European Cup Final 2011 tickets

Still got to be against UK law to sell-on a ticket to a UK football match, even if you sell it to somebody abroad. Also surely against UEFA regs, which is dodgy given their official partner status with many major European clubs,

It's illegal to sell on a ticket if you are in UK jurisdiction, whether it is in public or on the net. You can, however, make the transaction in a private place! ;)

Outside the UK's jurisdiction of course UK law has no effect.

Technically selling on the tickets is breach of contract and invalidates them, but unless tipped off about specific tickets or batches, UEFA aren't going to do anything.
I am in need of a ticket aswell, can only offer money and beer in return. PM me if you can help
There will be NO SPARES for this game lads. I really wouldn't waste your time asking.

If you're ticketless, snides or jib is your only way in. I'm going down on Friday and jibbing in the stadium if I have to. I'm sure sleeping in the bogs wont be that bad
There will be NO SPARES for this game lads. I really wouldn't waste your time asking.

If you're ticketless, snides or jib is your only way in. I'm going down on Friday and jibbing in the stadium if I have to. I'm sure sleeping in the bogs wont be that bad

Seems like people on here reckon it'll be almost impossible to jib though! :(
Hardly stealing a place or likely to cause harm to anyone let alone 'fatal incidents'

Maybe not stealing a place but it is a bit of a feck you to all the lads who paid. And of course it can cause fatal incidents, if everyone in London decided to jump the gates what do you think would happen?
Maybe not stealing a place but it is a bit of a feck you to all the lads who paid. And of course it can cause fatal incidents, if everyone in London decided to jump the gates what do you think would happen?

The game would be stopped temporarily, the overspill filtered off around the side of the pitch and escorted out through the lower exits, and then the game would continue with the remaining fans safe in the stands.
Maybe not stealing a place but it is a bit of a feck you to all the lads who paid. And of course it can cause fatal incidents, if everyone in London decided to jump the gates what do you think would happen?

Jumping the 7ft turnstile gate with 3inches of space above and around? My opinion is if a red can jib into Wembley for the European Cup Final fair fecking play to them. The less corporate cnuts filling the place the better.
Tbh, I hope it is, i'm all for seeing the game but to steal a place in that stadium and potentialy cause fatal it worth it?

Everyone is willing to pay to see the game. Thank UEFA for the almighty feck up they will cause. Firstly, for pricing out the ordinary fan and secondly, for issuing 40,000 (forty thousand) neutral & corporate tickets!

I should be ok for a ticket but if I ended up getting fecked off, I will get inside that stadium
Hypothetically speaking once you jib into the stadium where do you go? Will everyone at Wembley be standing?
Love the optimism of first time jibber's hoping to do the Champions League final at Wembley.

Not worth the risk lads. If you get caught, you'd end up missing the start of the game as well.
Everyone is willing to pay to see the game. Thank UEFA for the almighty feck up they will cause. Firstly, for pricing out the ordinary fan and secondly, for issuing 40,000 (forty thousand) neutral & corporate tickets!

I should be ok for a ticket but if I ended up getting fecked off, I will get inside that stadium

I really do doubt that you would be able to jib Wembley mate
I really do doubt that you would be able to jib Wembley mate

I did it easy enough, but that was for the community shield. Can't see it being so easy for the European Cup Final but you never know.

My guess is a similar setup to Barca 99 and you won't get near the ground without showing a ticket.
Love the optimism of first time jibber's hoping to do the Champions League final at Wembley.

Not worth the risk lads. If you get caught, you'd end up missing the start of the game as well.

Surely the possibility of getting to see the final live is worth the risk? :rolleyes:
Hypothetically speaking once you jib into the stadium where do you go? Will everyone at Wembley be standing?

Step 1-You jib in (push really close behind someone as they go through the turnstile - Ideally between 2 mates with tickets).

Step 2-You run into the stadium (there's a good chance you'll be spotted during step 1 so get into a busy area a.s.a.p)

Step 3- You go and stand next to everyone else. If anyone asks tell them the truth that you've jibbed. No one will grass :) Easy peasy.

Step 4 - Enjoy the game :angel:


This won't be an easy jib. Wembley usually is but there will be loads of extra security in place but it's certainly possible and hundreds will jib this one.. Thousands will try and fail.
Jibbing some stadiums can be a doddle. Champions league final a couple of years back was piss easy. Lots did it. However wembley is like fort knox. Its almost impossible.

No it's not it's one of the easiest jibs going. You're right about Rome i jibbed it. It was laughably easy :p
They could be shoved in a a cell under the stadium with the only chance of salvation a passing Dolly Parton.
What happens to them ones? Thrown back out the stadium and they can try and jib into another section or is it pretty much back to the pub to watch it after that? :nervous:

Yep. You can try as many times as you want i suppose but then it'll only be getting later and later and you're less likely to get to a pub to watch what you can of the game.

If i didn't have a ticket i honestly don't think i'd even try and jib this one. I just can't see many getting away with it. I'd get myself into the London chubb club night, enjoy the match with loads of other match-going reds, then make my way back to where the party's at should we win. It'll still be a fantastic night regardless.
Yep. You can try as many times as you want i suppose but then it'll only be getting later and later and you're less likely to get to a pub to watch what you can of the game.

If i didn't have a ticket i honestly don't think i'd even try and jib this one. I just can't see many getting away with it. I'd get myself into the London chubb club night, enjoy the match with loads of other match-going reds, then make my way back to where the party's at should we win. It'll still be a fantastic night regardless.

How about watching it in a pub and then trying the last 10 minutes jib like when united won the league in 08? surely there wont be any ticket cordons set up outside near the end of the game when the admission gates are closed? :nervous:
How about watching it in a pub and then trying the last 10 minutes jib like when united won the league in 08? surely there wont be any ticket cordons set up outside near the end of the game when the admission gates are closed? :nervous:

The only problem is there will be no pubs open anywhere near the ground.
The only problem is there will be no pubs open anywhere near the ground.

Ugh that throws up a problem! So I guess anyone who tries the jib will either end up in the stadium or not seeing much of the game at all? That's throwing another dilemma my way now! :(
feck me, the Caf has become a jibbing forum :D

Good luck first time lads, Wembley has a reputation of being piss easy, it was for the FA Cup Semi a few weeks back and has been every other time, feck knows if it'll be different this time due to the fact its a European Cup Final or not though.

If the police see you're trying by posting on here, you can get done for it, mind you. ;)
Step 3- You go and stand next to everyone else. If anyone asks tell them the truth that you've jibbed. No one will grass :) Easy peasy.

Stand next to everyone else who's jibbed you mean or just everyone as in our fans? Surely those who do it would stand out like a sore thumb loitering about without a seat, near the steps or wherever and get moved on. Well they probably would if they did it at Old Trafford anyway as our stewards can be a bit heavy.
Well they probably would if they did it at Old Trafford anyway as our stewards can be a bit heavy.

Not in the Stretty.

Totally depends on wether everybody is standing or seated, basically.

Didn't quite follow the part about standing with everybody else who has jibbed... how would you work out who had jibbed, and why would you all want to stand together anyway?
Had a look over the net tonight at travel agencys since I know that is my only option getting inside Wembley legally. The cheapest offer I could find was 2500 pounds/ person. WT(holy crap balls)F? Trusting the lottery now:nervous: Jibbing for the first time is also in my mind but I wanna take me dad who went to the Stretty before I was born (71) so guess thats out of the question. Congrats reds getting tickets, enjoy the night! Hopefully I atleast be in London celebrating afterwards:devil: