Ashley Young | now of Everton

Wasn't always a fan but I wish him well. Thanks for dominating Mo Salah in that one game at OT especially :D

I wouldn't go so far to call Ole the greatest manager in history.

Jokes aside, good luck to him. He always gave it his best and he seemed like an important figure in the dressing room, so I hope our young team can manage without his influence.
Strange timing considering our squad weakness but good luck to him.
Wasn't world class but did a job.
Good luck to him
Good luck to him but this is few years to late, look the stream of United captains and then you have freaking Young but best part of all, which isnt his fault, you have those who see him as loyal servant, pure gold.
Fantastic opportunity for him, hope he has a great time over there.

Top man, always gave his all and was a good servant to the club.

Anyone being negative, please bore off to the other thread. Cheers.
That fat H is making me seriously uncomfortable
Well this feels very very weird.

Young had a good career here. A model professional with a temper on him only surpassed by Roy Keane at times. Since this is a departure thread for a loyal club servant I see no need to throw criticism in here, but only wish the player well and hope his adventure in Inter is a success.
That fat H is making me seriously uncomfortable

Cant bother reversechecking the font but ill just admit its a weird typeset in the font package. Very, very weird... the H does nothing in that image. Besides look out of place.
What are we going to do without Sir Alex's big plan to stop Barcelona?

He did well when he first converted to leftback to fill in for us, so good luck to him
Definitely time for him to leave, all the best in any case Ashley Young.
Good luck for him there. Wish him well and hopefully he wins trophies there. Maybe not a top quality player but his professionalism and efforts can't be questioned.
Thanks for the service, and good luck!

He was a valuable servant to the club in his time but his time has passed. This is what Ole will do for us, clear the way for youngsters and new signings before expanding the squad. This way takes more time but is the right way.
When you look back at his goal highlights, it's very easy to under value his time here.

Always gave his all, and forced his way into the England squad as a left back, at 32/33!

The last 18months or so have been a bit underwhelming, but it happens to most players.

Love that he's tweeted about being back in the away end soon, and being part of our support base now.

But time to look to the future.
Never good enough and the fact he stayed so long is a testament to our own decline
And give me a break with the great/loyal servant crap
He was getting paid 100k bags a week for woeful performances yet he still abandoned ship mid season the very second another club came in for him
This United team would be in first place in Italy, Shaka Hislop would have us in his top 10 teams and Rashford would be twice the star he is now.
His contract is only for an initial six months... weird.
Good luck Ashley.

For 34 he's still fit and is a very good professional and nice guy. Probably good friends with Rom and Alexis and deserves a nice change.

With Tony V and Ashley gone though I guess we'll see less foul throws. Always seems to be those two. :)
I think he played every outfield position at one time or another? Played left back and centre forward in the same game once iirc. His attitude could never be questioned, best of luck to him in these final few years of a successful career.
I'll always remember him for this.

Hope he does well at Inter. Wish him well but he should have gone years ago.
Good luck Ash, good servant, good lad, never moaned but lets be honest he was never Man Utd class but he did a fecking good job of pretending a times.

Go and smash it son.
Wish him all the best, was never top bracket but I always had a soft spot for him and he gave us some good moments.
  • The goals in the 8-2 Vs Arsenal
  • Late equaliser away at Newcastle causing scenes in the away end
  • As above, late winner away at Stoke
  • Sealing the late win away at Blackburn, again scenes
  • Rocking up and getting stuck in with the away fans when out injured

Always seemed a solid pro and someone that would set a good example in terms of work ethic to young lads coming through.

All that said, think it's the right time for both parties for him to move on. His last decent move and a chance at some silverware in a different league. A bit concerned that it's another experienced head gone from the changing room, and leaves us a full back injury away from being short, but mid-long term we'll be better off.
He's signed for 6 months? Was it really worth the hassle by either club?

(Yes I know Inter have an option for a further year)
Fantastic opportunity for him, hope he has a great time over there.

Top man, always gave his all and was a good servant to the club.

Anyone being negative, please bore off to the other thread. Cheers.
Ff’n right sir
Strange stuff - they better get some players in the bastards
Strange timing considering our squad weakness but good luck to him.
Wasn't world class but did a job.
Good luck to him

It is, but I suppose we have let him go as its a good opportunity for him.

Good for him, but should of happened a year or two earlier.