Cristiano Ronaldo - Man Utd Player

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Ronaldo having more impact than you think at United.....

Grant told talkSPORT how not a single member of the current crop at United indulged in a dessert after training on Friday afternoon due to the fact Ronaldo had opted against doing so.

"This was Friday night in the group hotel,” Grant explained.

"So, as you guys will be aware, you finish your dinner and usually on a Friday night you’ve got a few cheat stuff out. You’ve got some apple crumble or you’ve got a bit of brownie and cream or what not.

"I tell you now, not one player touched the apple crumble and custard, not one player went up for that brownie because everybody was sat down and one of the lads said to me, ‘What has Cristiano got on his plate?’

"So we were having a little goosey gander at what he has got and obviously it is the cleanest, most healthy plate you can imagine.

"And it just cracked me up how not one single player dared get up and have that junk food that was laid out."

Perfect example of pundits being too clever for their own good. Shaw was one of the best attacking FBs in Europe last season while Cavani had plenty of headed goals and chances. A lot of these criticisms can be solved by looking at how we played with Cavani last year but thats never brought up. A lot of pundits also fall in the trap of thinking we have to change our way of playing to build around Ronaldo. That’s the worst mistake we can make. We have a wide and varied selection of attackers now and to throw all that away by simply passing out wide and crossing it in because we have 1 attacker who can head the ball is mind numbingly stupid.
it seems I’m picking on these two but in this segment they represent all of the lazy punditry over the last 2 weeks

It's far too early to say of course but that scenario was sort of happening in the first half. We were playing with energy, purpose and a good technical level but honestly, it wasn't exactly the most nuanced or expansive.

It's another sleight jab on Ole imo in terms of 'patterns of play'.
It's far too early to say of course but that scenario was sort of happening in the first half. We were playing with energy, purpose and a good technical level but honestly, it wasn't exactly the most nuanced or expansive.

It's another sleight jab on Ole imo in terms of 'patterns of play'.
Gab and Jules are United haters. Jules in particular is a huge Messi fanboy (he has admitted it very recently) so they obviously want him and United to fail. I wouldn’t listen to what they say tbh, and can’t wait till we shut them up.
Ronaldo having more impact than you think at United.....

Grant told talkSPORT how not a single member of the current crop at United indulged in a dessert after training on Friday afternoon due to the fact Ronaldo had opted against doing so.

"This was Friday night in the group hotel,” Grant explained.

"So, as you guys will be aware, you finish your dinner and usually on a Friday night you’ve got a few cheat stuff out. You’ve got some apple crumble or you’ve got a bit of brownie and cream or what not.

"I tell you now, not one player touched the apple crumble and custard, not one player went up for that brownie because everybody was sat down and one of the lads said to me, ‘What has Cristiano got on his plate?’

"So we were having a little goosey gander at what he has got and obviously it is the cleanest, most healthy plate you can imagine.

"And it just cracked me up how not one single player dared get up and have that junk food that was laid out."

More on his speech:

The superstar striker gave a stirring speech prior to his second debut in which he told how he had returned to United to not only win trophies but bring back a “winning mentality” which would serve as his legacy.

I have returned to Man United for two reasons. “The first is because I love the club. The second is I love the winning mentality that breeds through the ranks of this club.

“I have not come back to be a cheerleader. If you guys want to succeed, then I need you to love this club from the bottom of your hearts. “You need to eat, sleep and fight for this club. Whether you play or do not play, you need to support your teammates and always give 100 per cent for the club.

“I am here to win and nothing else. Winning brings us happiness. I want to be happy, do you?’

Churchillano Ronaldo
This will be a common sight this season, multiple fanboys opposition players asking for his shirt after the game...

Edit: Feck that, I forgot about the autoplay on Reddit posts.
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This will be a common sight this season, multiple fanboys opposition players asking for his shirt after the game...

You can’t really blame them though can you.

Would be ultimate shirt to have on the wall to say you played against him when your old and retired telling your grandkids the highlight of your career. :D
We get the first insight from Sir Alex regarding Ronaldo's return

He actually spoke to the Glazers to make it happen.

Yes, this can put to bed the daft and bitter narrative that he doesn't care about the club and would have chosen City if City could have been bothered.
Yes, this can put to bed the daft and bitter narrative that he doesn't care about the club and would have chosen City if City could have been bothered.
Not sure anyone ever questioned Ronaldo caring about Utd and this interview seems to confirm the opposite to what you took from it...that Ronaldo was considering City ie. it was a possibility... so much so that Ferguson couldn’t bare the thought and had to get Involved, step in and make the Glazers take action. While he chose Utd over City...and I’m delighted he did...let’s not kid ourselves that he never would have gone to City had Utd of stayed out of the picture.
Not sure anyone ever questioned Ronaldo caring about Utd and this interview seems to confirm the opposite to what you took from it...that Ronaldo was considering City ie. it was a possibility... so much so that Ferguson couldn’t bare the thought and had to get Involved, step in and make the Glazers take action. While he chose Utd over City...and I’m delighted he did...let’s not kid ourselves that he never would have gone to City had Utd of stayed out of the picture.
That's not what i'm saying. He probably would have gone to City, until he knew United were in for him, at which point there was only 1 choice. And yes, go to the Messi v Ronaldo thread and you can see a lot of bollocks written there.
That's not what i'm saying. He probably would have gone to City, until he knew United were in for him, at which point there was only 1 choice. And yes, go to the Messi v Ronaldo thread and you can see a lot of bollocks written there.
Yeah fair enough...I actually think, before he came back, he didn’t realise the gravity or effect him coming back would have...on the club, the fans or even on himself. He has said since it was the best decision he has made and he certainly seems taken aback by it all. It does add a lovely finale to his legacy...especially if we win something big.
Would love to see him get a dangerous free kick and rocket his shit into the top corner
Seemed like Newcastle’s gameplan was to just let us have the ball and not even commit to tackling at all. We didn’t have a single free kick in a dangerous area that game.
The management is an issue with the team, not sure how much influence he can have there but with Ronaldo and the new additions to the team this performances shouldn't be happening. So at the very least everyone is going to be more critical with the manager for this type of displays if they keep on repeating as the building up a team excuse holds less value each new season.
He will not accept this terrible managment :)

Few more defeats and Solskjaer is finally gone.

For all his ego, I don't think he's someone who likes to cause trouble. The pressure on Ole if the team fails to do well this season will be from everyone regardless to what ronaldo thinks.
3 in 2 games now. The only positive from tonight.
It will be nice to see how long this streak continues.
His dissapointed face at the final wristle, that soul destroying 'we are so dissapointed in you' face that seems to hurt so much when your parents say it to you. :lol:

Hopefully he has no regrets.:nervous:
Will regret picking us over City in no time with our novice coaches. Ronaldo doesn't suffer fools.
The management is an issue with the team, not sure how much influence he can have there but with Ronaldo and the new additions to the team this performances shouldn't be happening. So at the very least everyone is going to be more critical with the manager for this type of displays if they keep on repeating as the building up a team excuse holds less value each new season.
To be fair we shouldn’t be a man 10 every game from here on in.
His dissapointed face at the final wristle, that soul destroying 'we are so dissapointed in you' face that seems to hurt so much when your parents say it to you. :lol:

Hopefully he has no regrets.:nervous:

Many more results & performances like this (not to mention being hauled off when we needed a goal as Ole bizarrely thinks Lingard is better than Ronaldo) & Ronaldo won't want to stay for a second season.
End the season without any titles and he will most likely go in the summer and when Ronaldo wants to leave Ronaldo leaves we all know this. He has a winning mentality like no other player in this sport and he won't accept mediocre rubbish like last night.
He'll be near 37 come the season end, he's going nowhere and no team can really afford him. I reckon he will finish his contract here and probably go back to Sporting Lisbon to play for one more year before calling it quits
He'll be near 37 come the season end, he's going nowhere and no team can really afford him. I reckon he will finish his contract here and probably go back to Sporting Lisbon to play for one more year before calling it quits

He's turning 37 in February, actually.

Hopefully he stays with us for 3 years, lifts a trophy or five, and tutors Haaland to greatness.
I think he will have a stint in the US league before he calls it quits.

Most likely.
Barring an unforeseen big injury, it's odds on he'll play to 40 for certain. It's just how much of that will be here.
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