Explosions at Boston Marathon

I remember looking at Twitter last night and being amazed at some of the comments. As well as putting the blame on Al Queda, I think a few people had mentioned that it reminded them of being caught up in IRA bombings. This was quickly interpreted by some people that the IRA were to blame. It was bizarre. There was one person who stated that it cannot be them because as far as they knew Ireland had been peaceful for years.
Now I have no idea who is responsible, but my intention is to show what speculation can do.
I don't know, I'd like to think even during the Cold War and the evil commies taking over the free world - at a personal level, ppl felt for even those they consider their enemies(separating them from the regimes) But that might just be wishful thinking on my part :(

Interesting Wiki (yeah wiki I know) article on genocide down through history. Of course many early acts of genocide (small tribes wiping out other small tribes) are lost to history.


One interesting quote.

Adam Jones explains, in his book Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction, that people throughout history have always had the ability to see other groups as alien; he quotes Chalk and Jonassohn: "Historically and anthropologically peoples have always had a name for themselves. In a great many cases, that name meant 'the people' to set the owners of that name off against all other people who were considered of lesser quality in some way. If the differences between the people and some other society were particularly large in terms of religion, language, manners, customs, and so on, then such others were seen as less than fully human: pagans, savages, or even animals. (Chalk and Jonassohn, The History and Sociology of Genocide, p. 28.)"[
Hasn't a random terrorist organization usually claimed this as their own work (despite it not being), by now?
This might already have been shared - so apologies if I'm doubling up. A picture of the dead 8 year old - Martin Richard.

The photo is from a year ago

Hasn't a random terrorist organization usually claimed this as their own work (despite it not being), by now?

Only one I heard so far is one group saying it was NOT them. The silence so far is interesting. Though whether a large group, small group or single operator/nutjob it would seem sooner or later they would want to announce their purpose publically.
Only one I heard so far is one group saying it was NOT them. The silence so far is interesting. Though whether a large group, small group or single operator/nutjob it would seem sooner or later they would want to announce their purpose publically.

After what happened to Afghanistan I don't think anyone wants to claim responsibility.
Calm your knickers mate. I've been posting on middle eastern terror attacks for years on this forum, granted I'm not as active on the CE as I used to be.

And I think it does raise an interesting point - 3 dead in the US and its front page news in every media outlet in the globe. 30 dead in Iraq and its lucky to get a side mention. It doesn't make either story any more or less tragic than the other, but it does raise an interesting point on perspective and the value of human life.

It's not that surprising though is it? Western media will focus on a western issue. The fact is we live in an anglo-centric world where western culture is by far the most dominant. For instance, you support an English team and post on an English forum.
Because we don't know anything at the moment. News agencies will run with anything they can get their hands on in hope of getting an exclusive or being right. So currently we'll be filtering through all kinds of incorrect information trying to figure it out. We will not be able to, and as such it seems pointless and agenda driven to me.

I'd prefer to let the people who do have the most current and accurate information figure out who is responsible. It sits as well with me as the type of thinking that made two people have to leave a plane because they were not speaking English and weren't white.

Doing a bit of speculating with calm rational thought is a far cry from idiots who leave planes cause of non white non English speakers. That's just idiotic.

And there are things we do know all to well, such as Boston and April 15th is a very important date for militias and tea party extremists and their deadly anger, and we also know that from the Oklahoma bombing and Waco that Miltia types take dates and anniversaries seriously, and it's almost exactly 20 years from that Monday Waco fire that was the do date for Oklahoma City.

If you're not seriously speculating on these groups, your head is in the sand.
Doing a bit of speculating with calm rational thought is a far cry from idiots who leave planes cause of non white non English speakers. That's just idiotic.

And there are things we do know all to well, such as Boston and April 15th is a very important date for militias and tea party extremists and their deadly anger, and we also know that from the Oklahoma bombing and Waco that Miltia types take dates and anniversaries seriously, and it's almost exactly 20 years from that Monday Waco fire that was the do date for Oklahoma City.

If you're not seriously speculating on these groups, your head is in the sand.

I'm simply waiting for clear facts to emerge from the case. Dates are significant to a number of different people and groups, national and international.

Boston is also an important place for American history, not just modern tea party-ists.

Head in the sand or blinders on...it's all the same to me, which is why I resist the urge to speculate at this moment. It's far too early for that but I've never been one for whodunnits.
Now this is the sort of crap that must be stopped. Of course from a Murdock rag:

The New York Post has been criticized for its coverage of the Boston marathon explosions.

Soon after the blasts struck on Monday afternoon, the paper, citing law enforcement sources, said that 12 people had died. It stuck to this assertion all day, even as every other outlet put the number at two or, at the most, three. By Tuesday morning, the official toll had not risen. The Post backtracked slightly, writing, "The official death toll was three, but a law-enforcement source told The Post it could be as high as 12."

The paper was also the first to say that a "Saudi National" had been taken "into custody" by police at a local Boston hospital. Its initial stories said that the man was
"identified as a suspect."

This was denied by the Boston police, who repeatedly said there was no suspect and nobody in custody. As the day went on, other outlets also reported that a man was being questioned, but only as a "person of interest" and not as a suspect.
It sits as well with me as the type of thinking that made two people have to leave a plane because they were not speaking English and weren't white.

iirc there was a middle eastern man hauled off a plane after the Oklahoma bombing years back.

and to respond to another point brought up here: if it turns out the bomber was Saudi nothing will change in American foreign policy with regards to them.

19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis so the US attacked Afghanistan & Iraq.
Now this is the sort of crap that must be stopped. Of course from a Murdock rag:

The New York Post has been criticized for its coverage of the Boston marathon explosions.

Soon after the blasts struck on Monday afternoon, the paper, citing law enforcement sources, said that 12 people had died. It stuck to this assertion all day, even as every other outlet put the number at two or, at the most, three. By Tuesday morning, the official toll had not risen. The Post backtracked slightly, writing, "The official death toll was three, but a law-enforcement source told The Post it could be as high as 12."

The paper was also the first to say that a "Saudi National" had been taken "into custody" by police at a local Boston hospital. Its initial stories said that the man was
"identified as a suspect."

This was denied by the Boston police, who repeatedly said there was no suspect and nobody in custody. As the day went on, other outlets also reported that a man was being questioned, but only as a "person of interest" and not as a suspect.

"Worst piece of paper on the East Coast" - Public Enemy

But yeah, it ends up being a bit like telephone if we don't let things settle for a day or two to let the facts come out.

Purple Monkey Dishwasher.
iirc there was a middle eastern man hauled off a plane after the Oklahoma bombing years back.

and to respond to another point brought up here: if it turns out the bomber was Saudi nothing will change in American foreign policy with regards to them.

19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis so the US attacked Afghanistan & Iraq.

I wouldn't be surprised, they (middle easterners) have been the enemy since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
They clearly know who they're looking for, if they didn't they would be making it very public what type of individual they are looking for. I'd imagine they know who it is but havent managed to trace them down, or even so have tabs on them and are waiting to see if they'll make a mistake and link them to the wider group
What absolute tosser Koas is!

Arguing about which bomb news should get more coverage or is not getting.

FFS use a bit of common sense on the whole situation and also in general as to how human nature works and why some news makes it bigger than other. Doesn't mean there is an agenda.
This might already have been shared - so apologies if I'm doubling up. A picture of the dead 8 year old - Martin Richard.

The photo is from a year ago


I hope they find the bastards responsible and literally skin them alive.
Thing is I don't know why people give a feck? We can continue to pretend or face up to facts - we're going to sympathize with those who we think have more in common with us...

Do we think there is going to be wall to wall coverage and black badges in the muslim world if 20 Israelis are shot dead/bombed? NO.

It's sad that humanity/society has become so tribal and lost the ability to empathize with those we don't consider like 'us' - but that is the reality.

And it makes life doubly hard for those who us, who have a stake both in the west and east :(

Has become so tribal? What are you on about. Society has been always tribal.
The bastards really want to cause many horrific injuries, The explosives were put inside pressure cookers and hidden in duffel bags packed with nails and ball bearings.

The metal parts inside are getting more and more common with homemade bombs. And it sounds like the pressure cooker thing has been done before as well.
The metal parts inside are getting more and more common with homemade bombs. And it sounds like the pressure cooker thing has been done before as well.

The idea of shrapnel inside an explosive has been around since it was invented by Henry Shrapnel. Using things like nails, ball barings, etc is not new, even before the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta (which used nails as shrapnel) bomb makers knew how to do this stuff.
What absolute tosser Koas is!

Arguing about which bomb news should get more coverage or is not getting.

FFS use a bit of common sense on the whole situation and also in general as to how human nature works and why some news makes it bigger than other. Doesn't mean there is an agenda.

No he isn't. He is simply pointing out that there was no news information on the bombings. All of the recent events are tragic, of course but he was not suggesting this tragedy was worse than that one.
No he isn't. He is simply pointing out that there was no news information on the bombings. All of the recent events are tragic, of course but he was not suggesting this tragedy was worse than that one.

The thing is there was news coverage about the bombings in Pakistan and Iraq, they just were not the top news story.
Seeing that picture has hit me.

feck politics
feck religion

No picking sides between opposing views, that was horrific, and everyone needs to come together to find the bastards who did this.
The thing is there was news coverage about the bombings in Pakistan and Iraq, they just were not the top news story.

I have not seen any. At that time I had switched to Sky and BBC and they had nothing on. They may have shown something later in the day ( I don't know- been playing FM13) but that would have have been after he posted.
Probably some of you saw the photo circulated after the attack, showing a girl in blue lying motionless on the floor with a medic taking her pulse. Well, she has been confirmed as one of the dead.
The metal parts inside are getting more and more common with homemade bombs. And it sounds like the pressure cooker thing has been done before as well.

The use of a pressure cooker will help mimic the characteristics of the common pipe bomb only on a larger scale. The use of nails, ball bearings or whatever else increases the amount of shrapnel, which is what kills and maims people in the blast radius.
It's concerning they still don't know or aren't saying who they think is behind this.
BOSTON — When Jeff Bauman woke up in a hospital bed on Tuesday, an air tube was down his throat, both of his legs had been amputated at the knee, and his father was by his side. He tried to talk, but he could not.

He looked angry, as he motioned his arms up and out like shock waves and mouthed: “Boom! Boom!”

Jeff Bauman is the man in the photograph that has become an icon of the Boston Marathon attack, the one showing a bloodied, distraught young man, holding his left thigh, being wheeled away by a man in a cowboy hat. If the world could not identify him immediately, Mr. Bauman’s father — also named Jeff Bauman — certainly could.
That was his son with his legs destroyed, wearing a favorite shirt. That was his son.

When the explosions went off at the Boston Marathon, Jeff Bauman, 52, called his son’s cellphone again and again — no answer. He knew his son was there, to cheer for his girlfriend, Erin Hurley, who was running her first Boston Marathon. For an hour, he kept calling, calling. No answer.

Then his stepdaughter, Erika, called him. “Did you see the picture?” she asked. “Jeffrey’s on the news. He got hurt.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure?” He was shouting now.

“Yes! Yes! I’m sure!” she shouted back.

Mr. Bauman found the picture on Facebook. It was not the whole picture, the one that showed Jeff’s left leg blown off at the calf. He started calling Boston-area hospitals and found his son registered at Boston Medical Center. He and his wife, Csilla, drove from their home in Concord, N.H., and reached Jeff’s side just before 8 p.m.

The surgery was already done. Both Jeff’s legs had been amputated at the knee. He had lost an excessive amount of blood. During surgery, the doctors had to keep resuscitating him, giving him blood and fluids, because he had lost so much.

Jeff, 27, is a good kid, never got in trouble, his father said. He likes playing guitar. He works behind the deli counter at Costco. He plans to pay off his student loans and go back to school at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

During the marathon, he was standing at the finish line waiting for Ms. Hurley, alongside her two roommates. Ms. Hurley was still about a mile away when the blasts went off, far enough away that she did not know what had happened. Why had everyone stopped?

Jeff was the first casualty brought to Boston Medical, his family was told. He went through the first operation and then a second, about 1 a.m., to drain internal fluids caused by the blunt trauma.

That night, Jeff’s half-brother, Alan, called from his boot camp at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex. His father told him Jeff had been hurt but did not say how badly. He planned to tell Alan the whole truth later.

The Baumans knew how lucky Jeff had been. “The man in the cowboy hat — he saved Jeff’s life,” Ms. Bauman said. Mr. Bauman’s eyes widened. He said: “There’s a video where he goes right to Jeff, picks him right up and puts him on the wheelchair and starts putting the tourniquet on him and pushing him out. I got to talk to this guy!”

The man in the cowboy hat, Carlos Arredondo, 53, had been handing out American flags to runners when the first explosion went off. His son, Alexander, was a Marine killed in Iraq in 2004, and in years since he has handed out the flags as a tribute.

With the first blast, Mr. Arredondo jumped over the fence and ran toward the people lying on the ground. What happened next, he later recounted to a reporter: He found a young man, a spectator, whose shirt was on fire. He beat out the flames with his hands. The young man, who turned out to be Jeff Bauman, had lost the lower portion of both legs. He took off a shirt and tied it around the stump of one leg. He stayed with Mr. Bauman, comforting him, until emergency workers came to help carry him to an ambulance.

He helped only one man, Mr. Bauman.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Baumans wondered what had become of the man in the cowboy hat. They wanted to tell him that their son was alive, that he was moving his arms and legs.

But he might be in the hospital for two more weeks. What would he do when he was not so sedated? They plan to bring him his guitar. What would they say to him when he came to?

The elder Mr. Bauman covered his mouth with his hand. “I just don’t know,” he said, and he started to cry.

A little more information on one of the injured whose graphic photo was all over the internet last night. It must have been a horrible way for his family to find out but it seems it allowed them to be at his bedside when he awoke which is a small mercy.
Better to wait and know for sure than drag someone through the shit like in 1996 at the Olympics.
Well if this individual(s) were part of a cell the chances are that they've scattered to the four winds by now. Unless their plans aren't yet complete, a possibility we'd all hope isn't the case.

On the other hand we could have some loner waiting for their suicide by cop moment as we speak.

Still unknown.