dominance, complacency and trudging through hardship

Red the Bear

Something less generic
Aug 26, 2021
In respect to the great teams of the forgone we usually have two archetypes present those that absolutely steamrolled through opposition and those that had to work a lot harder for their achievements, examples from the recent years would include Barcelona 2011, bayern 2020 and to a degree jose's first Chelsea team for the former and our treble team, some recent Madrid teams, inter 2010 and perhaps Barcelona 2009 for the latter.

I do the get the feeling that the latter category shows itself to be much more resilient in the face of adversity however it may be as it's used to such obstacles while the dominant teams are in the danger of faltering the moment they meet such things, the examples would include the many city iterations of the past , barca of 2010 and perhaps even our own 2000 team and how PSG who lacks nay real competition domestically seems lost in Europe.

In the most recent example in regards the two Spanish giants perhaps a case could be made on how while Madrid never really dominated the league and the europe to the extent barca did at their peak they managed to win far more while barca seemed to falter a many while meeting setbacks, even bottling it somewhat.

Is there anything to it?