Antony | Here we go! €100mill, contract until June 2027, option 'til 2028.

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Full Member
May 28, 2009
I get what you're saying, but it only hurts them in the long run. Football is a dog eat dog sport with heirachy.

They are being MORE THAN compensated. If he was trying to leave with a mediocre offer I can understand, but this is an insane fee for somebody fairly untested. It's a huge gamble on our part.

Clearly if you listen to his interview he moved to Ajax expecting it to be a stepping stone to bigger things. Now they are going back on their word.
How have they gone back on their word? He signed a 5 year contract with no release clause, there's just a presumption here that he would be able to move on to another club when he decided. They're perfectly entitled to keep the player, who will help them win things, or to absolute rinse United for leaving it so late in the window when they've already lost a sizeable chunk of their first team.


Full Member
Jul 15, 2021
Racing Club
All these notions of it being bad for them to do it because it gives them a poor reputation, or players will be less keen, or that they're destroying dreams are complete one eyed, United tinted nonsense.
Agreed , I think it would do more damage to their football club in the long run to compromise on this deal.


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
Ajax are under no obligation to sell. Why are they shady. If they decide they have no time to replace a player under contract that's their perogative.
Bu that's the problem - apparently there were made well aware of Antony wanting to leave the club since February and that offers would come in for the next transfer window and they are jerking both us and Antony around. They lied to him and us that they don't have "time to replace the player", truth is they never wanted to sell Antony in the first place and Antony just called them out on it as a last ditch effort. It's their own fault for dragging this in this manner. We've been more than generous with our offers.

marcus agrippa

Full Member
May 13, 2005
"Clattenburg!- Jesus God!" - SAF
Anyone who expects journalists to be 100% correct all the time doesn't really understand how the industry works. The so called "reliable" journos are those who have direct lines to certain clubs and agents and will give out info they are being fed. Obviously these people use the journos to force a certain narrative, doesn't make the journalist less reliable.

Romano is quite clearly someone who has a direct line to most top agents and they use him( and he them) to release info they want.
Without a doubt. Just look how quickly this interview with Antony's come out: almost as soon as news broke that Ajax have rejected our bid. I'd say his agents had this all planned in case things didn't go to plan: whom to speak to, what to say, etc.

Annihilate Now!

...or later, I'm not fussy
Nov 4, 2010
I think we will sign him but unlike a lot of ye I think Ajax are playing a blinder. They either keep their contracted player, which they are entitled to do, or make a massive profit on a player that many had never heard of a year ago.
Agreed, Ajax aren't doing anything wrong here. He's their player and he signed the contract.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
How have they gone back on their word? He signed a 5 year contract with no release clause, there's just a presumption here that he would be able to move on to another club when he decided. They're perfectly entitled to keep the player, who will help them win things, or to absolute rinse United for leaving it so late in the window when they've already lost a sizeable chunk of their first team.
Listen to the interview


Full Member
Aug 24, 2013
Now any young player will think 1000 times before they sign with them. They made themselves look like Dortmund and now players will want release clauses in their contracts when moving to Ajax just like Haaland.


Full Member
Feb 9, 2009
Tbh there are posters that love to slate Ronaldo for the slave comment still. I don’t see how this behavior is any different (if not worse), its just we’re on the other side of it this time so we “love” it. Double standards.
Obvious difference between Ronaldo and Antony is there is no offer for Ronaldo.


Far less insightful than the other Charley
Aug 17, 2005
Ronaldo right now I couldn’t give a shit about I actively want him to go. Pogba I was slightly annoyed about and Ronaldo back in 09 I was devastated but this isn’t Utd we’re talking about it’s another club so I couldn’t care less. Hypocritical but aren’t we all.
Well no I'm not

I like that the lad wants to come but he's being well paid by a club that gave him his break in Europe

As Jose would say 'respect'


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
Bu that's the problem - apparently there were made well aware of Antony wanting to leave the club since February and that offers would come in for the next transfer window and they are jerking both us and Antony around. They lied to him and us that they don't have "time to replace the player", truth is they never wanted to sell Antony in the first place and Antony just called them out on it as a last ditch effort. It's their own fault for dragging this in this manner. We've been more than generous with our offers.
So what? They didn't want to sell then. And they don't want to sell tonight. The why doesn't matter.


Aug 5, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Karlsruher SC
They aren't, but if they have an agreement that they ignore then they can get in the trash tier with Spurs as a springboard club
Where is this idea of an agreement coming from? Because Antony told them he wants out? What if they also said no on February?


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Ronaldo right now I couldn’t give a shit about I actively want him to go. Pogba I was slightly annoyed about and Ronaldo back in 09 I was devastated but this isn’t Utd we’re talking about it’s another club so I couldn’t care less. Hypocritical but aren’t we all.
yet we reluctantly bowed to his wishes once we receive a huge world record fee. The 2 situations aren't that different.

The only difference is Ajax are refusing mega money because....?! they just think we will give them more and more.


May 13, 2021
I really hope we dip out on this one, pick up Ziyech on the cheap and use the funds elsewhere, Revisit next season.

Tony is a big talent, but he's not the finished article. 100 million euro for an Eredivisie player is just fecking nuts. He's not going anywhere for those prices this summer. Build something this season, with his Brasilian mates and go at it next season. If we lose him to Madrid or something next year, so be it. That fear shouldn't be worth overpaying by 50 million.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2013
That's not how contracts work in football mate. Usually it's the club who want a long term contract instead especially with young players. You absolutely don't want your potential 100m player leaving on a free.
Yeah, obviously you don't even want to let him go for 90m.
They should've included a fix release clause then. But you can't just sign a 5-year term and expect the club to cancel it whenever you feel like it.
If he get's a serious injury in his first season, they have to pay him for 4 more years and no one would expect him to decline the money.
It works both ways.


New Member
Jan 10, 2018
Weird sense of entitlement among some of our fans.

Ajax have every right to rinse us, and they have every right to not be all that enthusiastic about selling a player that they put in the hard yards to scout and develop that they haven't really got full value from in sporting terms - he's only played 50 odd matches.

All these notions of it being bad for them to do it because it gives them a poor reputation, or players will be less keen, or that they're destroying dreams are complete one eyed, United tinted nonsense.
It's not really entitlement I think. Imo 80m is more than a fair price. We didn't keep Ronaldo against his will. Of course Ajax could do whatever they want but imo it's not really nice nor right to keep a player against his will when the offer is fair.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2012
New Delhi
So he should've signed a 2 year contract, not 5 years, if it was clear he'd want to leave in 2022....
He wanted the security for long term but Ajax has to let him go as soon as he's gaining some value?

Sorry, I want to see this guy at OT too, but Ajax have every right to demand whatever fee they want.
On the flipside, the club would never agree to a 2 year deal with a player of his potential either. If that were the case then, he’d be moving on a free this summer. A 4-5 year deal gives the player the mid term security and at the same time also secured the club’s ROI given that the player performs well. I’m assuming they had an agreement in place while signing a 5 year deal which catered to both their plans.


Can't We Just Be Nice?
Jul 28, 2006
I have no idea either, yet.
Weird sense of entitlement among some of our fans.

Ajax have every right to rinse us, and they have every right to not be all that enthusiastic about selling a player that they put in the hard yards to scout and develop that they haven't really got full value from in sporting terms - he's only played 50 odd matches.

All these notions of it being bad for them to do it because it gives them a poor reputation, or players will be less keen, or that they're destroying dreams are complete one eyed, United tinted nonsense.


New Member
Aug 29, 2021
So what? They didn't want to sell then. And they don't want to sell tonight. The why doesn't matter.
But Antony wants to leave. It takes two to tango. You don't want to keep an unhappy player in your squad, especially when such a good offer has been presented to you.


New Member
Aug 15, 2022
Ajax & United, in that order
I'm convinced he'll come now with the next bid. The next bid will be their transfer record. I don't know if they have any other players in their squad who have the potential to go for this kind of money in the future.
Ajax, like many clubs, makes most of it's best deal by selling academy products and sub-€10m players for 20-45m. In today's market you don't need to have extreme talents to extract such fees from the market.
I’m surprised a club of their pedigree is behaving like this and allowing itself to be publicly humiliated
When they get their €90-100m I'm sure the financial director will be crying all the way to the bank.
I'm pretty sure transfer fees are going to crash next year.
Do you mean the market in general? Because I've heard that prediction so many times before. Even at the start of Covid, and the market barely noticed.


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
Sep 10, 2010
Sometime I wonder if this is redcafe or orangecafe :annoyed:


Oct 21, 2007
Now any young player will think 1000 times before they sign with them. They made themselves look like Dortmund and now players will want release clauses in their contracts when moving to Ajax just like Haaland.
No that's not gonna happen.


Michael Corleone says hello
Aug 9, 2014
Weird sense of entitlement among some of our fans.

Ajax have every right to rinse us, and they have every right to not be all that enthusiastic about selling a player that they put in the hard yards to scout and develop that they haven't really got full value from in sporting terms - he's only played 50 odd matches.

All these notions of it being bad for them to do it because it gives them a poor reputation, or players will be less keen, or that they're destroying dreams are complete one eyed, United tinted nonsense.
This is exactly how I feel about it. United fans were queuing up to commend Ajax for being a classy club during past windows but they're throwing their toys out of the pram right now.

Ajax have sold a shit ton of key players this summer and clearly don't need the money. They're not desperate and, as usual, we are. If you're going to aim your anger at anyone, aim it at the suits who've left it this late ( yet again) to conclude important business.


Aug 5, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Karlsruher SC
But Antony wants to leave. It takes two to tango. You don't want to keep an unhappy player in your squad, especially when such a good offer has been presented to you.
But it's entirely their decision they're entitled to take. Like PSG turning down 160m or similar for Mbappe in the final year of his contract. If they feel they would rather keep Antony than pocket 90m, and if they didn't promise him to accept a specific offer of course, how are they in the wrong?


Full Member
Feb 4, 2013
We bid earlier in the window didn’t we?
Not sure if we bid but we definitely had made our interest known and inquired. There was a piece from someone back in June that had Antony wanting to come to us, so it's been known. They seem to have kept raising the price when we did inquire. It's why he kicked up a fuss last week and refused to train or play because Ajax keeps playing games. Now we've finally put in an official bid we thought would do it and they said no so it's up to Antony to force it, who is now revealing Ajax are bit of cnuts knowing he was looking to move to the next level of his career back in Feb.


Nov 22, 2006
I can see which of you would make horrendous bosses..

To some people your word is everything. It was a two year project according to Antony and he told them in February he would now like to leave.

United honoured their word to Ronaldo and let him go to Madrid.


Full Member
Dec 8, 2020
so ajax has known since February of his intent and reinforced that at the beginning of the summer that he wanted to leave and wouldn't sign any sort of extension.....Ajax trying to play hard ball to get as much out of the deal as possible so they've screwed over the player fully knowing his intentions. That's just not fair business to the player who's done his job over the years and gave them PLENTY of time to work out a transfer plan for his replacement.


New Member
May 15, 2013
Ajax has made themselves look stupid being so greedy.

Future youngsters will think twice about going if they don't sell him.
We will see. I think they are just smart, they know we will come back, we are absolutely desperate for new signings. My guess is €100m in the next 3-4 days.


still gets no respect
Aug 21, 2012
Deepthroating information to Howard Nurse.
They don’t have to sell, the player has a contract. I don’t really get why they’re obliged to accept whatever he asks?
They aren’t obliged. However, the reason players like Martinez and Antony go to Ajax is for a route into Europe - develop in a semi-decent league, win trophies, play CL and then move on after showcasing themselves. That’s the dream that’s sold. Ajax get great young talent, win things and make hundreds of millions. You start forcing players who have now outgrown that league to stay hindering their development and turning down record fees then if I’m an agent I’m thinking twice before sending anyone to Ajax.


New Member
Jan 10, 2018
Yeah, obviously you don't even want to let him go for 90m.
They should've included a fix release clause then. But you can't just sign a 5-year term and expect the club to cancel it whenever you feel like it.
If he get's a serious injury in his first season, they have to pay him for 4 more years and no one would expect him to decline the money.
It works both ways.
It's not cancel mate. We'll pay them 80m for Antony it's not free. And sure it works both ways. That's why we have contracts to protect interests from both sides.
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