Television Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Except you're openly using the end of the movie to discuss the show, which has ruined the ending of the film for me, all because you're too inconsiderate to use spoiler tags.
How so? nothing I wrote at all was a spoiler that wasn’t within a spoiler tag clearly stating it contained possible IW spoilers. The bit that was edited wasn’t a spoiler. It was talking about Deek and Gemma who weren’t even characters in IW. So again it wasn’t a spoiler.

Also if you’ve read through the thread you’d notice for every IW spoiler we all have used spoiler tags and given warnings. So why would I all of a sudden change tact?
How so? nothing I wrote at all was a spoiler that wasn’t within a spoiler tag clearly stating it contained possible IW spoilers. The bit that was edited wasn’t a spoiler. It was talking about Deek and Gemma who weren’t even characters in IW. So again it wasn’t a spoiler.
It was referring to the ending of the film and using how it goes down to say AOS characters would go down.
It was referring to the ending of the film and using how it goes down to say AOS characters would go down.
How did you know it was referring to the end of the film if you haven’t seen it may I ask? Because unless you had there was no way to know. There was no mention of IW from myself and no way for anyone to know what it meant unless they had seen or knew already what happened in the film.

Anyway this would be taking a thread off topic, but I was innocent and unjustly punished.

So what did you think of the episode?
How did you know it was referring to the end of the film if you haven’t seen it may I ask? Because unless you had there was no way to know. There was no mention of IW from myself and no way for anyone to know what it meant unless they had seen or knew already what happened in the film.
Because the other idiot whose post was not spoiler tagged and thus deleted was quite fecking detailed.
Because the other idiot whose post was not spoiler tagged and thus deleted was quite fecking detailed.
Well I never saw that post at all. However I was unjustly punished as far as I’m concerned. Sylar, Rooney and myself when discussing it as far as I can see have always used tags with warnings. Sorry if someone ruined it for you I’m just not taking the heat for that at all.

Actually if they moderate a post doesn’t it normally still just stay? Can they completely remove posts? Because your post was 16minutes after mine which was the one I got banned for supposedly having spoilers in it. Again which it did not.
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I’d like them to deal with the aftermath of Avengers IW 2 (or whatever it’ll be called)... rebuild SHIELD after the Framework/Graviton/IW 2 events.

The last 2 seasons have been superb & for me it’s the best Marvel TV/Netflix show. I’m hoping they’ll announce the renewal after the finale but fear it’ll be cancelled.
It was trending #1 in the US I saw Chloe Bennet had put up so hopefully.

I would love to see them properly rebuild shield but I suppose so much depends on IW2 and timing. IW2 I think is released March or May so would they hold it off. Probably would have been better if they had ignored any reference to IW unless they plan a season around the time inbetween the 2.
I haven't watched any of the 2nd half of this season yet. Next week I'll watch them all.
I may even start from the first season as I downloaded them the other day.
Not making excuses, but Im quite surprised there are people who are upto date on AoS and havent seen IW. Ah well.

The choice that Shield have to make between Coulson and Talbot is fantastic. And yeah, both essentially could end the loop, or both could still keep the same pattern. The fact theyve seen the future as well makes this choice even more difficult. Doh.
And as a viewer, normally id say we know whats gonna happen. But this is pretty much five seasons worth where they could make a change given what theyve teased.

Given the events of NY are basically on the news
the end of IW will either be seen right at the end of next weeks episode or not at all. Maybe in the post-episode 10 second clip they do...
I haven't watched any of the 2nd half of this season yet. Next week I'll watch them all.
I may even start from the first season as I downloaded them the other day.

Do it if you havent seen s1. Its in a holding pattern until it matches up with Winter Soldier. After that it becomes a completely new show.
Woooo fantastic news!!!

Even more excited for the finale...
This may be the way series are going nowadays. I'm all for it ,more concentrated story less fillers.

Same. I still think 10 eps is a fantastic number as seen with a few shows going around. I did like the two / three arc AoS employed though (but again, having it broken into separate seasons might have helped too)
This may be the way series are going nowadays. I'm all for it ,more concentrated story less fillers.
I don’t necessarily mind filler episodes when they are done well. They tend to either show a progression in character or relationships of some sort. Agents of shield I don’t recall having too many fillers.
The last season of GOT could have probably used some filler episodes to flush out some storylines and interactions and make stuff make more sense.
Great season finale, could've easily been the series finale.

Now we have wait until next summer.... feck.
Brilliant finale. I'm glad it's coming back again next year but that really was the perfect way to actually end it all.

Simmons' "we never move on" speech was awesome. Coulson was brilliant that entire episode - it started with "Tahiti" for him & will actually end in that magical place - a fitting conclusion for one the best characters in the MCU.

Only criticism is them going to get the Fitz from space - seems a bit of a cop-out imo, but he is out there so might as well rescue him!

Overall another great season. I think season 6 will definitely be the end (probably air after Avengers IW2). It'll have to go some way to top that ending.
Loved that finale.

So that means... future fitz is dead right? Cos it was a different Fitz that joined the team, and thus present day fitz is frozen. Aghh the pain of time travel.

Coulson ending was great. Actually it seemed like this was shot as a finale overall.
Will be interesting to see what happens now that s6 is happening (albeit shorter version).
Will they shoot it with Avengers4 in mind and thus hope it skips everything if it airs after?
Or will it be addressed? interesting.

Guessing Deke didnt just blink out of existence and he actually went travelling? Cos he wasnt really mentioned at the end.

Also Fitz/Simmons are never intended to be happy lol.
Will be interesting to see what happens now that s6 is happening (albeit shorter version).
They've ordered 13 episodes, but they may order more depending on TV ratings.
Hmmm. With all the happy flappy I was expecting to hear a finger snap resonating from somewhere far away and as coulson was getting off the jet for most of them to start vanishing.
Why would they do this to us. They just can’t mess with Fitz and Gemma anymore. Was a decent final even tho plenty of stupid things happened.
One why isn’t Daisy dead? As far as I aware she still has a human tolerance for pain and her physiology is still human. That impact that left a massive crater? When did she become the Incredible Hulk?
Also if you hit someone with enough force to launch them in to space then their body would have obliterated there and then. I’m guessing he is dead as he controls gravity so he could have just stopped himself getting launched in to space.

Anyone think it would have been a better ending if they are paying their respect to Fitz and Deek walked in still here so either one of two things had happened. Gemma was pregnant or Fitz was somehow still alive.
Why would they do this to us. They just can’t mess with Fitz and Gemma anymore. Was a decent final even tho plenty of stupid things happened.
One why isn’t Daisy dead? As far as I aware she still has a human tolerance for pain and her physiology is still human. That impact that left a massive crater? When did she become the Incredible Hulk?
Also if you hit someone with enough force to launch them in to space then their body would have obliterated there and then. I’m guessing he is dead as he controls gravity so he could have just stopped himself getting launched in to space.

Anyone think it would have been a better ending if they are paying their respect to Fitz and Deek walked in still here so either one of two things had happened. Gemma was pregnant or Fitz was somehow still alive.

Well fitz that froze himself is alive
So that means... future fitz is dead right? Cos it was a different Fitz that joined the team, and thus present day fitz is frozen. Aghh the pain of time travel.

This bit is going to do my head in.
Well fitz that froze himself is alive
Yeah, but I think the way they told that part of the story was rubbish
it would have been better using Deek as evidence of him still being alive. Because it would have posed more questions to end the season on.
1: is Fitz alive
2: Is Gemma pregnant
3: was Fitz ever actually Deeks grandfather or had Fitz died all along.

Just think something like that would have been more intresting.

Also do we need to use spoilers if the episode aired a few days ago now. On Ice after “IW Spoiler Gate” god damn 2 points for not posting a spoiler and for not taking a thread off topic. Still fuming :lol:
This bit is going to do my head in.
Present Fitz must have still been captive or just in the process of having escaped. Although, wouldn’t he have been back to the lighthouse to stash his weapons and stuff therefore throwing this idea completely out the window unless he did it before they returned, in which case future Fitz would already know this.
Apparently, the next season will air after Avengers 4.

I can see that. It seems they shifted this season to start December instead of Sept to align with A3.
With it being after A4, they can just avoid the whole issue.
Great news. Chloe bennet posting pics also a bonus
I still fancy her like mad but I've gone off her a lot since I found out she's dating that idiotic youtube guy.