Ander Herrera: Ole Gunnar Solskjaer the right man for Man United despite 'tough job ahead'

If he believed so much in the coaching staff and the task at hand, why didn't he stay to help them through it as a 'key player'? And where in my post did you surmise that I don't back Ole?

Because it wasnt a manager issue. It was an issue with those dealing with his contract, leaving it so late
Lindelof with his ‘now is not the right time to speak’ and Herrera’s tough times ahead quotes for today, there’s some serious shit going on in that dressing room.
I still don't understand why he's leaving. Ole wanted to keep him and it seems Ander loves the club. He was key player under Ole. Is it all about money? What is behind the scenes? One thing is sure: We managed his contract situation horribly.
It is about money.
He’s all talk now after admitting he’s leaving, where was the talk the last 6 months ?
Lindelof with his ‘now is not the right time to speak’ and Herrera’s tough times ahead quotes for today, there’s some serious shit going on in that dressing room.
It’s up to Ole to sort out the dressing room if it’s toxic which it probably is then , he needs to clear the problems out.
OK, I loved you as a player when you were here, but now you’re gone, so you can quickly shut your mouth. Don’t really care or trust anything you have to say anymore. Enjoy your money and keeping the bench warm at PSG. Hope you make enough appearances to get a winners medal. Bye.
I’m sure he’s reading this
It is about money.

Yes, it is about money. But I can understand Ander at this stage of his career switching clubs because this is possibly the last big contract for him. It will make a big difference for his family’s financial future.

The club’s wage structure got out of whack with Alexis’ contract and any good player we have will want a much higher wage. We should have fought harder to keep Ander, instead of renewing Ashley, Jones, and offering Rashford a mega-contract.

Ander has literally never put a foot wrong during his time here, & he was a model professional - even when he was on the bench or out on the field he gave his all (even some would never deem him good enough). Yet he gets all this negativity?

Club and Ander didn’t agree on a way forward. Tough. No need to be upset over it. And the irony is that some who’d actually be insulting him are probably some of the same ones who’d be defending the other overpaid, underworked primadonnas in the squad.
Oh, interesting bits there, subtle hints about the dressing room i.e. the players, affirming what we've been suspicious about.
Herrera said:
“We have to take responsibility, all of us - it’s not fair to blame others,” Herrera said. “When you have a bad season, 75 percent is the responsibility of the players, I really think so. I think every one of us has to take responsibility for what we have done wrong.

“It’s very easy when a manager is sacked to blame someone else but it is the fault of every one of us. Every player in the dressing room has a responsibility for what has happened this season. We have done bad things. We have done some good things but, for Manchester United, it is not enough.

“I have huge respect for Jose. He tried everything. The first season with him was quite successful. Then we were second [last season] and we had a lot of expectation for this season but it didn’t work. Not only because of him because, I repeat, every player has responsibility.”

Solskjaer and Coaches
“I really believe in Ole,” Herrera said in a final interview before his impending departure for Paris St Germain on a free transfer this summer after five years at United. “I really believe in [his coaching staff] Michael [Carrick], Kieran [McKenna], Mick Phelan, Demps [Mark Dempsey], but I think there is a tough job ahead.

“That is my opinion as a fan and as someone who knows the club at the moment. These fans are the best but they [the management team] need time. They need time because this is not going to be from the first day. The club will need time, confidence and support. I am sure they will give it but the only thing I ask for them is time because this is not easy.

“There are examples - Liverpool are probably going to win the Champions League but I am leaving this club and they haven’t won one title in five years I have been here. They have done incredible work but the fans have given them time. That’s what this club needs at the moment.

“He’s the right person [for the job] so I am convinced it’s not going to take 30 years [to win the title again], that’s for sure. I am optimistic for the future but I ask the fans to give them time. Some of them might tell me to shut up because they have been waiting already.”

“He is one of the best people I have ever met in football,” Herrera said. “Everyone loves him in the dressing room. Everyone wants to fight for him. When you have the players behind you and wanting to fight for you, part of the job is done.

“I believe in karma and if you are a good person, if you are honest and sincere with the players and the fans, sooner or later it will work. I think Ole is the right person because he has qualities and knowledge but also he is a great man and a great person.”
Like always he's also being diplomatic as usual, but also say what he want to say without making it controversial (by not using direct strong clear words).

Fair enough opinions.
:lol:And he's not exactly not giving the responsibility of failure to the two managers.
Basically he said both players and managers contributed to this Season of Shitness, not sure how what percentage with Mou but with Ole, it's more blame on the players.

Some parts about Ole being sincere and all players playing for him are total BS though.
The arrogance of our fans sometimes haha. Maybe Ander is leaving because PSG are a better prospect right now and they obviously value him.

How dare anyone want to leave us, yet we demand every good player from clubs in worse off positions than us. Was Ander a money grabber when he left his boyhood club for us in 2014?

We can’t be bitter. I’d love to know how long ago we offered him a deal. He should have been secured ages ago.
The arrogance of our fans sometimes haha. Maybe Ander is leaving because PSG are a better prospect right now and they obviously value him.

How dare anyone want to leave us, yet we demand every good player from clubs in worse off positions than us. Was Ander a money grabber when he left his boyhood club for us in 2014?

We can’t be bitter. I’d love to know how long ago we offered him a deal. He should have been secured ages ago.

He wasn't secured ages ago probably because the manager in charge didn't value him much. Its just a guess, but the man was a rotational player under both LVG and Mourinho for long stretches, he never had their full trust.
The arrogance of our fans sometimes haha. Maybe Ander is leaving because PSG are a better prospect right now and they obviously value him.

How dare anyone want to leave us, yet we demand every good player from clubs in worse off positions than us. Was Ander a money grabber when he left his boyhood club for us in 2014?

We can’t be bitter. I’d love to know how long ago we offered him a deal. He should have been secured ages ago.

Naa, the Caf is angry that he endorsed the manager which is currently againt the popular opinion here. If he'd instead said "ole is shit" caf would have lapped it up as Herrera talking his mind and wished him well.
I was gutted to see him go because he was decent as a player and was adored by our fans as a whole and was worshipped by the match going fans. He chose to leave for whatever reasons (money apparanetly) so adios.

It will be interesting to see how he manages to convince psg fans he is honoured to play for them and how much he respects their fans.

I think he will end up a bench warmer and will experience very little interaction from the PSG fans but living in Paris and earning 200k a week will compensate the above.
Really the reason why I'm salty about his departure is the fact that we shipped him on before we needed to get rid of the real deadwood in our team. (e.g. Young, Jones, Rojo). Suppose we can't really keep someone who doesn't want to be here any more, though.

In essence he's not wrong about the state of our team.
The unnecessary bitterness is so strong in here.

I still don't understand why he's leaving. Ole wanted to keep him and it seems Ander loves the club. He was key player under Ole. Is it all about money? What is behind the scenes? One thing is sure: We managed his contract situation horribly.

There's any numbers of reasons. He may just want to try playing at multiple places before his career is up. As well as pick up a medal or two, however plastic. I certainly wouldn't begrudge it and would potentially feel the same in his shoes.
“I’m off to winning trophies at this Hollywood club, you’re going to be shite for awhile so have a good one”

Get the feck out Ander.
So much drama with his departure, while Valencia went away silently like a proper legend.

To be fair that's partially because he still doesn't speak English despite being at the club for a decade.
The unnecessary bitterness is so strong in here.

There's any numbers of reasons. He may just want to try playing at multiple places before his career is up. As well as pick up a medal or two, however plastic. I certainly wouldn't begrudge it and would potentially feel the same in his shoes.


Maybe he (and his family) wanted to live in Paris during his career?

Maybe he has players that he's very good friends with at PSG?

Maybe he wants to win league titles?

Maybe he wants to be closer (culturally and/or geographically) to his Spanish roots?
Wasn’t he injured, which coincided with a drop in the teams performance when he came out with a “haven’t made a decision yet” etc?

I’m asking because I’m actually unsure. I just think it’s kind of harsh to pinpoint that bit on him. He’s not the selfish type, who loves to hog the headlines, based on the very little I know of him in fairness.
Then he came back into the side and was poor vs Wolves and Watford
Talkative... or you’ve already got your mind made up about Ole and him.

I don't even know why he's talking, he's got the dream move he wanted $$. The man has a silver tongue but a lot of it is lip service IMO.
I don't even know why he's talking, he's got the dream move he wanted $$. The man has a silver tongue but a lot of it is lip service IMO.
I don’t know why people are just off handedly rejecting what he’s saying.

He’s got no reason whatsoever to hold back about Ole, but he’s taking up for him. That carries more weight with me than someone saying it whose still at the club.
so much salt.

can't fault Ander, he was a solid player at United who somewhat understood the club and actually seemed to care (unlike some others). But I get why he's leaving for PSG - it's kind of a no-brainer unless you're a real die-hard United fan. Good money, great team, nice city ... hard to turn that down, especially if you feel Woodward left it too late.

good luck to him. Seeing him in that PSG shirt will hurt though.
He's correct that patience is important. But so is quality and progress.