Gary Lineker’s constant ‘heart failure’ jokes to Glenn Hoddle...


Master of Hindsight
Oct 22, 2012
I’ve never had myself as a snowflake but I can’t help but cringe every time I hear this. Quite tasteless. He’s made a few over the past week like ‘I’m worried about Glenn’s heart giving out’, and if anything, surely it’s a joke for the pub or whatever but not on air?

Or am I just a snowflake?
If Hoddle is fine with it as he was laughing at it and and joking too, so maybe you are a bit snowflake?
I’ve never had myself as a snowflake but I can’t help but cringe every time I hear this. Quite tasteless. He’s made a few over the past week like ‘I’m worried about Glenn’s heart giving out’, and if anything, surely it’s a joke for the pub or whatever but not on air?

Or am I just a snowflake?

I don't think its that bad, but I do think Lineker is a twat, so i'm gonna be offended anyway.
I’ve never had myself as a snowflake but I can’t help but cringe every time I hear this. Quite tasteless. He’s made a few over the past week like ‘I’m worried about Glenn’s heart giving out’, and if anything, surely it’s a joke for the pub or whatever but not on air?

Or am I just a snowflake?

As above. Yes.
I’m not saying Hoddle is personally offended, he doesn’t seem to be, I am asking whether the jokes are best kept private and not for TV? I mean, I don’t get offended by mates making race jokes to me (purely for example), but they aren’t for television surely? Mates joke about the worst stuff, but I think these are in the tasteless category so maybe kept for the pub. @Bojan11 @Massive Spanner
I’m not saying Hoddle is personally offended, he doesn’t seem to be, I am asking whether the jokes are best kept private and not for TV? I mean, I don’t get offended by mates making race jokes to me (purely for example), but they aren’t for television surely? @Bojan11 @Massive Spanner
You really can't compare race jokes to those jokes. That's silly.

They're having a laugh about it, it's fine.
They are friends, not strangers. They've spent hundreds of, if not thousands of, hours working together.
I’m not saying Hoddle is personally offended, he doesn’t seem to be, I am asking whether the jokes are best kept private and not for TV? I mean, I don’t get offended by mates making race jokes to me (purely for example), but they aren’t for television surely? Mates joke about the worst stuff, but I think these are in the tasteless category so maybe kept for the pub. @Bojan11 @Massive Spanner

I would get new mates if your mates are making jokes about your race. But hey ho maybe I’m a snowflake.
I would get new mates if your mates are making jokes about your race. But hey ho maybe I’m a snowflake.

Perhaps you are too! I give as good as I get for the record. Sorry but, amongst your nearest and dearest, racist jokes are the best jokes! We just wouldn’t do it in public. Or fat jokes, or cancer jokes or heart attack jokes. Privately, perhaps, as long as we are both cool with it.
I’ve never had myself as a snowflake but I can’t help but cringe every time I hear this. Quite tasteless. He’s made a few over the past week like ‘I’m worried about Glenn’s heart giving out’, and if anything, surely it’s a joke for the pub or whatever but not on air?

Or am I just a snowflake?

Will be pretty awkward when he does die of a heart attack.

Feck Hoddle though. Shit bloke.
I think your heart was in the right place with this thread.
I’ve never had myself as a snowflake but I can’t help but cringe every time I hear this. Quite tasteless. He’s made a few over the past week like ‘I’m worried about Glenn’s heart giving out’, and if anything, surely it’s a joke for the pub or whatever but not on air?

Or am I just a snowflake?

Yes you are, feck hoddle, remember what he said about disabled people the twat.:nono:
Don't see any issues. They're friends so all is good. Joking about heart attacks on live TV is pretty odd, though.
Don't see any issues. They're friends so all is good. Joking about heart attacks on live TV is pretty odd, though.

That’s my point really. The joke itself is fine, but not what I’d expect to hear on a football show. Especially in this super-PC era.
Guarantee it's going to be "the snowflake generation" who cop the blame when it's obvious that it's only middle-aged slaphead gammons who would a) find it offensive and b) actually make complaints to the BBC.
Bald jokes are an interesting one. Going bald is traumatic for a lot of people. For some it causes crippling anxiety and depression yet it is seen as socially acceptable to mock people for it.
Guarantee it's going to be "the snowflake generation" who cop the blame when it's obvious that it's only middle-aged slaphead gammons who would a) find it offensive and b) actually make complaints to the BBC.


Bald jokes are an interesting one. Going bald is traumatic for a lot of people. For some it causes crippling anxiety and depression yet it is seen as socially acceptable to mock people for it.

Also true. All good points.
Bald jokes are an interesting one. Going bald is traumatic for a lot of people. For some it causes crippling anxiety and depression yet it is seen as socially acceptable to mock people for it.
People get mocked for worse. Knowing that someone is insecure about it makes it all the more fun. A bit like people who are fat get called fat, gingers get called ginger, baldies get called bald.... Call a spade a spade
People get mocked for worse. Knowing that someone is insecure about it makes it all the more fun. A bit like people who are fat get called fat, gingers get called ginger, baldies get called bald.... Call a spade a spade

So you have no problem with me calling you a cnut?
Can't recall ever being offended or unnerved by a joke or nickname or anything of the sort before - then I somehow feel weird about everyone calling Maguire 'slabhead' :lol:

I don't even have a big head myself, its just mean guys
absolutely not, love a good roast!

Thing is I'm bald and I don't mind bald jokes and make them myself but I work with one guy who is obviously extremely sensitive about it. Should his feelings not be considered?

I'd also add that when I went bald I did find it traumatic, to an extent, for a couple of years and it did cause anxiety.
Thing is I'm bald and I don't mind bald jokes and make them myself but I work with one guy who is obviously extremely sensitive about it. Should his feelings not be considered?

I'd also add that when I went bald I did find it traumatic, to an extent, for a couple of years and it did cause anxiety.
Maybe, maybe not. If i were to 'banter' with someone for being bald, it would be because i am completely comfortable around them so it really should be a complement. I wouldn't banter someone i don't like. If that makes sense. And i expect the same - i have a very long head - and i sit here 12 hours a day laughing to horse head puns aimed at me. Makes the day go quicker!
Thing is I'm bald and I don't mind bald jokes and make them myself but I work with one guy who is obviously extremely sensitive about it. Should his feelings not be considered?

I'd also add that when I went bald I did find it traumatic, to an extent, for a couple of years and it did cause anxiety.

Depends on the context surely? Isn't the whole point of a bit of banter between mates to break down those sensitivities. Conversely i wouldn't dare make the same jokes to a stranger who didn't know my intent.
I don't think MOTD is a place for these kinds of jokes personally. Main difference with this joke and a few others is that joking about people going bald is seen as socially acceptable (50% of people refer to Guardiola this way) who would never dare to call him a black fraud or gay fraud etc. Of course people shouldn't be too sensitive, and we can't always police everything, but there are thinks I don't think should me said on certain TV shows such as MOTD.
Depends on the context surely? Isn't the whole point of a bit of banter between mates to break down those sensitivities. Conversely i wouldn't dare make the same jokes to a stranger who didn't know my intent.

Sure but the context here is that they're making these jokes on a national TV.
Remember when RVN was getting called Horseface a lot in the press? Lineker quipped on MOTD “why the long face Ruud”?

I went all snowflake and wrote an email to the bbc along the lines of I tune in to watch football highlights not to watch linekers poor standup comedian routine

Not been the same since Des left
But the bald joke was made explicitly at Shearer and Murphy and they seemed OK. Same for Hoddle. I can't see why anyone else would want to take offence. No joke would be possible then, except in private. Or are people upset on behalf of the men? I think there's a bit of an epidemic of offence these days (not belittling genuinely offensive stuff).
Remember when RVN was getting called Horseface a lot in the press? Lineker quipped on MOTD “why the long face Ruud”?

I went all snowflake and wrote an email to the bbc along the lines of I tune in to watch football highlights not to watch linekers poor standup comedian routine

Not been the same since Des left
I remember that incident. Was quite funny. As long as its all good natured and not malicious then i welcome it. It takes the 'wooden' away from most personalities on TV.
Remember when Beckham used to get ripped to shred on They Think Its All Over on the assumption that he is thick, all types of jokes about dyslexia and so on.