FA to investigate Edinson Cavani | This thread is taking a break

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Agreed about the warning part. It should be a made absolutely clear to all Spanish speaking players to never use any variation of that word under any circumstances. I suppose those who aren’t fluent in English aren’t allowed to express themselves in their own languages. Ironic in a way.
It's ironic because we're behaving xenophobic ourself. We need to have a look at our own actions before we attempt to vilify others.
and i will continue because this thread is not about you

read the thread tittle
I mean replying to me telling me what it means. I already know, lets just move on
I know. But depends who is saying it and why
Indeed, and therefore it has sweet feck all to do with the word but the context, tone, emphasis...

Guess what applies with "gracias negrito :handshake:"?
Indeed, and therefore it has sweet feck all to do with the word but the context, tone, emphasis...

Guess what applies with "gracias negrito "?
Isnt that my whole point and always the case with even the word negro in the US and the other word which I wont repeat. Anyway moving on. We’re getting into a semantic debate which is irrelavant. In the whole we agree. Cavani shouldnt be banned and there was no ill intent

In no county has the word itself in origin been a slur. Its how its been used that has caused the negativity
I feel like the one who can save the ban is Evra.

Either make an amazing comment on TV or go to the FA and make a statement at the right time and say it's clearly not racist comment especially in comparison to what Suarez had said.

Come on Evra...
Show me where I said Cavani is in the wrong? Like I said already I dont think anyone can think Cavani meant any malice.
If he gets a ban it because the FA are silly like I said already
I didn't?

You said it depends on who said it and to who so I replied to that. Curious (given your clear knowledge of the language, culture and first hand experience of the exact word being discussed) as to thoughts in THIS instance (i.e. what Cavani said)
In many latin cultures they use terms of endearment that to us in the “west” consider politically incorrect. Amongst a group of friends they often call each other some variance of negrito (blacky), chinito (chinky eyes), gordo (fatty), guero (whitey) usually assigned depending on how they look.
I honestly think many people don't understand what racism is, and those persons are the ones trying to imply racist connotations to things that have not got them. For example, a person from a different country, different culture saying some word in a totally affectionate way. Maybe it sounds a bit weird in said country, then you can explain the problem to the foreigner, and we all move on.

Racism isn't about a list of words you cannot say, or a list of things you can or can't do. This is an absurd oversimplification of the issue.

Racism is about human rights vulnerations because of some group of people's inherited characteristics, and to see that group of human beings as inferiors because of such characteristics.

Cavani's post hasnt got an ounce of racism on it. but i know some fat pricks in the FA have no idea what racism is about yet, and so Cavani will get a ban for a couple of games.
I have a lot of friends who’s nickname are “negro” or “negriito”
in fact tomorrow i’m having lunch with four friends, one we call him “pajaro” (wich means bird because he used to whistle a bit too much) one we call “negro” (dark skinned, you know) one we call “negrito” ( he is darke skinned too, only younger) and the fourth hasnt have a nickname because there’s nothing in particular about him

i’m many times called “flaco” (which means “skinny” because i used to be one)

in south america nicknames are part of our culture and are ways to say we appreciate the other person for what he is

the fact that some of you expect the rest of the world to be ashamed of things that you did, is absurd

we don’t think of a negro or a negrito as a slave or a menace or someone less important

Cavani is in England. Calling people negros or words of that ilk isn't acceptable here. It's irrelevant what is common lexicon in South America.

It's unacceptable to his employer, Manchester United, for him to use such terms on a public platform. It also is not in line with the FA's anti-racism policies. Cavani can talk how he wants in private, but his social media is an extension of his workplace.

Nobody is suggesting Cavani is racist. But from this he'll learn from that he is living in a different culture and has to understand what's acceptable here.
Cavani is in England. Calling people negros or words of that ilk isn't acceptable here. It's irrelevant what is common lexicon in South America.

It's unacceptable to his employer, Manchester United, for him to use such terms on a public platform. It also is not in line with the FA's anti-racism policies. Cavani can talk how he wants in private, but his social media is an extension of his workplace.

Nobody is suggesting Cavani is racist. But from this he'll learn from that he is living in a different culture and has to understand what's acceptable here.
so he is not going to be banned for being racist but for using a word in spanish? Where i’m from a punishment is given for doing something wrong, I guess the FA adheres to a different rationale
Why does he need educating on the use and not English speakers needing educating on its use?

The fact a post on a global social network has to abide by English/Western culture in a post between 2 Uruguans is by definition, racist. It should be explained properly the use in the culture and context used and everyone be more educated for it.

Whether or not the term shoukd or should not be used is not for us to say and if you think it should then how is that not some kind if superiorority complex or racism?

Funny old world.
In Suarez's and Terry's cases there is a victim who had reported that they were racially attacked by that word.

So, if his friend is ok with that, who is the victim here?

It's like a son who stole the money from his parents, and they are ok with that. The police can't do anything.
so he is not going to be banned for being racist but for using a word in spanish? Where i’m from a punishment is given for doing something wrong, I guess the FA adheres to a different rationale

Nobody knows what the outcome will be, if any.

But it's been explained to Cavani that in the UK words like Negro aren't acceptable to use. Upon being told this Cavani deleted the post so he's understood he can't use that language here.
Why does he need educating on the use and not English speakers needing educating on its use?

The fact a post on a global social network has to abide by English/Western culture in a post between 2 Uruguans is by definition, racist. It should be explained properly the use in the culture and context used and everyone be more educated for it.

Whether or not the term shoukd or should not be used is not for us to say and if you think it should then how is that not some kind if superiorority complex or racism?

Funny old world.
The FA are all for acceptance and inclusion for everyone... as long as you speak English. The irony.
In many latin cultures they use terms of endearment that to us in the “west” consider politically incorrect. Amongst a group of friends they often call each other some variance of negrito (blacky), chinito (chinky eyes), gordo (fatty), guero (whitey) usually assigned depending on how they look.

England has many endearing words of Chinese and Pakistani's, they even sound cute. But just nope to using them....
May a brazilian use the word “preto”

Again, people can talk how they want in private. But when on public platforms they have to be mindful that they're not only representing their employer but are also bound by the FA's rules. If the FA deem something to 'bring the game into disrepute' etc. They will act accordingly.
May a brazilian use the word “preto”
I dont think the issue is with the word. In the cultural context. Referring to someone by their race isnt really socially acceptable like it is in Latin America.
For instance if I went down the street and called my mate hey white boy, I would also get some weird looks (especially since Im not white)

Your word was taken by Western cultures and turned into something else and its a shame
OH FFS the press will have a field day with this, so will fans from other clubs.
Should he have known that world is unacceptable use, maybe yes, but he did and when told deleted it straightaway.
The FA will take a very dim view, we all know that, I see a minimum 3 match ban coming his way.
The FA rules, sent out to all clubs and players - via the PFA - state: “Where an offence is in writing only or via any communication device the absolute minimum match-based sanction in such cases will be three games.”
I know in Latin countries, Negrito is something you say to your best mate or brother. He obviously didn't intend it to cause offence. It's a bit different to Suarez and Evra who hated each other on the pitch.

I think the anti-Utd side of the media will have a field day with this.
Doesn't matter. You need to be careful about what you say or post on social media.
He is going to get an unfairly long ban.
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