3rd Season Curse: What are your expectations for next season?

My expectations and predictions are aligned.

We’ll sell Blind, Darmian and Martial at minimum. We’ll pay top money to bring in the 3-4 players in the positions we need to, including a fluid hard-working attacker who can interchange left/supporting centre/right with Sanchez.

We might not win the league but we’ll be in the mix with City & Liverpool, running both close. The gap will be <10 points between 1st and 3rd.

And yet I also predict that if we’re close, but not close enough, many on this forum will ignore this progress and point to Anthony Martial’s 20-25 goals for a non-elite European non-rival as the reason for our “failure.”

City and Liverpool will also spend loads and this will be conveniently ignored. Because we should win everything, always.


League - Winners or 2/3 wins short. 1st-3rd.
Europe: Dunno, draw dependant.
I can't think of any top club in Europe looking at the shite Mourinho's serving up and thinking, "yeah, we need some of that"

so, when we do sack him, I don't know where he'll go. Probably to manage the Portugal national team
I think there will be no fall out this time, United environment wont ever allow this, if something is cracked in the locker room, one hundred percent there will be players who ought to leave first. Managers always receive unconditional backing from the board unless they are too bad that even losing CL spot - a minimum expectation as Jose's two predecessors's failure.

Jose's obviously not anymore the great one he used to be but he's still not that bad level. Plus the money the board will continue giving him to build his dream team i massively doubt he would ever manage us missing a single CL season during his time here, even how many current players he'll sell, even it's De Gea included on that list.

So i think he'll survive through the upcoming third year and some years after unless he wants out himself. However if Jose keeps believing in the likes of Smalling, Fellaini, Lingard in starting XI he'll hardly win something big aka PL/CL no matter how much money he spends. Then he'll become another Wenger whom he used to have so much love towards, with mighty Four doctrine plus a random consolation FA/League Cup each year to manipulate some blind fans into his theory that Fellaini is really a Ballon d'or candidate, the one in a thousand years and that next year will definitely be our year
I expect close race with city for title. Why? People underestimate full back role in football. We will buy left back who will add quality in squad. Maybe also right back. We will buy another midfielder so we will not depend on 3 midfielders all season. Sanchez will be at his best after adaptation period. And summer will resolve some questions about rashford and martial. I guess jose will have a long chat with them about their role and future in this team. Either fight and play or go and sulk in some other club and i will buy another player.
We were hot and cold whole season and still finished second with cup final. So next year it can be only better. And better is title challenge.

And i hope that jose will realize that he needs top class central defender. We have 5 solid defenders but we need one who is top top class
Expectation - must have a very strong top 4 finish, decent in CL, QF or better let's say, possibly compete to win something or other, better football & more goals though needs to happen

Prediction - similar to this season, probably fewer silly defeats, Mourinho leaves if we don't threaten strongly in Lge or CL, football doesn't improve much because he isn't that kind of coach, Mourinho might leave anyway, bed-wetters will be unhappy before season even starts
I expect a manager at Man Utd who has had 3 seasons and hundreds of millions of pounds to spend to win the title and go far in the CL.

I think there's no way that will happen.

I hope that the club get rid of him if/when it doesn't.
Similar season.

I don't expect great football that's for sure.

Hopefully the defending improves. I see us progressing that way under Jose next season.
Sometimes small differences make big differences. People tend to think in linear ways and think that only dramatic changes can bring dramatic improvement in results. That's not true though, football is quite unpredictable for a reason.
3rd Season Curse: What are your expectations for next season?
1, Jose must get the backing from the board, in the transfer market this Summer. Get Jose whoever he wants (no penny pinching like we saw with Perisic last Summer).
2, League Title. No ifs. No buts. No excuses.

If we don't get close to or win the title, then as much as I back the manager and players, I may decide that it's time for Jose to go and give another manager a shot at the job.
My issue is that our midfield is getting bypassed so easily, even after Jose has been with us for 2 seasons. I just don't expect this in a Jose team.
Our team as a whole can't seem to get themselves revved up to play against relegation candidates...resulting in losses. Meanwhile we beat top 6 sides, with confidence. Jose doesn't seem to be able to solve this issue. If it were me, I'd be playing 6 players from our youth set up against relegation candidates, while playing our A team, for the remaining fixtures. Jose needs to change something...anything. Right now, our A team cannot be trusted to play against a lesser team. They simply don't take those games seriously.

BTW, did anyone notice that after we were 1-0 down in last nights match, with 10 minutes to go, all of sudden, we laid seige to their goal? Why the hell did we not do this from the first minute? Lack of desire. Lack of intensity. The players simply were not fussed and believed that they could win the match without getting out of 1st gear. It only dawned on them, in the last 10 minutes, that they were going to lose this match unless they went at Brighton, with 100% intensity.
This "3rd season curse" table just proves that this myth is BS invented by the media.
My expectations and predictions are aligned.

We’ll sell Blind, Darmian and Martial at minimum. We’ll pay top money to bring in the 3-4 players in the positions we need to, including a fluid hard-working attacker who can interchange left/supporting centre/right with Sanchez.

We might not win the league but we’ll be in the mix with City & Liverpool, running both close. The gap will be <10 points between 1st and 3rd.

And yet I also predict that if we’re close, but not close enough, many on this forum will ignore this progress and point to Anthony Martial’s 20-25 goals for a non-elite European non-rival as the reason for our “failure.”

City and Liverpool will also spend loads and this will be conveniently ignored. Because we should win everything, always.


League - Winners or 2/3 wins short. 1st-3rd.
Europe: Dunno, draw dependant.
What is that point about Martial? If he leaves and does better than at United it will mean that we did not utilize him properly. Believe me he won't go to a mid-table team, he will end up at a club like Bayern of Juve and do much better job than he did here. If we fail next season again (do not manage to challenge for the title seriously) then JM should leave. I already have zero hope in him winning the Prem or CL with us. Last season there were 5 managers better than him in the Prem alone. This season there are two Pep and Klopp, the latter having spent less than Utd.
I don’t think Jose is going to stand for the lazy attitude of some of our players anymore. When the transfer window opens, I hope he brings at least 3 or 4 players who actually fight for the team.
Lukaku and Sanchez out at the same time meant there was no spirit in the team. It’s tough when you have one lazy passenger, never mind the 5 or 6 that couldn’t be bothered against Brighton.
A midfield general would be top of my list, one that kicks everyone’s arse on the pitch. Top class fullbacks are essential too.
Hopefully it'll be the opposite, and next season we'll win the league under Mourinho.

I want to see us playing better football, though. At times, the football has been dreadful this season.

I can imagine Mourinho will add a few players to the team. He really needs to buy well and we need to start seeing more consistency from the team.
I don’t think Jose is going to stand for the lazy attitude of some of our players anymore. When the transfer window opens, I hope he brings at least 3 or 4 players who actually fight for the team.
Lukaku and Sanchez out at the same time meant there was no spirit in the team. It’s tough when you have one lazy passenger, never mind the 5 or 6 that couldn’t be bothered against Brighton.
A midfield general would be top of my list, one that kicks everyone’s arse on the pitch. Top class fullbacks are essential too.

Sorry, but I dont buy that. We've equally seen a lack of spirit when both are in the team. More recently against West Brom. Sevilla has to be up there too.
What is that point about Martial? If he leaves and does better than at United it will mean that we did not utilize him properly. Believe me he won't go to a mid-table team, he will end up at a club like Bayern of Juve and do much better job than he did here. If we fail next season again (do not manage to challenge for the title seriously) then JM should leave. I already have zero hope in him winning the Prem or CL with us. Last season there were 5 managers better than him in the Prem alone. This season there are two Pep and Klopp, the latter having spent less than Ut

My point is that even though he is too naturally talented to really fail any team he leaves us to play for, I can’t see him being the consistent difference maker in an elite team at the pointy end of the competitions. And yet, there’ll probably be cafe threads popping up left, right and centre about his post-United performances even if he is adequately replaced, we improve the right-hand side, but we don’t win everything in sight. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe he goes to Italy and then back to conquer England full circle like Salah did. I’d be surprised and gutted at the same time.
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I am expecting a new manager. The United board will only allow a certain amount of damage to the United brand as it will impact sponsorship revenues. We have pretty much had 5 years of dross football. Sure we have won 3 trophies, but the perception of United is now boring football. That is not what sponsors want to be associated with.

I expect the board to realize we need someone who understands what it is to be a United player and play the United way. Would not surprise me if we have an ex-player who has been managing for a number of years.

If Jose remains in charge I expect to see better players, but same dross and a very upset fan base. Good cup run at best.
I don’t believe in this crap about third season syndrome, a footballing career is not linear. Mourinho is older and has been to Real, Chelsea, Inter and so forth - now he’s at the pinnacle, not the same hunger for change... he wants to succeed at United.

What do I expect? A good challenge for 2nd once again and a good cup run. City are far, far ahead, will spend more money on the best players and still have Pep. It’s not about what we can do, it’s about them the next years I’m afraid. We must look over our shoulders and beat off the competition from Liverpool. Their nucleus is far superior to ours, and with 2-3 smart purchases they will have a better defensive team as well.

If we get Savic, Sandro and Alderweireld, we’re still not even close to matching their creativity and team.
I am expecting a new manager. The United board will only allow a certain amount of damage to the United brand as it will impact sponsorship revenues. We have pretty much had 5 years of dross football. Sure we have won 3 trophies, but the perception of United is now boring football. That is not what sponsors want to be associated with.
I often wonder about this too. Given the 'spectacle' of our football at the moment, (and possibly just being a bit older and busier) I often miss United games for the first time in about 15 years. And when I do change plans to sit down and watch, by and large I have to find something else to do because we're so dull for long passages of play.

The worst part is watching other teams with 'lesser players' managing to string together great moves, play on the front foot and to be honest just be more about football than attempting to 'grind out results'.

I honestly believe that Jose, having never been a player and having a huge ego, produces football where HE is the most important factor, not the players on the pitch. And he clearly believes the best way to do so is to give up the ball, play safe and minimise risk. Which simply translates into dull football.
Dreaded third season when he’s only had a third season on two occasions?
I am expecting a new manager. The United board will only allow a certain amount of damage to the United brand as it will impact sponsorship revenues. We have pretty much had 5 years of dross football. Sure we have won 3 trophies, but the perception of United is now boring football. That is not what sponsors want to be associated with.

I expect the board to realize we need someone who understands what it is to be a United player and play the United way. Would not surprise me if we have an ex-player who has been managing for a number of years.

If Jose remains in charge I expect to see better players, but same dross and a very upset fan base. Good cup run at best.
Yes this. At the end of the day, they are business first. Like I said previously, us fans will be with the club through thick and thin - but we won't be getting the neutrals vote, nor the young kids. I suspect they'd prefer to watch Liverpool.
His miserable demeanour as well doesn't help. Just utterly depressing.
Yes this. At the end of the day, they are business first. Like I said previously, us fans will be with the club through thick and thin - but we won't be getting the neutrals vote, nor the young kids. I suspect they'd prefer to watch Liverpool.
His miserable demeanour as well doesn't help. Just utterly depressing.
Don't worry. According to many, that's just because the media is bitter and hates Mourinho. It has absolutely nothing with the way we play.
My point is that even though he is too naturally talented to really fail any team he leaves us to play for, I can’t see him being the consistent difference maker in an elite team at the pointy end of the competitions. And yet, there’ll probably be cafe threads popping up left, right and centre about his post-United performances even if he is adequately replaced, we improve the right-hand side, but we don’t win everything in sight. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe he goes to Italy and then back to conquer England full circle like Salah did. I’d be surprised and gutted at the same time.
I cant be sure either mate. However, I do believe that Martial needs more playing time and is able to offer more. I also do not think that he is a lazy player either. Here's hoping it all ends well. Another meh season in the prem, could cost Mou his job.
3rd Season Curse: What are your expectations for next season?
1, Jose must get the backing from the board, in the transfer market this Summer. Get Jose whoever he wants (no penny pinching like we saw with Perisic last Summer).
2, League Title. No ifs. No buts. No excuses.

If we don't get close to or win the title, then as much as I back the manager and players, I may decide that it's time for Jose to go and give another manager a shot at the job.
My issue is that our midfield is getting bypassed so easily, even after Jose has been with us for 2 seasons. I just don't expect this in a Jose team.
Our team as a whole can't seem to get themselves revved up to play against relegation candidates...resulting in losses. Meanwhile we beat top 6 sides, with confidence. Jose doesn't seem to be able to solve this issue. If it were me, I'd be playing 6 players from our youth set up against relegation candidates, while playing our A team, for the remaining fixtures. Jose needs to change something...anything. Right now, our A team cannot be trusted to play against a lesser team. They simply don't take those games seriously.

BTW, did anyone notice that after we were 1-0 down in last nights match, with 10 minutes to go, all of sudden, we laid seige to their goal? Why the hell did we not do this from the first minute? Lack of desire. Lack of intensity. The players simply were not fussed and believed that they could win the match without getting out of 1st gear. It only dawned on them, in the last 10 minutes, that they were going to lose this match unless they went at Brighton, with 100% intensity.

And who's the man coaching these players?

Might as well not have a bloody manager with that logic (if it's all down the players).

(and what the feck is with the larger text?)
We seem to need too many things sorting out to have much expectation so I'm not sure whether to expect dullness or chaos.
Anywhere between 2nd and 5th in the league, more tumescent football and a out in the CL when we face a decent side from Spain or Germany. It's always possible we might win another one of the secondary cups.
I don’t believe in this crap about third season syndrome, a footballing career is not linear. Mourinho is older and has been to Real, Chelsea, Inter and so forth - now he’s at the pinnacle, not the same hunger for change... he wants to succeed at United.

What do I expect? A good challenge for 2nd once again and a good cup run. City are far, far ahead, will spend more money on the best players and still have Pep. It’s not about what we can do, it’s about them the next years I’m afraid. We must look over our shoulders and beat off the competition from Liverpool. Their nucleus is far superior to ours, and with 2-3 smart purchases they will have a better defensive team as well.

If we get Savic, Sandro and Alderweireld, we’re still not even close to matching their creativity and team.
Give Mourinho unlimited money or even Citys exact squad and he would never match them. Its not about not having this or that player, it's just that Mourinho isnt capable of getting a team playing the way City are. Pretty much just Pep for that.
I am expecting a new manager. The United board will only allow a certain amount of damage to the United brand as it will impact sponsorship revenues. We have pretty much had 5 years of dross football. Sure we have won 3 trophies, but the perception of United is now boring football. That is not what sponsors want to be associated with.

I expect the board to realize we need someone who understands what it is to be a United player and play the United way. Would not surprise me if we have an ex-player who has been managing for a number of years.

If Jose remains in charge I expect to see better players, but same dross and a very upset fan base. Good cup run at best.

Great, I've always had a suspicion that this is the reason for the mindless, unrealistic, unrelenting Mourinho-bashing. Which ex-player did you have in mind?
3rd Season Curse: What are your expectations for next season?
1, Jose must get the backing from the board, in the transfer market this Summer. Get Jose whoever he wants (no penny pinching like we saw with Perisic last Summer).
2, League Title. No ifs. No buts. No excuses.

If we don't get close to or win the title, then as much as I back the manager and players, I may decide that it's time for Jose to go and give another manager a shot at the job.
My issue is that our midfield is getting bypassed so easily, even after Jose has been with us for 2 seasons. I just don't expect this in a Jose team.
Our team as a whole can't seem to get themselves revved up to play against relegation candidates...resulting in losses. Meanwhile we beat top 6 sides, with confidence. Jose doesn't seem to be able to solve this issue. If it were me, I'd be playing 6 players from our youth set up against relegation candidates, while playing our A team, for the remaining fixtures. Jose needs to change something...anything. Right now, our A team cannot be trusted to play against a lesser team. They simply don't take those games seriously.

BTW, did anyone notice that after we were 1-0 down in last nights match, with 10 minutes to go, all of sudden, we laid seige to their goal? Why the hell did we not do this from the first minute? Lack of desire. Lack of intensity. The players simply were not fussed and believed that they could win the match without getting out of 1st gear. It only dawned on them, in the last 10 minutes, that they were going to lose this match unless they went at Brighton, with 100% intensity.
We laid seige to their goal as a result of the natural adrenaline that comes with chasing the game. When we start to get desperate this is what happens. The team is just not coached or trained to attack teams from the off. We are trained to nullify/react to whatever the other team does so when a team is also in gear 1 and has no real pressure to attack us we struggle to do anything. When we go behind we start to play football. This team IMO is not capable of sustaining pressure on our opponents. We've never had 90 minutes of complete domination in a game. There are spells of good football here and there but never for the whole game. The physical nature of our team is one of the key reasons of this IMO.
So, as it'll be his 3rd season, even his PR/cult can agree a PL title isn't an unreasonable expectation at this point? Or am I a spoilt, gloryhunter that shouldn't ask for too much and should run off to support City?
This "3rd season curse" table just proves that this myth is BS invented by the media.

How is it a myth considering his latest jobs?

3rd season at Chelsea for his 2nd stint = catastrophic season

3rd season at Real Madrid = trophy-less and alienated the dressing room, lost the league by Christmas

That's awful.
The only curse we'll hear about is when he'll curse the blue (winning) streak. This is the 5th consecutive year that the Champions are blue, ffs.
I’m expecting either we will will the league or Mourinho will have a melt down and leave.

Don’t think their is a chance of any middle ground.
Great, I've always had a suspicion that this is the reason for the mindless, unrealistic, unrelenting Mourinho-bashing. Which ex-player did you have in mind?
Seems your a bit butt hurt at the non-love in for Jose from a significant portion of the caf.

I think you will find it is because of the dross football not any other reason people are upset.

As for who follows him, when he eventually leaves, anyone's guess. Why not someone who has been in the back room during Fergie's reign. They would certainly have experienced the United Culture.
So, as it'll be his 3rd season, even his PR/cult can agree a PL title isn't an unreasonable expectation at this point? Or am I a spoilt, gloryhunter that shouldn't ask for too much and should run off to support City?
:D It would be a miracle if he can survive another season without mounting a serious challenge for the title. And it has to come with decent football as well.