Boycott The Qatar World Cup?

The LGBT issues at hand has no correlation with slavery either. It is seclusion and segmented which has roots to discrimination. Slavery was an extremist action that became legislated as a result of racism for over a century.
Read it again. I didnt correlate anything.
I opened and closed that to illustrate the emptiness of an absract and nonsensical statement by another poster. I didn't compare it to anything. Nice try though.
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Read it again. I didnt correlate anything.
I opened and closed that to illustrate the emptiness of an absract and nonsensical statement by another poster. I didn't compare it to anything. Nice try though.

I'm glad you clarified that because it would have been a ridiculous comparison.
This definitely belongs in here and should hopefully explain the situation a little better to those who seem ‘confused’ as to why qatar is any less deserving than anywhere else to host a World Cup…

Watched that yesterday, great video. Heartbreaking what this country has put millions of foreign workers and their families through to host a fecking football tournament.
Yeah, and then trying to cover it up and not even compensate those poor families who lost husbands and fathers (because family values and decency are SO important to them of course).

And then the audacity to pull the rest of the utter nonsense they’re pulling.

Utter scum.

I mean I already had an idea about the conditions they had to work in and how these men were treated. But watching that it really exposes how Qatar treats these workers like animals and slaves. People waffle on about the reforms they've made but as the guy in the video says once this World Cup ends. Whatever reforms were implemented will probably be rolled back once the World's eyes are no longer on them.
Again, it wasn't a comparison. You just thought it was. Not my fault. And that was obvious if you read it. So save yourself the worry.

Irrespective you clarified your point. It's a public forum how things are conveyed will be received differently. You shouldn't feel a sense of emotion over something so basic.
Tbh I’ve yet to watch any games. Watched a few vlogs to see what the infrastructure is like for the average fan and had the tifo podcast on in the background. But overall haven’t been that arsed about tuning in.

Less a tactic, more a compromise. Not sure how this Iran team is capable of winning any games whilst they have the distraction of what's going on at home - it's a catch 22 whereby the only acceptable option in siding with the people vs regime is to effectively boycott, as there are regime security embedded with the team. That's no easy option, but personally if the team were to refuse to play en masse it would send a serious message, whilst also fecking over FIFA/Qatar slightly (Qatar are Iranian allies, as are FIFA by association).

Iran vs USA will be a big one. Hoping for a 1998 style reception, maybe with the US reciprocating the gesture. Would be a nice touch.
Irrespective you clarified your point. It's a public forum how things are conveyed will be received differently. You shouldn't feel a sense of emotion over something so basic.

Emotion? Are you feeling ok? You managed to not understand something written quite clearly. And then challenged me on making a comparison I didn't make.

It's just tedious to have to explain the obvious. Time spent here is difficult to be proud of, but spending time pointing out the obvious is really time that could be spent better.

The only emotion beyond tedium is amusement at your arrogance despite this whole exchange based on your misunderstanding.

Just read things more slowly and don't be such a rush to find fault and it will save this tedium
Emotion? Are you feeling ok? You managed to not understand something written quite clearly. And then challenged me on making a comparison I didn't make.

It's just tedious to have to explain the obvious. Time spent here is difficult to be proud of, but spending time pointing out the obvious is really time that could be spent better.

The only emotion beyond tedium is amusement at your arrogance despite this whole exchange based on your misunderstanding.

Just read things more slowly and don't be such a rush to find fault and it will save this tedium

You sound very upset that's unfortunate nevertheless I'm glad you clarified your point.

Furthermore, I never challenged you which explains your rationale. I raised a comparison which is more of a statement in the differences between LGBTQ issues and slavery.

You shouldn't take that personally there are other posters mentioning Nazi regimes with regards to Qatar. There are endless amounts of comments that lack objectivity.
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You sound very upset that's unfortunate nevertheless I'm glad you clarified your point ;)

What bit of it did you struggle with? Maybe I can explain it to you to save you wasting peoples time in future?

From emotional to upset, hmm. Would you like me to be upset? That's a very weird thing to fixate on?

I think the normal thing to do when you incorrectly challenge someone based on your own lack of understanding is to apologise.
What bit of it did you struggle with? Maybe I can explain it to you to save you wasting peoples time in future?

From emotional to upset, hmm. Would you like me to be upset? That's a very weird thing to fixate on?

I think the normal thing to do when you incorrectly challenge someone based on your own lack of understanding is to apologise.

See the rest of the post
You sound very upset that's unfortunate nevertheless I'm glad you clarified your point.

Furthermore, I never challenged you which explains your rationale. I raised a comparison which is more of a statement in the differences between LGBTQ issues and slavery.

You shouldn't take that personally there are other posters mentioning Nazi regimes with regards to Qatar. There are endless amounts of comments that lack objectivity.

You quoted me an accused me incorrectly of making a comparison I didn't make. Your inability to read shouldn't really impinge on my day this much.
You quoted me an accused me incorrectly of making a comparison I didn't make. Your inability to read shouldn't really impinge on my day this much.

No I didn't accuse you of anything, you view it that way because you clearly have a victimised complex to view things that are ordinary in an offensive manner. That's being unnecessarily sensitive. What I made was a statement your reaction would have suggested I insulted your family member or something. Absolutely ridiculous.
No I didn't accuse you of anything, you view it that way because you clearly have a victimised complex to view things that are ordinary in an offensive manner. That's being unnecessarily sensitive. What I made was a statement your reaction would have suggested I insulted your family member or something. Absolutely ridiculous.

You accused me of comparing slavery to the topic in hand. Just learn to read better, both other people's posts and your own. You're taking the thread off topic with your fascination with me. Time to stop.
You accused me of comparing slavery to the topic in hand. Just learn to read better, both other people's posts and your own. You're taking the thread off topic with your fascination for me. Time to stop.

You need to educate yourself on what an accusation is. You also personify far too much emotion on a forum which explains why you feel accused.
You need to educate yourself on what an accusation is. You also personify far too much emotion on a forum which explains why you feel accused.

Wow. You're quite lucky this exchange was with me and not just observed by me, because if you dragged another poster into this by misunderstanding them, and then insulting them for explaining your mistake, I'd just get rid.
Wow. You're quite lucky this exchange was with me and not just observed by me, because if you dragged another poster into this by misunderstanding them, and then insulting them for explaining your mistake, I'd just get rid.

You need to be realistic, I made the comment about the differences between LGBTQ / slavery your immediate response was to insinuate something being done against yourself by commenting "nice try though".

Also, what's more offensive being told to learn to read or to be less emotive on a forum ? The insult is closer to your side of the equation then mine. I have nothing to be thankful or grateful over.
You need to be realistic, I made the comment about the differences between LGBTQ / slavery your immediate response was to insinuate something being done against yourself by commenting "nice try though".

Also, what's more offensive being told to learn to read or to be less emotive on a forum ? The insult is closer to your side of the equation then mine. I have nothing to be thankful or grateful over.

We don't allow trolling. Have a nice day.
This definitely belongs in here and should hopefully explain the situation a little better to those who seem ‘confused’ as to why qatar is any less deserving than anywhere else to host a World Cup…

Well done. Shows why we need to boycott.
Great crowds and energy for group stage matches in a far off location (smaller crowd dutch match was exception )
Wait until knockouts, the countries left will have their populations packing Qatar... A lot more traveled than I thought even during the Group stages. Even the Denmark match had tons of fans.

The drama is there already .... expect this to get people egg face gonna be the #1 world cup
You sound very upset that's unfortunate nevertheless I'm glad you clarified your point.

Furthermore, I never challenged you which explains your rationale. I raised a comparison which is more of a statement in the differences between LGBTQ issues and slavery.

You shouldn't take that personally there are other posters mentioning Nazi regimes with regards to Qatar. There are endless amounts of comments that lack objectivity.

It's like you're trying to derail the conversation by accusing the poster of being emotional for no reason.
You need to be realistic, I made the comment about the differences between LGBTQ / slavery your immediate response was to insinuate something being done against yourself by commenting "nice try though".

Also, what's more offensive being told to learn to read or to be less emotive on a forum ? The insult is closer to your side of the equation then mine. I have nothing to be thankful or grateful over.

Calm down mate.
I wonder if the majority of the people who are vehemently criticizing are from the western countries?

What's the problem? I cannot understand. The fans should be able to wear whatever they like, they have paid a lot of money to participate in this.

This particular guy is dressed fine, he could be dressed as Ancient Greek God if he wants, that's the fun of the whole thing.
Found it. Keano standing up when it matters, when the others are singing from the qatari apologist media sheet.

Much respect to Roy Keane…

Yet he is there :lol: which helps their economy because I am sure they booked a flight for him, he is going to eat and sleep in at a hotel in Qatar. HYPOCRITE!
Why didn't he boycott?
Yet he is there :lol: which helps their economy because I am sure they booked a flight for him, he is going to eat and sleep in at a hotel in Qatar. HYPOCRITE!
Why didn't he boycott?

It's an interesting question. He's basically doing what Gary Neville said he'd do, ie, criticism from inside. He just made his point to a huge audience which is arguably a positive. Boycotting is to punish, silencing himself or removing his audience would only punish himself, and Keane has famously done that to himself before.
No matter where the World Cup was held there were pundit gigs going. In this context it’s about the courage of your convictions while doing the job.
Yet he is there :lol: which helps their economy because I am sure they booked a flight for him, he is going to eat and sleep in at a hotel in Qatar. HYPOCRITE!
Why didn't he boycott?

That was an option but if Roy wasn't there to say what he just said on live TV to millions. Then they'd only have replaced him with another wet wipe like Joe Cole or Jermaine Jenas who'd say nothing controversial nor interesting.
Found it. Keano standing up when it matters, when the others are singing from the qatari apologist media sheet.

Much respect to Roy Keane…

One of the few who've had the balls to state the obvious. Good man yourself Roy.