Board vs Jose

I don't understand why people have a problem with what we have done in the window so far. Bought Fred and Dalot, plus the mighty Lee Grant, and sold Blind and Johnstone for decent fees. What is wrong with that? I am not seeing a lot of options for improving our team beyond that and the window isn't over yet.

The recent comments are more likely reflective of the difficulty getting the players he wants than anything to do with the budget.
We have signed one player that will start in our first 11 in Fred. We signed a young player that is a prospect but nothing more to dislodge Valencia. A third choice goalkeeper. The key areas haven't been addressed. LB, Experienced CB, RW, ideally a first choice RB. Then you have the uncertainty of the Martial situation. It's been a mess so far, with two and half weeks left we need to get more to mount a serious challenge. It's easy to see why there is frustration. We haven't improved enough and addressed weaknesses.
The issue is that we are finding it hard to conclude deals because we aren't paying up. Just like Perisic last summer. It all comes back to the Glazers, they have almost convinced some that we can't afford some of these players. It's a big joke, United are taking in more money than any other team. The club have been milked by them for years. If United were run right we would be buying a huge player every year. I'm talking Mbappe, the best around.
The board are absolutely right not paying fortunes for players in and around 30.
We have signed one player that will start in our first 11 in Fred. We signed a young player that is a prospect but nothing more to dislodge Valencia. A third choice goalkeeper. The key areas haven't been addressed. LB, Experienced CB, RW, ideally a first choice RB. Then you have the uncertainty of the Martial situation. It's been a mess so far, with two and half weeks left we need to get more to mount a serious challenge. It's easy to see why there is frustration. We haven't improved enough and addressed weaknesses.

Go on then, what would you try and do?
Glazers out along with Jose would be perfect. Unmitigated disaster since Fergie retired. Lots of cracks papered over with cup wins. Ridiculous amounts of wasted money on absolute dross players that are nowhere near good enough to wear the jersey. Liverpoolisation is right before our eyes and all that the Glazers will care about is top 4 and CL place. The Glazers couldn't give an absolute monkeys if we don't win any trophies and anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial.
Mo always blames everyone else, from his perspective it makes sense to put the thought out there that he possibly hasnt got the targets he requested and requires. When the tumescent football starts again and the sh*t hits the fan the story is already out there implicating the Board for the papers to run with ..
We have spent fortunes since SAF left, too much of it has been wasted though. The issue is Mourinho wants 28-29 year old players for large fees and large wages and I don’t think any club is going to want to splash out repeatedly on those kind of players.

The board and Mourinho are both at fault and are not on the same page. Worryingly that is unlikely to change.
We spent a fortune because of years of neglect to the squad. It's common knowledge that Fergie left a huge transfer kitty to the next manager. Fergie done an unbelievable job with a squad coming to the end and not many fund's at the end. Jose wants leadership and that comes with age. United are lacking a backbone and lack leaders. It's very easy to see that, not a leader in sight with our CB's. Lukaku and Pogba are quality players but young and still inconsistent. That goes for players like Rashford,Lingard and Martial too. We brought in Matic which really helped but it's not enough, it's about getting a balance. Too many times we have been beaten and not responded in the next game. This is what leadership is, not letting standards drop. It's about getting the right balance.
We're just as much to blame in all this. We're not patient enough to see an evolution of the players. We want instant success. So like what City did for Pep, we have to do the big, for big players.
If there is a disagreement I think it boils down to Jose being upset the board is not paying huge fees necessary to sign players with no resale value.
Imo, that falls down on the board again. Why hire that kind of coach in the first place?

Talk about just inventing things, if you took one moment you'd realise why thats bollcoks
Damn it. Just give Jose Perisic or Willian and sell off the want-away Martial and Jose will be back in his best mood. :D
We spent a fortune because of years of neglect to the squad. It's common knowledge that Fergie left a huge transfer kitty to the next manager. Fergie done an unbelievable job with a squad coming to the end and not many fund's at the end. Jose wants leadership and that comes with age. United are lacking a backbone and lack leaders. It's very easy to see that, not a leader in sight with our CB's. Lukaku and Pogba are quality players but young and still inconsistent. That goes for players like Rashford,Lingard and Martial too. We brought in Matic which really helped but it's not enough, it's about getting a balance. Too many times we have been beaten and not responded in the next game. This is what leadership is, not letting standards drop. It's about getting the right balance.
Think you're missing the point. No one disagrees with what older players bring. It's just that no club would contenance buying them repeatedly at inflated prices. We are a business. Chelsea just refused a £55m for Willian ffs! We were absolutely right not paying that kind of money for Perisic The problem ultimately lies with the board that hired a manager that needs an experienced squad.
Mourinho has a right to demand those kind of players since those are the kind he likes to work with but the club as a business has to do what is right for itself.
We have spent fortunes since SAF left, too much of it has been wasted though. The issue is Mourinho wants 28-29 year old players for large fees and large wages and I don’t think any club is going to want to splash out repeatedly on those kind of players.

The board and Mourinho are both at fault and are not on the same page. Worryingly that is unlikely to change.

This is where I find the board a complete joke, they knew what they were getting with mourinho, and he does not like developing players but already established that will last 2 maybe 3 years tops, not a good plan when transitioning one manager to another.

I think the board have allot to answer for appointing three managers that goes against everything the club built up for decades, a trilogy of terror of moyes, VG and mourinho for me have set this club back a decade or more.

The club has no identity, no leadership taking charge of transfers has most clubs do with director of football, and they allowed relics like moyes and VG come in and gut the entire infrastructure and allowed these relics to buy who ever they like, now a club with their house in order would keep that in check. How do the biggest and most successful clubs keep on top? They have a structure in place no manager is allowed to gut, has moyes was allowed to sacking Ferguson’s entire backroom staff, Real Madrid would have thrown him out of the club if moyes tried that shit at Madrid. MUFC still have no clue what to do to be a modern football club post Ferguson, they are has rudderless has they have been since summer 2013
Relax guys. Jose is just pissed off that most of the squad are on vacation and there is less than 3 weeks before the season starts. Once players turn up and start training, we'll get better interviews.
If you are not going to back Jose just sack him.
My view as well. You can't hire a manager like him, give him jurisdiction over the squad and then fail to do what's necessary.
We have spent fortunes since SAF left, too much of it has been wasted though. The issue is Mourinho wants 28-29 year old players for large fees and large wages and I don’t think any club is going to want to splash out repeatedly on those kind of players.

The board and Mourinho are both at fault and are not on the same page. Worryingly that is unlikely to change.
I agree that the board and Jose aren't on the same page. We spent badly and the issue with United is that there is no plan, we seem to make it up as we go on. I'm not going to sing City's praises but Pepe was planned in years in advance. We seem to just see what's available when it's going wrong. Look at what the Glazers took in and what they spent to now. They are to blame why United are in this situation. We should be first or second every other season. It's been a mess since Fergie left, the club have struggled with there identity since.
We should’ve never really extended Jose’s contract and planned for his succession already. That’s is the only thing I blame the board and Woodward for.
Relax guys. Jose is just pissed off that most of the squad are on vacation and there is less than 3 weeks before the season starts. Once players turn up and start training, we'll get better interviews.
I am not sure it's just that. He spent half of last season complaining about quality ofthe squad especially since the Sevilla game. His last press conference about transfers before the season ended, he said we would need a big summer to make up the difference.
Yet only one first team ready player has arrived and not many have been sold.
There only two ways I can reconcile that. Either he was deflecting for much of last season or he can't get what he wants.
I agree that the board and Jose aren't on the same page. We spent badly and the issue with United is that there is no plan, we seem to make it up as we go on. I'm not going to sing City's praises but Pepe was planned in years in advance. We seem to just see what's available when it's going wrong. Look at what the Glazers took in and what they spent to now. They are to blame why United are in this situation. We should be first or second every other season. It's been a mess since Fergie left, the club have struggled with there identity since.
This! The root of the problem is the Glazers and their yes-man Woodward. We still haven't paid a large chunk of that huge debt. Has anyone got sources for how much is left?

Imagine in an alternate universe, the Glazers never took over. United would have still become the commercial juggernaut we are today. But, we would have made proper signings between 2009 - 2013, which would have left us in a stronger position.
I would hesitant to give Jose money for a CB. He has already purchased 2 and neither seems to be first choice. Why would I, the board, trust him for a third?
This! The root of the problem is the Glazers and their yes-man Woodward. We still haven't paid a large chunk of that huge debt. Has anyone got sources for how much is left?

Imagine in an alternate universe, the Glazers never took over. United would have still become the commercial juggernaut we are today. But, we would have made proper signings between 2009 - 2013, which would have left us in a stronger position.

Well if you're being hypothetical, how about an alternate universe where the absolute fecking fortune on transfer fees that's been signed of by the Glazers since 2013 was actually invested wisely!?

Five years is a long time in football and with the amount of money we've spent over that period time we should have a hell of a good squad right now, even if we were penny-pinching in the years leading up to Fergie's retirement (and we've no evidence that this happened)
We should’ve never really extended Jose’s contract and planned for his succession already. That’s is the only thing I blame the board and Woodward for.
If we hadn't extended his contract, the rumours would have been engulfing the club.
Don't think his contract means shit.
I think it's pretty clear the internet needs to be deleted in order to preserve the state of mind of a lot of snowflakes who claim to support Manchester United.

In 2006 we 'only' bought Michael Carrick and I remember endless discussions of how this was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap to Chelsea etc etc. In 2002 similar was said when we 'only' bought Rio Ferdinand - we'd never catch 'that' Arsenal team.

I suspect that, before my redcafe days, there were people who didn't feel that buying a striker from Aston Villa and some unknown dutch centre back would get us back above the 1998 Arsenal double winning side.

Maybe I've been around too long, but this summer is possibly the most tedious of all time with respect to the nonsense constantly spewed by some of our so-called supporters.
I am not sure it's just that. He spent half of last season complaining about quality ofthe squad especially since the Sevilla game. His last press conference about transfers before the season ended, he said we would need a big summer to make up the difference.
Yet only one first team ready player has arrived and not many have been sold.
There only two ways I can reconcile that. Either he was deflecting for much of last season or he can't get what he wants.

I presume it the later. He is definitely pissed off that the targets are not arriving for some or the other reason. The board has been haggling over Darmian for a month now and his future is also looks bleak. Either we're don't know how to get it done quickly or the board doesn't want to commit anything for Jose.
This is where I find the board a complete joke, they knew what they were getting with mourinho, and he does not like developing players but already established that will last 2 maybe 3 years tops, not a good plan when transitioning one manager to another.

I think the board have allot to answer for appointing three managers that goes against everything the club built up for decades, a trilogy of terror of moyes, VG and mourinho for me have set this club back a decade or more.

The club has no identity, no leadership taking charge of transfers has most clubs do with director of football, and they allowed relics like moyes and VG come in and gut the entire infrastructure and allowed these relics to buy who ever they like, now a club with their house in order would keep that in check. How do the biggest and most successful clubs keep on top? They have a structure in place no manager is allowed to gut, has moyes was allowed to sacking Ferguson’s entire backroom staff, Real Madrid would have thrown him out of the club if moyes tried that shit at Madrid. MUFC still have no clue what to do to be a modern football club post Ferguson, they are has rudderless has they have been since summer 2013

Who would you have hired instead of Mourinho?

And sack the new manager because he wanted to sack the backroom staff? Well we'll be famous...
I think it's pretty clear the internet needs to be deleted in order to preserve the state of mind of a lot of snowflakes who claim to support Manchester United.

In 2006 we 'only' bought Michael Carrick and I remember endless discussions of how this was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap to Chelsea etc etc. In 2002 similar was said when we 'only' bought Rio Ferdinand - we'd never catch 'that' Arsenal team.

I suspect that, before my redcafe days, there were people who didn't feel that buying a striker from Aston Villa and some unknown dutch centre back would get us back above the 1998 Arsenal double winning side.

Maybe I've been around too long, but this summer is possibly the most tedious of all time with respect to the nonsense constantly spewed by some of our so-called supporters.
It reminds me the situation under LVG, he failed to convince the board to improve the squad and that costed him the job

Will be same for Mourinho, I predict a 5th or 6th place in EPL + a miserable UCL, with him sacked before or at the end of the season.

There are all the ingredients with the situation ready to explode.
you know Jose vrs Board could very well be the reason we haven't signed anyone

we have a board who seem a shadow of the board Fergie operated under, a board who seemed preoccupied with money and Woodward who doesn't seem to be a football man - Klopp was approached and didn't take Woody too seriously if I remember correctly - comments about Disneyland

on the other hand you have Mourinho - a cnut of a man and a spoilt brat. Someone who takes responsibility for nothing and is happy to throw players under the bus and, despite being backed very well has openly had digs at the board - he's bitched and moaned and if you are the board he's bound to grate you. Now he did get an extension but I wonder is there regret there the way we finished the season

there is bound to be political problems in any organisation and the lack of progress could be down to relationship problems as much as anything else. if they are thinking feck Jose then why give him money if they think we've enough in the tank for 4th?
I think it's pretty clear the internet needs to be deleted in order to preserve the state of mind of a lot of snowflakes who claim to support Manchester United.

In 2006 we 'only' bought Michael Carrick and I remember endless discussions of how this was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap to Chelsea etc etc. In 2002 similar was said when we 'only' bought Rio Ferdinand - we'd never catch 'that' Arsenal team.

I suspect that, before my redcafe days, there were people who didn't feel that buying a striker from Aston Villa and some unknown dutch centre back would get us back above the 1998 Arsenal double winning side.

Maybe I've been around too long, but this summer is possibly the most tedious of all time with respect to the nonsense constantly spewed by some of our so-called supporters.

In 2006 we had the 2 most promising young players in the world. In 2002, we had a team full on world class players.
I think it's pretty clear the internet needs to be deleted in order to preserve the state of mind of a lot of snowflakes who claim to support Manchester United.

In 2006 we 'only' bought Michael Carrick and I remember endless discussions of how this was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap to Chelsea etc etc. In 2002 similar was said when we 'only' bought Rio Ferdinand - we'd never catch 'that' Arsenal team.

I suspect that, before my redcafe days, there were people who didn't feel that buying a striker from Aston Villa and some unknown dutch centre back would get us back above the 1998 Arsenal double winning side.

Maybe I've been around too long, but this summer is possibly the most tedious of all time with respect to the nonsense constantly spewed by some of our so-called supporters.

Nearly every transfer window under Fergie was like that, one established with a couple of long shot signings.

It's why a high turnover of managers is shite as it necessitates big spending. We've had a huge list of failed/unsuitable signings since SAF (and i do think we saved money for his successor) so we're forever kicking water.
Have a director of footballer that identifies targets properly and plans. Being linked with Harry Maguire with two weeks left in the transfer market speaks for itself.

So there we have it. Appoint a Director of Footballer. Job done. Would their first job be to educate fans that links in the press are not normally a precise barometer of what the club is actually working on? Or would they be too busy directoring the footballers?
Hard to tell as Jose is always moaning and throwing shade at everyone except his grandma.

However, I can't believe no one on the board isn't uneasy about the amount of money he's spent and still wants to spend, whilst we still look disorganised. It surely can't be just us who believes teams with lesser resources look far more organised than we do.

Also, they got him Sanchez who hasn't yet lit up the place. Pretty embarrassing if he doesn't do anything this season as well. In the meantime, we've given him a long contract and made him the highest paid player in the PL?

I wouldn't give Jose any more funds either, as more players don't guarantee anything with him nowadays.

It's irresponsible at this point unless he has a drastic change of personality.

Who wants the club left with over 29 year old players on big contracts once Jose fecks off? And that could be anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on how we start the season.
In 2006 we 'only' bought Michael Carrick and I remember endless discussions of how this was nowhere near enough to bridge the gap to Chelsea etc etc. In 2002 similar was said when we 'only' bought Rio Ferdinand - we'd never catch 'that' Arsenal team.

We also had the best manager of all time leading us and a squad full of great players. We have neither of those things now.
It reminds me the situation under LVG, he failed to convince the board to improve the squad and that costed him the job

Will be same for Mourinho, I predict a 5th or 6th place in EPL + a miserable UCL, with him sacked before or at the end of the season.

There are all the ingredients with the situation ready to explode.
LVG can say whatever he wants in hindsight. Tons of managers fail to get what they want. Pretty sure it want Ed's decision to sign Sneiderlin and Basti.
Damn it. Just give Jose Perisic or Willian and sell off the want-away Martial and Jose will be back in his best mood. :D
And then he'll be upset about something else.... you can't keep giving in to him unless you're the Sheik of Qatar or somewhere, and even they might have a limit.