Europe Refugee Crisis


listens to shit music & watches Mrs Brown's Boys
Jan 8, 2014

Bloody hell, what was she thinking? I watched the video and I'm surprised she didn't end up getting attacked for lashing out at kids.

A Hungarian journalist sacked for kicking and tripping migrants near the Serbian border has apologised and insisted she is not a "heartless, racist, child-kicking camerawoman".

Petra Laszlo said in a letter to the Magyar Nemzet newspaper (in Hungarian) that "something snapped" in her as migrants broke through a police cordon.

She said that she reacted out of panic and felt she had to "defend herself".

Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into the incident.

Ms Laszlo said: "I do not deserve the political witch-hunts against me, nor the smears or the death threats.

"I'm just a woman, and now an unemployed mother of small children, who made a bad decision in a situation of panic. I am truly sorry," she said.

The footage of Ms Laszlo kicking people and tripping them up, including a man carrying a small child, sparked outrage when it surfaced earlier this week.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
There will be millions of people trying to move to better areas of the planet as time goes on, due to climate, lack of food and water, huge populations, disease, war etc.

It's going to get very messy.
In other words more of what has always driven mass migrations of people throughout history. Yeah it will be messy.

Man of Steel

Smashed it!!
Apr 16, 2011
I'm doubting people's commitment to Sparkle Motion
In other words more of what has always driven mass migrations of people throughout history. Yeah it will be messy.
Never been this many people before though. Also living in internet and 24 hours a day news coverage, global news instantly, everyone knows what's happening everywhere around the world pretty much. We could see whole countries or areas getting news of impending famine or weather change or similar and then all moving at the same time. It would have taken time in the past for any news to reach such vast amounts of people. Now we will have panic on a vast scale.

It's one reason I don't watch the news for very long. It's just too much. I sometimes long for the days when you'd get the six oclock news or news at ten and that was it.

It's no wonder that so many people are struggling mentally with modern times. I may move to a small village and take up whittling..


formerly kid777
Aug 2, 2011
Saudi Arabia denies not giving Syrians sanctuary

Saudi Arabia has defended its efforts to aid Syrians fleeing the conflict in their country, following criticism that Gulf countries have not been taking in enough refugees since the crisis broke out there more than four years ago.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on Friday cited an official source in the foreign ministry as saying the kingdom wanted to make clear its role in helping refugee in light of charges it was doing nothing.

The official said it was "important to clarify these efforts with facts and numbers in response to media reports, which included false and misleading accusations about the kingdom".

None of the six states that form the Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, has signed the UN convention on refugees, which has governed international law on asylum since World War Two.

But Gulf states say they have taken in hundreds of thousands of Syrians since the civil war there began in 2011, just not as refugees.

The source said Saudi Arabia had received nearly 2.5 million Syrians since the conflict erupted.

"[Saudi Arabia] was keen to not deal with them as refugees, or to put them in refugee camps, to preserve their dignity and safety, and gave them complete freedom of movement."

"[Saudi Arabia] gave whoever chose to stay in the kingdom, which are in the hundreds of thousands, proper residency ... with all the rights that are included like free health care and engaging in the workforce and education."

The kingdom has also provided about $700m in humanitarian aid to Syrians and had set up clinics in various refugee camps, the statement by the SPA said.

The official source said more than 100,000 Syrian students were receiving free education in the kingdom.

The country has also provided humanitarian aid to countries hosting Syrian refugees and through international relief organisations.

Mrs Smoker

Full Member
Aug 24, 2011
In garden with Maurice
Panthère du Ndé
Apparently, in a single day at Friday, 10,000 refugees arrived at Munich's central train station. Expecting 40,000 just over the weekend (not just in Munich of course).

Some other numbers (from would be great if our German friends could double check google translated stuff

2,000-4,000 refugees travel between islands and main land Greece, with sparse registration.

There are 40,000 refugees at Serbian-Hungarian border.

More than 7,000 migrants pass Greek and Macedonia border heading north.

Million passports have been issued in Afghanistan.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
There will be millions of people trying to move to better areas of the planet as time goes on, due to climate, lack of food and water, huge populations, disease, war etc.

It's going to get very messy.
By then we will carpet bomb with Drones send in the robot soldiers to kill anybody left with the robot clean up squad after... Block out the news for a couple of weeks whilst we do it and travel to the new part of the planet on a big cruise ship (crudely based on wall-e).

Man of Steel

Smashed it!!
Apr 16, 2011
I'm doubting people's commitment to Sparkle Motion
By then we will carpet bomb with Drones send in the robot soldiers to kill anybody left with the robot clean up squad after... Block out the news for a couple of weeks whilst we do it and travel to the new part of the planet on a big cruise ship (crudely based on wall-e).
Ha, frighteningly, you might not be as far off the truth there..

Don't forget the untraceable pacifying drugs in the tap water too...


Full Member
Sep 24, 2013
Not Moskva
So the Germans are closing the border with Austria. I wondered how long it would take for reality to catch up with German policy.


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
Feckin eejits, the Germans. They should never have promised open entry to anyone that could make it to their border.
Turns out that Cameron's restrained position was best.

Sir Matt

Blue Devil
Jul 22, 2009
Feckin eejits, the Germans. They should never have promised open entry to anyone that could make it to their border.
Turns out that Cameron's restrained position was best.
Well if they had some more lebensraum, they'd have plenty of places to put the refugees.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2008
Good to the Germans come round to my way of thinking.

Last weeks open border policy was never going to survive the flood of economic migrants


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
First some German feckwit criticises V4 for being cautious about immigrants and threatens to use force if it will be needed just for Germans to close their border with Austria a week later, comedy gold.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2008
Magical Manchester United.
This gonna be fun this week, we expect 20,000 refugees coming in today at the very least, and 60,000 more are expected in the next couple of days from Hungary. Our prime minister is a fecking tool, I can't say how much I hate that guy for how he's handling this crisis. His party (social democrats) are going to be responsible for handing over Vienna to the right-wing party at the elections in October, and this cretin is the main culprit for it. Sick of our government, absolutely sick of them.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Given that no one in that article is stated to be an immigrant, and in fact that article doesn't in any way mention immigration, why exactly are you telling us this, again?
its a clear view ho well the integration is going


Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
Hansa Rostock / Bradford City
Given that no one in that article is stated to be an immigrant, and in fact that article doesn't in any way mention immigration, why exactly are you telling us this, again?
Same with the video he posted above. It was probably shared by Britain First who mistook the matter for another example of aggressiv these ignorant selfish refugee parasites are.


CE Specialist
At least 34 dead as boat capsizes off Greek coast
September 14, 2015 Comments Offon At least 34 dead as boat capsizes off Greek coast

At least 34 people have drowned after a boat carrying scores of refugees capsized off Greece.

Greece’s coastguard said a stricken boat carrying at least 100 refugees sank off the island of Farmakonisi in the southern Aegean Sea on early Sunday.

It said 68 people were rescued and a further 29 managed to swim to a beach on the island.

Rescuers have pulled a total of 34 bodies from the sea. A dead child was among those found in the area during the rescue operation.

Europe is facing an unprecedented refugee crisis, which has escalated over the summer as refugees are coming directly to the continent instead of staying in camps in neighboring countries.

The International Organization for Migration said Friday that more than 430,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe this year, with 2,748 dying or going missing in packed and unseaworthy boats.

The continent is now divided over how to deal with the flood of people, mainly Syrians fleeing the four-year civil conflict in their homeland.


Sep 12, 2004
Chelsea FC
I may be wrong, but didn't Merkel encourage the refugees to come over and insisted that Germany is ready and willing to accommodate something like 800,000 people?

Why are Germans closing the border?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2008
I may be wrong, but didn't Merkel encourage the refugees to come over and insisted that Germany is ready and willing to accommodate something like 800,000 people?

Why are Germans closing the border?
Because she realised it was a stupid idea and they had no capacity to handle these numbers

Member 39557

I may be wrong, but didn't Merkel encourage the refugees to come over and insisted that Germany is ready and willing to accommodate something like 800,000 people?

Why are Germans closing the border?
She fecked up.


Full Member
Sep 5, 2013
They cant close the border for a long period anyway. This is just a tactic to hold off the refugees and hoping that they would go to another place.

If anybody thought a country could cope with so many refugees on a daiy basis for weeks and months, is just deluded.


Aug 9, 2013
the other Santa Teresa
The 800.000 were an estimation of people who were/are already coming anyway this year. Merkel announced that Germany would happily take in 500k a year and opened the boarder at the same time, which makes obviously no sense, because the number she announced was smaller than the estimation of refugees who´d come to Germany in 2015. If you want to take "only" 500k, you have to close the boarder at some point.
For non Germans it is also important to know, that refugees are distributed around each federal states and the states have to actually deal with the issue hands on. That makes it easier for Merkel to make nice promises, because she doesn´t have to deal with it directly. At least not with the problematic part like housing, security, health-care etc.pp. It is a mess, but knowing the German electorate, they´ll still vote for her.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
The 800.000 were an estimation of people who were/are already coming anyway this year. Merkel announced that Germany would happily take in 500k a year and opened the boarder at the same time, which makes obviously no sense, because the number she announced was smaller than the estimation of refugees who´d come to Germany in 2015. If you want to take "only" 500k, you have to close the boarder at some point.
For non Germans it is also important to know, that refugees are distributed around each federal states and the states have to actually deal with the issue hands on. That makes it easier for Merkel to make nice promises, because she doesn´t have to deal with it directly. At least not with the problematic part like housing, security, health-care etc.pp. It is a mess, but knowing the German electorate, they´ll still vote for her.
Is there much mainstream opposition to this fiasco being voiced in Germany at the moment? It seems like the kind of gross incompetence that would lead to a politician's downfall in other places.

Rory 7

Full Member
Apr 15, 2002
A car park in Saipan
I can't help but feel this crisis is the real beginning of the end for the EU. A Brexit is almost inevitable in my view and then more will follow. The European Project was always something I supported but the lunatic bureaucrats really have taken over the asylum.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2013
Hansa Rostock / Bradford City
The boarder isn't "closed" ffs, why do people love dramatization and simplifications on this topic? Have people actually been on the german-austrian boarder? You can accidently cross it when you're going hiking in the alps, I want to see someone closing that boarder haha. They have re-established checkpoints on the streets at the bavarian-austrian boarder, refugees are still allowed to go through, they're just registered now immidiately. The whole thing is done to put pressure on the other EU states because right now we have an egoism competition in Europe with every country just pushing the refugees around and no common plan whatsoever
The reason Munich is struggeling is because the state Bavaria under Seehofer and his CSU right wing morons have been doing shit business for weeks now, the whole problem is pushed on the citys shoulders and they obviously can't handle it. Like PedroMendez said the federal system in Germany is a problem in that matter because every state is handling the problem its own way, everyone is blaming everyone and it's easy for Berlin (as in the goverment) to make calls which they don't have to deal with it directly.


Aug 9, 2013
the other Santa Teresa
Is there much mainstream opposition to this fiasco being voiced in Germany at the moment? It seems like the kind of gross incompetence that would lead to a politician's downfall in other places.

Not really. We are governed by a „große Koaltion”, so the two biggest parties (conservative party and the social democrats) are forming the government. We have only two other parties in the parliament, who are both further to the left. The Green party is pretty much saying the same as the social democrats, who are their natural coalition partner and the far left leaning party is basically saying, that Germany/the EU isn´t doing enough. The liberal party self-destructed a couple of years ago and is marginalized. We had the AfD, a conservative anti-euro party, who celebrated a couple of successes during the last years, but eventually they self-destructed and split up into an extreme right-wing and a liberal/conservative wing; both won´t do a whole lot.

The biggest criticism of the current policy is coming from the fairly populist Bavarian CSU, who are part of the government themselves (they are in a permanent union with the national conservative party).

The only thing, that is getting criticized is, that the process of registration isn´t going well, but there general course isn´t questioned at all. The media was too busy to celebrate, that Germany is so charitable, while describing many eastern European partners as selfish and shortsighted.

There is also no one who could do that in a credible way and there is no viable conservative/liberal/centrist alternative to the current parties. Merkel might act like a nice and humble person, but she is probably the most ruthless politician, when it comes to maintain her power. The way she follows certain popular opinions, while marginalizing any potential opposition (internal and external) is remarkable (and scary).
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