
A short, yet highly educational clip on this topic that I found helpful.

Will be interesting to see how that lawsuit actually goes
There’s a case before the SC which is about Oregon reverting to pre-1990s law that religious people won’t be held liable if they refuse medical care for a child due to their religious beliefs (paraphrased there, but I think I got the gist across). The very justices that want to strike down the Oregon law are going to have to tie themselves into fecking pretzels to not allow the FL lawsuit to come to fruition as I can see it quickly getting before them.

But I’m sure they will try.
So that’s access removed, now they only need to address the root causes, like secularism and rap music.
I am reading the 213 page judgment now.

The decision is based in part on the authorities of Bracton, Coke, Hale and Blackstone. Bracton was born in 1210. Blackstone, the youngest of the four, died in 1780.

Hale also declared that a man cannot lawfully commit rape against his wife.
Crazy to think this is the most powerful and influential country in the world we're talking about.
I am reading the 213 page judgment now.

The decision is based in part on the authorities of Bracton, Coke, Hale and Blackstone. Bracton was born in 1210. Blackstone, the youngest of the four, died in 1780.

Hale also declared that a man cannot lawfully commit rape against his wife.
Praise be.
Only way to fight this is to vote. Hope this galvanizes independents & moderate Republican women come November.
Yes and also every legal means of making life uncomfortable for leaders that do not do what they want.
Progressives and moderates(if such a thing exists) don't know what they are up against. These people would reinstate slavery if given a chance.
Forgot about this until I just got a notification from Apple News about the verdict. Still can’t believe how backwards that country is for all the freedom they claim their people to have