Arsenal Vs Manchester United


New Member
Sep 21, 2006
In mariah careys knicker drawer.
Just a little report from me on the game on Saturday.
Saturday 8th October. Midday kick off.

Left my home and got on the tube to Arsenal.

I started to walk down towards the stadium and noticed this huge green awful building. I thought 'surely this isnt the ground'! Its all the offices, it really is an ugly sight.

Well anyway, there i am walking down the road with thousands of gooners and what should happen!!! When i get a call on my mobile. Not a big problem, but the ring tune on my mobile is United Callypso! Talk about your heart missing a few beats and seeing your life pass before your eyes. Im frantically trying to find my mobile and people are looking at me wondering what the tune is. I find it and turn it off before it got to the lyrics of manchester. Phew, lucky escape. I later see whats behind that ugly building.

I get to the away section of the emirates, not much police at all i noticed the whole day. It started to rain very heavily then.

I get inside and get my first beer to get me into the loud singing spirit. No queuing up to get a beer, but at £3.50 im not surprised. Staff are very good actually. A million times better than ours and even have manners and a smile. Something oT could do with. The floor though is an issue. Its got this grey paint on it. When wet, its like an ice rink. not only was we trying to stand up, the police was holding on to each other with dear life. Im thinking one day the emirates will have a claim against them for a broken limb. Now the toilets are the same as ours, but with the amount of smoke in there from the smokers, its lucky to see a foot infront of you. Most people just held out til the end of the game. I was talking to a guy and i asked him about his journey to get here. He was from Perth, australia. He only makes the Arsenal v United games each year and had only been to OT twice. But to do a 6000 mile journey, i was impressed.

I finally get yo my seat. Its not easy to find, the row numbers are on a little disc on the floor at the other end of your row and most people are stood on them. The seat numbers are at a 75 degree angle on the chair leg. Just almost impossible.



New Member
Sep 21, 2006
In mariah careys knicker drawer.
Remembrance day minute of silence. All the gooners had a poppy printed on their shirts and they will be auctioned for charity. All united applauded this and then the Arsenal fans applauded us which was quite nice.

Then the game started.

Finally, it was a great game. Our fans was very loud for the first 30 minutes and did us proud, but later it quietened down just a tad. It felt like the united v city game last year. Just felt odd that we was losing. We played very well i though, but everytime the ball came in our box, we panicked. Probably, because of the weather belting it down for 90 minutes. I did say before the game i wanted Rafael than Neville and how right i was. When Rooney got substituted off, alot of our fans was in shock. We couldn't understand what fergie was doing. In fact i still don't know why. Can anyone clear that up for me?
A few Gooners on the tier above us was spitting to us down below on the bottom tier, which was pretty bad. You could see from the stewards infront of us though, that they was dealing with the individual low life's above us. The match finished and the players gave us a round of applause. We all left at the same time which was good. Alot of united fans didn't mind singing all the way to the tube station. The gooners didn't mind that. I got on the tube and alot of their fans was talking to us. Not one bit of hate. (this is how football should be). I got into Covent Garden to have a few beers and meet my wife. In the bar i was approached by some arsenal fans who joined me with my beer and we talked about the game. really nice lads. How the gooners have changed in the last 5-10 years i thought. Only abuse i got, was from an 80 year old guy, pissed up in the bar. The language on him was shocking. He got kicked out later and everyone cheered.
had an awesome day, and damn right. Would love to do it again.


Get a haircut Hippy!
Apr 9, 2006
the dna results are back from the lab, we now have conclusive proof that Samir Nasri raped Gary Neville