Film Films that really don’t live up to the hype

Believe it or not, the BBC reported that after the war attempts were made to make Spitfires break the sound barrier. Like Hardy, one pilot was able to successfully glide and navigate his plane down safely after the propeller had broken off completely.

What’s more, a USA Today Q&A with a pilot posed the question of how far a jetliner could glide if the engine quit at 30,000 feet. While it would vary in the wind, the pilot estimated that it could travel for another 100 miles. An older, smaller plane like the Spitfire would cruise at only 20,000 feet, and it’s 78.5 miles from Dover, England to Dunkirk — so even after the Spitfire’s dogfights, the distance it traveled in the film without a propeller was well within the range of possibility.

There's also examples during the war of pilots being able to glide their spitfires of upto 15 miles. One thing I can commend Nolan on is getting the details right, granted they're added some flair but they're never completely hollywood, there's always a dose of possibility behind it.
TBF to Nolan, he would have done that for real with a Spitfire if they let him :lol:
For me, Inherent Vice.

I saw the trailer for that and was so hyped up for it. I literally can't remember anything about it now except for Josh Brolin shouting about more pancakes Japanese :lol:

I thought the cinematography in the Revenant was sublime. Acting was good but Di Caprio had better performances than that and yet never picked up an Oscar.

After that movie I realized that cinematography is something that I don’t really understand. People were raving about it and for the life of me I didn’t get it. I came to terms with that after that movie.
After that movie I realized that cinematography is something that I don’t really understand. People were raving about it and for the life of me I didn’t get it. I came to terms with that after that movie.
That's completely normal in my opinion. It's one thing that people tend to be very into or not at all imo.
A lot of people really hyped up Django Unchained to me, and I was left pretty disappointed when I watched it.

Also the Revenant won so many awards, and I considered it a waste of my money when I went to see it.
Django was awful.
The Usual Suspects
Maybe it’s because I watched it more than 20 years after its release and plot twists were less frequent back then, but I thought the whole plot twist aspect was stupidly overdone and yet you could see it coming from a mile away. Also Kaizer Söse is such a dumb name in my opinion. Just sound really stupid.

Did you have any insight into the plot before you watched the movie?
Django Unchained
The Departed
The Conversation
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
It honestly might just be due to my brain telling me: look, that’s Kevin Spacey. Surely there’s going to be more to his role in this movie.
He didn't have many big roles on his resumé before The Usual Suspects and the movie had an ensemble cast with Kevin Spacey sort of tucked into the credits with little fuss made about him. He was far from the outstanding name in that film at the time. I get that it's possible to see the twist ending coming, but they do a great job of not giving the game away until the end of it. It's one of the better twist endings in cinema in my opinion.
He didn't have many big roles on his resumé before The Usual Suspects and the movie had an ensemble cast with Kevin Spacey sort of tucked into the credits with little fuss made about him. He was far from the outstanding name in that film at the time. I get that it's possible to see the twist ending coming, but they do a great job of not giving the game away until the end of it. It's one of the better twist endings in cinema in my opinion.

Yeah, I understand that, and I definitely meant my 2019 me (I think that’s when I first saw the movie) knew too much about Kevin Spacey to not question his role. 1995 was also the year Se7en came out, so I thought he might be new but he’s not going to be just some asset in the back. But yeah, that has to do with me watching the movie almost 25 years late.
Yeah not the best movie. Terrible cgi and that scene is a meme.

Glad to see Joe Pesci on screen again though.

I must admit it's abit boring. But to be fair most of them are grandpas it's one last hurray for the old horse. I doubt any of them would made another movie again.

An end to an era. Cant help but feeling depressed when i realised time flies and we're now middle ages ourselves. It's like seeing your future. You see how brittle and weak deniro becomes.

Depressing stuff. I watched godfather, casino, goodfellas and i feel entertained. The irishman feels like painful harsh reality shoved to my throat
I couldn’t understand what they were saying in the Godfather - one of the main characters especially (can’t remember which) was quite “mumbly“ so I had to stop watching it.
I must admit it's abit boring. But to be fair most of them are grandpas it's one last hurray for the old horse. I doubt any of them would made another movie again.

An end to an era. Cant help but feeling depressed when i realised time flies and we're now middle ages ourselves. It's like seeing your future. You see how brittle and weak deniro becomes.

Depressing stuff. I watched godfather, casino, goodfellas and i feel entertained. The irishman feels like painful harsh reality shoved to my throat

How have you missed the latest entry in De Niro's Grandpa series?

Only Pesci won't make another film because he was already retired before The Irishman.
I missed it.

He made one?

In a way this is their last hurrah at something scorecesse level.

That's true, hard to imagine netflix or anyone else giving Scorsese another 200m to make something similar anytime soon.
Tarantino films are so good. They try to be different by addressing and changing things like fashion, comedy, the history etc.

To me he is the only director who can make a 'real life Anime film'.
Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown were good and Kill Bill was fun. Hateful 8 was dogshit.
This is just another "Overrated Movies" thread, isn't it? :lol: Let's hope it turns more civil this time.

Never understood the hype over Star Wars. Average at best.

Did you watch it for the first time as an adult(or even in high school)? That would explain it. It's one of those franchises that exists to entertain kids and make grown ups feel like kids again. I saw Star Wars as a kid, and thus I can even enjoy some of the newer stuff. But I also realize that the main reason I can enjoy it is because of nostalgia. The sound of a lightsaber or the sight of the Millennium Falcon is just good shit!

Office Space

Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays!
Titanic. Dreary 94 hour affair. Effects were cool when it sunk though.

Would happily watch from that point onward.
I cant say I really agree with anyone in here. Perhaps it depends what 'hype' you read. I don't tend to read or listen to anything before viewing.

There is something I dislike about most of the films mentioned but in general they were still good to watch.

The Revenant was great, cinematically especially, although a bit slow. Django also, a bit too slow, still worth a watch.

Pulp Fiction is faultless.

Office Space I thought was really funny and kind of went with Fight Club in explaining how much I hate working in offices.

Even in films I wouldnt watch again there is plenty I enjoyed.

Over than The Martian I'm not one for space or sci-fi movies though.

The Irishman was good, even with it being a bit cringe worthy at times, like old men trying to hang on to youth.

I would say a lot of the films mentioned are unfortunately more well known than more deserving films.
The Godfather.

My Cousins were obsessed with it and generally had good taste.

It was just a bunch on men mumbling to eachother for 2 hours. I can’t think of a single thing that happened.
I may as well just copy/paste what I wrote in the other thread. Keep in mind that in my definition of "didn't live up to the hype" it's still possible to like the movie. I just didn't like as much as the hype would suggest.

MASSIVELY overrated. Great music and action scenes, but everything else is average or below.

Fight Club
Good movie, but its fans overrate it to such extremes.

Your Name(Kimi No Na Wa)
A good movie for sure, but it doesn't deserve as much acclaim as it gets. Some people were even claiming that it's best animated movie of all time! The marketing team must have done a hell of a job.

I don't see what's so special about this movie.
I may as well just copy/paste what I wrote in the other thread. Keep in mind that in my definition of "didn't live up to the hype" it's still possible to like the movie. I just didn't like as much as the hype would suggest.

MASSIVELY overrated. Great music and action scenes, but everything else is average or below.

Fight Club
Good movie, but its fans overrate it to such extremes.

Your Name(Kimi No Na Wa)
A good movie for sure, but it doesn't deserve as much acclaim as it gets. Some people were even claiming that it's best animated movie of all time! The marketing team must have done a hell of a job.

I don't see what's so special about this movie.
I kind of agree with Scarface for people saying how great it is and having posters on their wall and what not, I didn’t think it was a great film.
I may as well just copy/paste what I wrote in the other thread. Keep in mind that in my definition of "didn't live up to the hype" it's still possible to like the movie. I just didn't like as much as the hype would suggest.

MASSIVELY overrated. Great music and action scenes, but everything else is average or below.

Fight Club
Good movie, but its fans overrate it to such extremes.

Your Name(Kimi No Na Wa)
A good movie for sure, but it doesn't deserve as much acclaim as it gets. Some people were even claiming that it's best animated movie of all time! The marketing team must have done a hell of a job.

I don't see what's so special about this movie.

Don't agree at all but I think what probably does it is the fact that the likes of Scarface and Fight Club have memorable moments and lines that live on and fans love to repeat.

Personally, Gladiator and Fight Club are two of my favourite films to watch.
The Godfather.

My Cousins were obsessed with it and generally had good taste.

It was just a bunch on men mumbling to eachother for 2 hours. I can’t think of a single thing that happened.

Tend to think it's like marmite as it is drawn out story telling. I absolute love that style of movie. The Mrs. doesnt have the patience for it.
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned it, but most of the Marvel franchise.

I feel that people are hesitant to mention these movies as they are only popular with the general public. And even when it comes to the general public, they are not really popular with adult women. I also find it rare to see men over the age of 30 who loves these movies.
The Blair Witch Project. If you have watched it anytime after the first day of its cinematic release, you were surely dissapointed.
I couldn’t understand what they were saying in the Godfather - one of the main characters especially (can’t remember which) was quite “mumbly“ so I had to stop watching it.

Do you mean Don Corleone as in Marlon Brando and one of the greatest acting performances of all time? A bit mumbly :lol: :lol:
MASSIVELY overrated. Great music and action scenes, but everything else is average or below.
Your Name(Kimi No Na Wa)
A good movie for sure, but it doesn't deserve as much acclaim as it gets. Some people were even claiming that it's best animated movie of all time! The marketing team must have done a hell of a job.

I don't see what's so special about this movie.

You'll be going on ignore for these three mate :p
I don't see what's so special about this movie.
It's a satire on the politics of ronald reagan, consumerism and the "American Dream". It was a good such critique that most saw it as an celebration of these things and something to aspire to. Tony Montana is quite clearly a awful person and the bad guy in the movie. Scarface is very similar to Starship Troopers

Plus it has a great soundtrack and some cracking one liners.
You'll be going on ignore for these three mate :p

I can't argue with you if you like Gladiator or Scarface, but did you really think Your Name is the best animated movie of all time? :eek: I liked it and thought the animation was amazing, but claiming it's the best of all time is pretty bold :p
Believe it or not, the BBC reported that after the war attempts were made to make Spitfires break the sound barrier. Like Hardy, one pilot was able to successfully glide and navigate his plane down safely after the propeller had broken off completely.

What’s more, a USA Today Q&A with a pilot posed the question of how far a jetliner could glide if the engine quit at 30,000 feet. While it would vary in the wind, the pilot estimated that it could travel for another 100 miles. An older, smaller plane like the Spitfire would cruise at only 20,000 feet, and it’s 78.5 miles from Dover, England to Dunkirk — so even after the Spitfire’s dogfights, the distance it traveled in the film without a propeller was well within the range of possibility.

There's also examples during the war of pilots being able to glide their spitfires of upto 15 miles. One thing I can commend Nolan on is getting the details right, granted they're added some flair but they're never completely hollywood, there's always a dose of possibility behind it.

No need to estimate. Airliners have lost power before, they glide at roughly 12-15 metres for every 1 metre lost, so from 20,000ft they could cover about 50 miles.

A spitfire has a slightly worse aspect and lift/drag ratio than a modern airliner, so it might be able to do 30 miles. In that scene it's at what? 2,000 feet? So it's got about 3 miles of gliding, which is more than enough to make a turn and fire at the divebomber. I think it's the cut scenes to the boat that extend the time it all takes in the film that makes it seem unrealistic.
battleship potemkin

It just a bunch of people running around a ship, init ? Plus it was in black and white which made it very boring to look at and no bloody sound as well!!!!

Anyways fell a sleep half way through.

2 out of the 10!
I can't argue with you if you like Gladiator or Scarface, but did you really think Your Name is the best animated movie of all time? :eek: I liked it and thought the animation was amazing, but claiming it's the best of all time is pretty bold :p

Overall I wouldn't say it's the best animated movie of all time, certainly not. I don't think there can ever be one clearly defined winner in terms of animated movies on the whole. For what it is, which is a love story with a fantasy element to it, I would definitely say that it's in the top two at the very least for me. The animation was amazing, and I really liked the plot and the characters.