
NYC doctor tested positive for Ebola. He volunteered with Doctors without borders. He's been in contact with 4 other people who are now under quarantine. He's been on the subway, the bowling alley..
Good lord, NYC subway are incredibly busy. Doc should have shown more foresight.

EDIT: Esp in the US where news media are hysterical. This will no doubt blow out of proportion.
Good lord, NYC subway are incredibly busy. Doc should have shown more foresight.
Yep especially if you were treating Ebola in West Africa. I'd self isolate just to be sure. He's been on the 7 train, the L train. The bowling alley he went to has been closed and they're taking precautions but that's also a busy place.
Well it's only transmitted by bodily fluids and when he used mass transit they're saying he wasn't sick enough to infect anyone. One person he came into contact with is also now in the hospital. They probably just panicked. Craig Spencer that's his name. He also went to a restaurant.
Those survivalist's are having the last laugh now, at least I have my can of full English breakfast to see me though a day or two.
Well it's only transmitted by bodily fluids and when he used mass transit they're saying he wasn't sick enough to infect anyone. One person he came into contact with is also now in the hospital. They probably just panicked. Craig Spencer that's his name. He also went to a restaurant.

I hope they clean their cutlery properly!
Just because he wanted to volunteer in Africa, the doc causes panic and disrupts the life of so many others living around him here in NYC.
It does raise the question of whether those traveling back from areas where there are large ebola outbreaks especially those who have been involved in treating ebola patients, should have some sort of quarantine period before they start hanging out with the general public. Now granted we have not had a rash of Docs and nurses coming back from West Africa with Ebola and nobody knowing until they already have been out and about in public, but if there are concerns about spreading it, is a quarentine a reasonable action to take? Or is it a panic move?
You only transmit Ebola after you start showing signs of Ebola, like vomitting, fear and body ache. The doctor came back before 20 days and it ties in with the incubating period of the virus, so he would not be an active threat riding trains and restaurants. The quarantined people were the ones who he came in contact with after he started showing these symptoms. It also seems that the doctor was constantly checking himself for the temperatures and the quarantines are more for 'better safe than sorry'

Read up about Ebola and don't panic. Oh he went in L Train, oh he went to restaurant and all that is fine, but he did not have a running temperature, so you guys will be fine. Don't spread the panic yourself.
I can never work out why Shepard Smith works for Fox.

Why because in that clip he was rational, sane and completely not hysterical or blaming it all on Obama or the left? Or even the communists in Europe? Although there is a beautiful irony in him or any Faux News presenter commenting on "irresponsible news coverage"

Shepard is more of your prime-time news reader so has to tow a slightly different line to the completely unreasonable and irrational far right mavericks like O'Reilly, Hannity, and Megyn Kelly. He mainly reports news rather than commenting too much on it, albeit still with a massive Fox News style pro Republican/anti democrat slant on everything.

I think Fox has been told to tone down the scaremongering and blanket coverage of Ebola. I presume the same for most other channels and is also definitely evident on the UK channels. Whether it has come direct from Government officials or a decision by news groups as a whole, I'm not sure, but there has definitely been a change in the reporting of Ebola. Maybe it was because of the effect it was having on the stock markets?
Why because in that clip he was rational, sane and completely not hysterical or blaming it all on Obama or the left? Or even the communists in Europe?

Well, yeah. That. Exactly that.

He's a plastic faced stooge, granted, but he's always seemed a little more sensible than most, and slightly ill at ease with the agenda he's being forced to push. I could be projecting though. Whenever he's been called out by us devious lefties, it's for being uninformed, rather than bigoted and horrible. I'd like to think he'll come to his senses and switch sides for the big, apocalypic culture war Fox seems to think is coming.

I mean, that clip is clearly not something Fox told him to do. It runs completely contrary to their agenda. That was an Aaron Sorkin Newsroom moment. And the fact right wing nutters are hugely suspicious of him is enought for me.


Join us plastic faced Ken-doll-Shep-man. You know you want to. Bring down the asylum from the inside oh great asexual cat eyed liberator of the cable masses!
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Too much is being made of it in terms of global epidemic, was bird flu a few years ago and something else before that and something else before that, there will always be something and it will die out or a vaccine will be made.
Sabeti warned Khan about stress and overwork. “The most important thing is your safety. Please take care of yourself.”

He told her, “I have to do everything I can to help these people,” and then he would put on his gear and go back into the Ebola wards. Khan was a general in a battle where many of his troops were dead or fleeing.

The Ebola Wars:
Unreal...nurse moaning about having to spend 21 days in quarantine after returning from treating Ebola victims...


An American nurse who treated Ebola patients in Sierra Leone is to sue over being forced into quarantine despite testing negative.

Doctors Without Borders worker Kaci Hickox returned to the US on Friday and was promptly put into isolation at a New Jersey hospital.

She has tested free of the deadly virus but was told she would be unable to leave for another 21 days - when the disease's incubation period ends.

Her lawyer said the order violated her constitutional rights.

Writing in The Dallas Morning News before the lawsuit was announced, Ms Hickox said: "This is not a situation I would wish on anyone, and I am scared for those who will follow me.

"I am scared about how health care workers will be treated at airports when they declare that they have been fighting Ebola in West Africa.

"I am scared that, like me, they will arrive and see a frenzy of disorganisation, fear and, most frightening, quarantine."

She said that upon telling a border official she had just arrived back, she was immediately ushered into a private room before having questions "barked" at her.

She said she was made to wait hours with little to eat.

"I... thought of many colleagues who will return home to America and face the same ordeal. Will they be made to feel like criminals and prisoners?" Ms Hickox said.

"The US must treat returning health care workers with dignity and humanity."

Three states - New York, New Jersey and Illinois - introduced the mandatory 21-day quarantine period for anyone who has been involved in treating victims in West Africa.

Other states, including Virginia and Georgia, are also considering whether to impose the same regime.
Having mixed feelings about the whole quarentine of returning health care workers. Part of me of course says it is not a bad idea, keep him under observation for 21 days just in case. But it is not like we have had dozens of case of these workers showing up back in the US or other countries, then finding out they have Ebola and they spread the disease, so another part of me thinks it is just a panic move or a move designed to make the public feel better but serves no real purpose in stopping the disease.

I can understand that nurses frustration and anger, but given that she just came back from dealing with Ebola surely she is overplaying the fear factor of being kept in quarentine for 21 days? I mean isn't treating Ebola victims and watching many die more frightening then a few weeks of quarentine?

Of course if there is going to be a quarentine it has to be organized, well run and it can't be just making people sit in a hospital room staring at the walls for 3 weeks. Should add that if done, it needs to be done for a sound, logical reason, not out of overwhelming fear.
Having mixed feelings about the whole quarentine of returning health care workers. Part of me of course says it is not a bad idea, keep him under observation for 21 days just in case. But it is not like we have had dozens of case of these workers showing up back in the US or other countries, then finding out they have Ebola and they spread the disease, so another part of me thinks it is just a panic move or a move designed to make the public feel better but serves no real purpose in stopping the disease.

I can understand that nurses frustration and anger, but given that she just came back from dealing with Ebola surely she is overplaying the fear factor of being kept in quarentine for 21 days? I mean isn't treating Ebola victims and watching many die more frightening then a few weeks of quarentine?

Of course if there is going to be a quarentine it has to be organized, well run and it can't be just making people sit in a hospital room staring at the walls for 3 weeks. Should add that if done, it needs to be done for a sound, logical reason, not out of overwhelming fear.

I think it is clear that these methods would stop the disease spreading if they were infected. I accept there have not been dozens, but there have been a few. I'm not buying into the scaremongering that has been going on in some parts of the media / countries, but doctors who are treating the infected would appear to be a legitimate way for the virus to be transferred to another country. There have already been cases where someone who has been infected has been able to travel on public transport before they have gotten ill.

Surely a doctor treating a deadly disease shouldn't have too many complaints about quarantine procedures erring on the conservative side? When I read the initial headline, which was along the lines of "American Nurse Slams Quarantine Procedure", I expected them to be saying that there were too many mistakes / weaknesses in the approach - not that it was too robust!
Would be ideal if staff returning from Ebola-ridden countries could manage to self-quarantine themselves in some way but up to now this seems to be something they're not prepared to do. Is it any wonder that officialdom has taken over and done it for them.

You never know when symptoms will appear, or how quickly for that matter, so it makes sense to stay away from public places.
Would be ideal if staff returning from Ebola-ridden countries could manage to self-quarantine themselves in some way but up to now this seems to be something they're not prepared to do. Is it any wonder that officialdom has taken over and done it for them.

You never know when symptoms will appear, or how quickly for that matter, so it makes sense to stay away from public places.

I think it's really really selfish of people coming back not wanting to take every step possible to protect the virus from spreading around the globe. These same people that take their own time and money to go and help these poor people in a foreign country, with a real risk to themselves, then come back to their own country and don't want to take steps to protect their own countrymen and women. The irony is astounding.
Argh! so angry. I never learn. For about 15 years or so I have often put Fox news on, mainly for sh!ts @ giggles, but also to make myself feel a little more sane and rational and often grateful to be English. However, I just put it on for 5 mins as there is nothing else on and it has vexed me greatly.

As expected they are reporting the ebola virus but now they are looking at it from a "cost" point of view. Basically they were saying that it can take up to 100 staff members per each ebola patient, loss of money due to various reasons, that imho were fair points, intensive care costs rise and cost of cleaning the areas afterwards. However, one point made my blood boil. LOST REVENUE because of nearby empty beds!

Bang! right there outright saying that treating the sick is a profit based industry in the States. Completely unapologetic and shameless. They then went on about how much it cost to treat Duncan Clarke on a typical "taxpayers will cover it" slant instead of looking at it from either a humanitarian or protective view.

In my opinion, Obama's biggest failing as President is that when he was first elected and had majority control of both the Senate and House of Reps, he was too weak and tried bipartisan politics. I understand why he tried to do this seeing as how divided the country seemed to be, especially after the Bush years. But his weakness just allowed the rise of the Tea Party and their insane clown posse followers. I fear for the UK with our own tea party UKIP, but that's another topic.

I find it hard to understand how a country can call itself civilised when it has such an unfair health system. Obama knew this and wanted to change it. From what I have seen and read, a large portion of Americans also think this too. He tried to appease the Republicans and bring everyone together instead of forcing through one of his main agendas which was complete reform of healthcare and instead ended up with the so called Obamacare that is nowhere near the reform Obama originally wanted, universal healthcare. Coupled with his struggle to reform gun ownership, I feel really sorry for him and the many Americans this all effects. Deep down he must know he missed a chance. I understand he couldn't have got everything 100% his way, because of the filibuster, but he sure could have tried.

Yes Obama has faults, but his heart has always been in the right place with many issues. And from a Europeans point of view, the world has definitely felt a lot safer with Obama in charge rather than Bush and Cheney and co. But also as an Englishman I feel so unbelievably lucky that we have such an amazing NHS system. More importantly, that the majority of our citizens see it as their moral right to help contribute to those that cannot afford healthcare with their taxes, and they don't begrudge it. If they don't like it they can go private. I just find it extremely hard to understand the lack of empathy and sympathy involved in not wanting or believing in universal healthcare. The I'm all right Jack so feck every one else attitude. But hey, i'm just a wishy washy European progressive so what would I know?

Rant over. Sorry guys. :(
I'm fine with quarantine as soon as symptoms are displayed. A shotgun approach of chucking everyone in quarantine as soon as they get off a plane originating from one of the affected countries is ignorant, and goes against the advice of health care professionals and organizations.

But politicians would rather bend and sway with the tune of FOX news. What else explains the wishy-washy nature of Cuomo and Christie in recent days? Idiots.
US Troops returning from the area are being quarantined interesting considering Obama is against quarantining returning health care workers. It is being done to reassure the troops their families the Italian govt ( the troops home base is in Italy) and to protect the base and surrounding communities.
I'm fine with quarantine as soon as symptoms are displayed. A shotgun approach of chucking everyone in quarantine as soon as they get off a plane originating from one of the affected countries is ignorant, and goes against the advice of health care professionals and organizations.

But politicians would rather bend and sway with the tune of FOX news. What else explains the wishy-washy nature of Cuomo and Christie in recent days? Idiots.
Cuomos a Dem in a Dem state. FOX news will have little sway over him. cNN on the other hand....
I am amazed at how unpopular Obama is right now in US. It is almost reaching Bush levels. You had a Democrat Senator hopeful not even admitting today that she voted for him. :wenger:
I am amazed at how unpopular Obama is right now in US. It is almost reaching Bush levels. You had a Democrat Senator hopeful not even admitting today that she voted for him. :wenger:
Repubs don't like him cause he is a Dem. Dems don't like him because he has not lived up to expectations. Generalizations of course.
Doctor with Ebola died in Nebraska today. Believe he was flown in with advanced symptoms after initially testing negative. I assume he was in the window period. I'll read up and see how good the test is. False negatives are a massive concern if tests will be used as screens.
In other news I hear a few trials will start in the coming months. Not impressed with what I'm hearing though in that there will be no control arms. Insane if true IMHO.