American Cops Doing What They Do Best


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Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast

For an example of "just teens".

Not saying the officer was correct or not, as 33 seconds of video aren't enough either way. But also a media report of "just a fight" isn't necessarily going to be the whole truth either.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
It's a shocking story. The community here is really going to come through for him and his family. Really hope he makes it.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
This event took place at the same projects where an officer was stabbed the day before.

Not much in terms of coverage or outrage.

Also, Found this little read interesting, since I'd also been wondering why BLM is always so quiet on black violence. They were out protesting a 16 year old black teen who got shot after pointing a gun at an officer, yet didn't seem to have much to say with regards to the Will Smith shooting. Go figure.

Memphis based sportswriter Clay Travis was asked via his anonymous mailbag the question below. His answer follows:

Anonymous: "Why is Black Lives Matter not condemning the Will Smith murder and calling for change? It is by (most accounts) an innocent black man that had his life taken far too soon. Isn't this supposed to be the fundamental basis of the group?"

Clay Travis: Black Lives Matter only cares if black guys are killed by white people. This represents a tiny percentage of black murders, but that's their focus. The vast, vast majority of black men, like Will Smith, sadly, are killed by other black men. But in all facets of life it's much easier to blame outside forces than it is to take personal responsibility for your own actions.

Can you imagine the reaction if a white dude had killed Will Smith? Or, god forbid, a white cop? Black lives matter would be in an uproar. But when a black guy kills another black guy they don't do anything.

The simple truth is this, black lives matter, by focusing on a tiny percentage of rare and uncommon deaths, has actually managed to destroy their biggest ally in the world, the local police. Local police have saved hundreds of thousands of black lives over the last generation. But instead of being praised for most of their good deeds, black lives matter turned police into the enemy. As a result black lives matter protests have led to thousands of additional black deaths. Here's the data on Chicago. Go read and share it, the results are incontrovertible, where black lives matter has protested the most, more black people have been killed by black people.

All too often the media does an incredibly poor job of analyzing racial issues because white people in the media are afraid of being called racist. The result is actual facts never get discussed. That's why my point that people are more likely to be struck by lightning or killed by dogs than black people are to be killed by cops gets little attention. Using extremely rare events -- white cops killing innocent black men -- as if they are regular occurrences represents a failure of the media and an attack on intelligent discourse everywhere.

It's easier to blame racism than it is to confront harsh realities in your own community.

By the way, I hate death and racism and murder more than all of you do.
Found the bolded part quite interesting, although I haven't done the research on that myself.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
And not sure how many saw this. just an example of how shit can hit the fan pretty quickly, and an officer showing a pretty damn good handling of the situation.

Graphic warning, in case one is needed.



Desperately wants to be a Muppet
Sep 30, 2004
On our recent trip to USA had to call the police to deal with something and all I can say is, they were quick, professional and courteous. They also went out of their way to help a young woman, clearly having a bad time, off her head, and instead of arresting her and moving on they staid with her, kept her calm until she started becoming coherent enough to get her home.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
This event took place at the same projects where an officer was stabbed the day before.

Not much in terms of coverage or outrage.

Also, Found this little read interesting, since I'd also been wondering why BLM is always so quiet on black violence. They were out protesting a 16 year old black teen who got shot after pointing a gun at an officer, yet didn't seem to have much to say with regards to the Will Smith shooting. Go figure.

Found the bolded part quite interesting, although I haven't done the research on that myself.
Well the difference is that police are paid and sworn to protect, not act like a gang themselves. Protesting against crime would be futile but looking to clean up a dirty PD is certainly something achievable.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Well the difference is that police are paid and sworn to protect, not act like a gang themselves. Protesting against crime would be futile but looking to clean up a dirty PD is certainly something achievable.
I understand the angle, but it's also futile to ostracize police for every single incident involving a black person, while completely ignoring the ridiculous amount of black on black homicides.

Like the protest I alluded to above about the teenager who was shot and killed. He ran from police, pulled out a gun, and was shot and killed. What is there to protest there? Nothing. Yet out comes the BLM protestors claiming racism and that cops are inherently racist and don't care about black lives.

Yet Will Smith is shot and killed in a fairly random act of violence, and nothing is said.

It's hard to see what progress they expect to make in reforming all these racist police departments when they have absolutely no interest in addressing the ridiculously high rates of crime against their own people.

Police go into projects, get stabbed and attacked by a mob when doing their job, and people stand around cheering. BLM can't expect people to rally around them and support their cause when they have absolutely no regard for anyone else's safety, lives, or officers that are actually doing the job they swore to do.

Anyway, wasn't my intention to turn this back into a debate on black on black crime, but as I've said before, BLM hurts their own cause by being so incredibly prejudiced themselves in the incidents they choose to address.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Asking black people to protest en masse about BOBC is as stupid as demanding that muslims condemn all terrorist acts. It's just a way of diminishing their legitimate grievances about racist policing.

Nobby style

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Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again


Account closed by request: 23/12/16
May 28, 2015
Utd, and NUFC
And not sure how many saw this. just an example of how shit can hit the fan pretty quickly, and an officer showing a pretty damn good handling of the situation.

Graphic warning, in case one is needed.

Frightening stuff. Are tazers not standard police equipment in the US, in the UK I think this guy would just have been tazered?


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Asking black people to protest en masse about BOBC is as stupid as demanding that muslims condemn all terrorist acts. It's just a way of diminishing their legitimate grievances about racist policing.
Not really, because I don't see Muslims protesting when a terrorist is shot and killed when they're endangering someone's life.

I'm also not asking all black people to protest en masse. Just the ones who are out protesting every perceived injustice, no matter how unfounded it is, against every black person by a white cop.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Frightening stuff. Are tazers not standard police equipment in the US, in the UK I think this guy would just have been tazered?
Since the guy looks like he had a few layers of clothing on, it wouldn't be a guaranteed success that the tazer would be successful. If it wasn't, at that distance, he's likely to be getting stabbed.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
Not really, because I don't see Muslims protesting when a terrorist is shot and killed when they're endangering someone's life.

I'm also not asking all black people to protest en masse. Just the ones who are out protesting every perceived injustice, no matter how unfounded it is, against every black person by a white cop.
Are you claiming that black communities aren't doing anything to highlight or reduce this BOBC?


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
Is there any reason why they can't use tranquilizer gun? Stick the rowdy, inebriated, unstable individuals with a few darts and deal with them later.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Is there any reason why they can't use tranquilizer gun? Stick the rowdy, inebriated, unstable individuals with a few darts and deal with them later.
From wiki, take it for what it is worth

Tranquillizer darts are not generally included in military or police less-than-lethal arsenals because no drug is yet known that would be quickly and reliably effective on humans without the risks of side effects or an overdose. This means that effective use requires an estimate of the weight of the target to be able to determine how many darts (if any) can be used. Shooting too few would result in partial effects only, while too many can kill the target. According to James Butts, Santa Monica, CA Chief of Police, "Tranquilizing agents don't affect everyone uniformly. Therefore you cannot predict whether or not you have a sufficient dose to tranquilize the individual. Second, any tranquillizer will take time to enter the bloodstream and sedate the individual. If someone is advancing on you with a deadly weapon or a threatening object, there's no way a tranquillizer would take effect in the two to three seconds it would take someone to seriously injure you."[6]


Full Member
Jun 10, 2013
Check above for why it may not work. Thick clothing, or multiple layers, would probably stop the darts making contact.
I know it might not work all of the time, but it can be used fairly safely from distance and if it doesn't work still give the officer enough time to draw firearm. Just straight up pulling out a gun force him into a position of whether to make a lethal decision of not.

Edit: nvm, read @JustAFan post above. Thought about it before but nice to have it confirmed.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
I know it might not work all of the time, but it can be used fairly safely from distance and if it doesn't work still give the officer enough time to draw firearm. Just straight up pulling out a gun force him into a position of whether to make a lethal decision of not.

Edit: nvm, read @JustAFan post above. Thought about it before but nice to have it confirmed.
Even just the fact that in any given situation the cops would not know what drugs (legal or otherwise) the person is using or abusing makes the challenge of finding an effective drug to use in a tranq. gun very difficult.

Sadly, TV and the movies have lied to us about the existence and effectiveness of tranq. darts on humans.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Well how exactly do you know that the BLM people aren't also working against BOBC?

Or do you just know?
I'd be happy to read any information there is on the BLM people protesting and showing outrage against all this BOBC there is. They certainly haven't shut down any freeways and protested in front of projects for BOBC that I'm aware of.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I'd be happy to read any information there is on the BLM people protesting and showing outrage against all this BOBC there is. They certainly haven't shut down any freeways and protested in front of projects for BOBC that I'm aware of.
So that's a no then. The protests you mention above are to engage people who aren't black and highlight racist policing. What would be the point in doing the same for BOBC?


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
So that's a no then. The protests you mention above are to engage people who aren't black and highlight racist policing. What would be the point in doing the same for BOBC?
Because ones actually prevalent in terms of the community and population at large, while he other is highly more irregular than they would have you believe. Especially as they're protesting violent offenders who are being shot by police on some of those occasions.

Why wouldn't they also extend their black lives matter protesting and preaching into communities that suffer from much more incidents and violence? Or are we led to believe that once these isolated incidents with police are eradicated, that those thousands of black people killing each other will subside?

Why protest a black teen getting shot by police after pulling a gun, but make no mention of innocent blacks being gunned down by blacks? that was my question. I have no issue with them protesting incidents of wrongful deaths, but to paint every incident with the same "evil white policeman" bullshit, while ignoring the large amount of black on black violence in those same neighborhoods they protest racism, is detrimental to their cause. They don't give a damn about black lives, unless they can somehow tie it to their cause. They aren't interested in all lives, or even all black lives, they're interested in black lives that can further their agenda.


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
I think you're misunderstanding what they are seeking. BLM refers to the fact that blacks are all too often policed differently from other races. The issues of BLM and BOBC are separate but do intertwine only in the sense that if racist policing and the code of silence that surrounds it in the police were eradicated then maybe the black community as a whole would be more trusting of the police and willing to work with them to reduce crime. When the people assigned to protect you are systemically harassing, beating and murdering you illegally then you are not going to trust them or assist them in safely doing their jobs. The first line of defence against crime is always the people, but police racism poisons that relationship and helps maintain or even increase levels of crime.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
I think you're misunderstanding what they are seeking. BLM refers to the fact that blacks are all too often policed differently from other races. The issues of BLM and BOBC are separate but do intertwine only in the sense that if racist policing and the code of silence that surrounds it in the police were eradicated then maybe the black community as a whole would be more trusting of the police and willing to work with them to reduce crime. When the people assigned to protect you are systemically harassing, beating and murdering you illegally then you are not going to trust them or assist them in safely doing their jobs. The first line of defence against crime is always the people, but police racism poisons that relationship and helps maintain or even increase levels of crime.
What they're seeking, and how they're going about it, are two separate things. They won't ever achieve what they're seeking if they continue to approach it in this same way.

They're taking the focus completely off the behavior of their own race and basically saying "we're behaving this way because of the police." Which isn't the case at all. Is there a problem with racism within certain departments? Sure, I don't think anyone would deny that.

I don't see what attempts they are trying to make to improve relations with police. Granted it's a two way street, but you have members calling for the murder of officers, celebrating officer deaths, posting about killing white people in general. I'm sure those people will suddenly be upstanding citizens if they remove the issues with police?

How many deaths would be prevented if you completely erase any racist police officers from a department? How many deaths would be prevented with people focusing on communities and not letting people run around pointing firearms or weapons at officers or other civilians?

Maybe I'm looking too "big picture" and expecting more of them than they're willing to do. If they think they're going to make the kind of difference that they want by shutting down freeways and protesting every single incident of a black person being shot by police, even when some of those wlare justified, then they'll be disappointed with the outcome. Of course, if it fails, they'll just claim it's because of racism anyway.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Not to say they won't bring about change, some of which is certainly needed. I just think, personally (and maybe incorrectly) they could achieve better results, and more support, with a different approach.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2013
West Coast is the Best Coast
Who has said that then?
The members of the movement who have either called for it, or acted upon it. What purpose would it serve to execute officers? Where is the outcry from the leaders of the movement to not commit murder for their cause?

Plenty of calls for officers to not stand alongside racist officers, which I agree with. Where is the same standard for the other side?


Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
May 5, 2003
I love free dirt and rocks!
You're making a lot of shit up here. There's no way the overwhelming sentiment of the public or BLM movement about dead police officers is 'good, they deserved it'. Just because a few arseholes might have said it doesn't mean you get to dismiss the whole movement the same as we don't get to tar the entire PD of a city as racists because of a few bad apples.