to get in the spirit of the thing and have a bit of fun.
Someone was running around with the Tricolore earlier.
That Trump needs wan quare kick in the balls so he does.
So I stayed away from here for a while now - trying to clear my head - look forward to a new and optimistic 2021. And then this happens.

At minimum they should start with preventing the guy from having any federal funds be used for a Presidential Library in his name.
Its still fecking mind boggling why wasn't the capitol cordoned off as this protest destination was known.
Why are they walking these f*ckers out? Why are they not all being dragged out in handcuffs? They broke into the f*cking Capitol building?!
:lol: I remember that, fecking idiots, who the hell has listened to more than 10 seconds of RATM and thought they were anything other than political?!

Paul Ryan?!
What is also astounding, it was a joint session of Congress, literally the single most critical event in the US government. Without any adequate protection. The US is a joke.
Where are all the people from the election and Trump thread that repeatedly told us, no matter how much Trump clearly stoked this fire, that something like this was never going to happen?

They clearly don't know how fascists work, let them fester and they'll contaminate the entire political structure.
You'd think Capitol Police could show some fecking zeal and maybe some fecking pride in protecting the seat of government. But no... law enforcement showing their true colors.
LEO gonna LEO.
Trump is such a sore loser, it’s only a matter of time until he starta complaining about how many penalties Man Utd have had since he became president.