Gary Neville - Pundit

Keane said that CR7 wants to leave but has not been cancelled by by him Keane kept on saying that CR7 deserves to start every game he's fit for while GNev said that he is past his sell by date. That's more likely the issue. I don't know as I don't have a window into CR7's mind but that would be my guess.

GNev had his blind spot when Rooney was doing the exact same for us for years…Keane the same now for his friend Ronaldo. Every single ex player would be happy to run the club into a relegation dogfight if it meant them sitting on a massive contract. Every human has an agenda, usually financially motivated. Cantona being the obvious exception.
I'm not a huge fan of Nev but good on him for speaking out. One of the main problems in football is the amount of ex-players commentating and scared of upsetting their former colleagues. They're getting very well paid for talking about a game they used to play and in most cases not unable to give more insight than my mates down the pub.

However, I see Red Nev is going to be hosting "Have I got News for You" so probably has is eyes on expanding his media profile.
However, I see Red Nev is going to be hosting "Have I got News for You" so probably has is eyes on expanding his media profile.

Well if he did then he will be regretting it. The decision to go commentate in Qatar has left his socialist credentials in shreds. He got annihilated by Hislop and rightly so.
Hislop took him down a peg and it really wasn't hard as Neville's justification for taking Qatari money ("better to go there and challenge them") has always been total and utter nonsense.
On the Hislop thing, I'm with Neville on this. I've seen Conservatives make similar ridiculous arguments in their debates ("oh why don't you just give all your millions away to poor people" etc) . Neville is well in his rights to go and commentate at a World Cup.

Bottom line is that Hislop would have used anything that's out there on Neville to make him feel uncomfortable. It's what he does.
Hislop took him down a peg and it really wasn't hard as Neville's justification for taking Qatari money ("better to go there and challenge them") has always been total and utter nonsense.
To be fair to Neville, now's not the time to be giving the people shit who are going to the tournament. The time for giving people shit was when FIFA gave the WC to Qatar and Russia, took a load of money in bribes, forced them to build stadiums and everyone looked the other way.
To be fair to Neville, now's not the time to be giving the people shit who are going to the tournament. The time for giving people shit was when FIFA gave the WC to Qatar and Russia, took a load of money in bribes, forced them to build stadiums and everyone looked the other way.

Why not? Of course, the damage has been done in terms of dead workers and unnecessary stadiums built, but pushback now is still better than no pushback at all.
Why not? Of course, the damage has been done in terms of dead workers and unnecessary stadiums built, but pushback now is still better than no pushback at all.
What's the point? The competition will go ahead regardless, FIFA got paid, people died, stadiums got built. None of us asked for this to happen but a WC is a WC. I won't be going because I refuse to give them my money and no matter what propaganda they push I still won't believe them anyway. It's not fair on the athlete's and people who have to attend for work commitments to make them out as if they should be some sort of martyrs because we don't agree with it. For some this could be the one and only WC they take part in.

Pushback all you want but they got away with it and some disgruntled "yeah but..." here and there won't stop this happening again. People need to be seriously fecking angry when the draw happens next time, not on the cusp of the tournament. It's here now, too late was the cry.
A similar argument could be had why our club goes to Dubai or individual players when Dubai is built on slave labour and god knows how many south Asian people get killed building up Dubai.
What's the point? The competition will go ahead regardless, FIFA got paid, people died, stadiums got built. None of us asked for this to happen but a WC is a WC. I won't be going because I refuse to give them my money and no matter what propaganda they push I still won't believe them anyway. It's not fair on the athlete's and people who have to attend for work commitments to make them out as if they should be some sort of martyrs because we don't agree with it. For some this could be the one and only WC they take part in.

Pushback all you want but they got away with it and some disgruntled "yeah but..." here and there won't stop this happening again. People need to be seriously fecking angry when the draw happens next time, not on the cusp of the tournament. It's here now, too late was the cry.
By this logic all the tournaments should be hosted in western countries or countries who adopt western culture and are allies. Qatar is western ally but since it doesn't share similar culture getting all these activism now. Where was this outrage when Russia hosted it 4 years ago. By the looks of it Russians are much bigger threat to the world than Qatar, but this seems like Arab-Muslim hate coming out inform of human rights activism.
A similar argument could be had why our club goes to Dubai or individual players when Dubai is built on slave labour and god knows how many south Asian people get killed building up Dubai.
Similar arguments can be made every time someone goes to holiday to Arab-Muslim countries or Turkey or even Maldives. Key here is respecting each others culture, religion and laws, which are protected and respected by UN and it's members as well. Just as if I go to UK and wave extremists flag on the road I will get arrested, same for any westerner who goes to any Muslim country and wave "rainbow" or other its things to their culture will get arrested.
He defended himself by claiming he can bring up human rights abuses on commentary. He isn't going to be saying a thing
By this logic all the tournaments should be hosted in western countries or countries who adopt western culture and are allies. Qatar is western ally but since it doesn't share similar culture getting all these activism now. Where was this outrage when Russia hosted it 4 years ago. By the looks of it Russians are much bigger threat to the world than Qatar, but this seems like Arab-Muslim hate coming out inform of human rights activism.
If it's only Western countries that aren't pro discrimination then it should be only in Western countries, but I think you'll find it's not just Western countries that treat people well and respect their free will. And yes Russia should have drew equal outrage, apply my comment to that if it makes you feel better.
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Just watching the Overlap. Christ, he's a shit pundit. He still thinks Arsenal might not get top 4. The man hates admitting he might be wrong. Know it all, horrible trait.

Also there was a bit at the start where he was talking about Spurs and Contes style of football he compared it to United when he used to play against Arsenal. He makes it sound like we never went head to head with them and we only ever counter attacked, not my memory.

Actually don't mind him when he presents and does his interviews but a lot of his football punditry and commentating is piss poor.
Just watching the Overlap. Christ, he's a shit pundit. He still thinks Arsenal might not get top 4. The man hates admitting he might be wrong. Know it all, horrible trait.

Also there was a bit at the start where he was talking about Spurs and Contes style of football he compared it to United when he used to play against Arsenal. He makes it sound like we never went head to head with them and we only ever counter attacked, not my memory.

Actually don't mind him when he presents and does his interviews but a lot of his football punditry and commentating is piss poor.
Probably why he was a top international footballer. Determined and narrow minded, believing in himself with no doubts.
Probably why he was a top international footballer. Determined and narrow minded, believing in himself with no doubts.
I'm sure you have to have a certain mindset to make it at that level. Still think once you retire you should be humble enough to say you might be wrong.
I've seen him commentate on games, make a statement , watch a replay that clearly shows he is wrong and still continue on with his initial view. He does it often.
Gary Neville asked before the Spain game what he thinks of their team…

“I think it’s ok but there’s no goals in it”.

Spain go on to score 7 goals from 8 shots on target. :lol:
Gary Neville asked before the Spain game what he thinks of their team…

“I think it’s ok but there’s no goals in it”.

Spain go on to score 7 goals from 8 shots on target. :lol:
Ex Valencia manager doesn't understand Spanish football
Has he used his platform yet to criticise Qatar during commenting as he promised after taking money from Qatar?
Gary Neville asked before the Spain game what he thinks of their team…

“I think it’s ok but there’s no goals in it”.

Spain go on to score 7 goals from 8 shots on target. :lol:

I’ll be honest and thought the exact same. I put money on a low scoring game and I was way off - all credit to Spain as they were brilliant
I’ll be honest and thought the exact same. I put money on a low scoring game and I was way off - all credit to Spain as they were brilliant
Spain were brilliant. Costa Rica were terrible.
Most impressive team for me so far have been France with England a very close 2nd.
Gary Neville asked before the Spain game what he thinks of their team…

“I think it’s ok but there’s no goals in it”.

Spain go on to score 7 goals from 8 shots on target. :lol:

Spain go out of the tournament looking incapable of scoring against a decent team. Perhaps Gary knows what he’s talking about?
Spain go out of the tournament looking incapable of scoring against a decent team. Perhaps Gary knows what he’s talking about?
He was right about Spain but in general I don't see Gary as noteworthy in his intuition of the game. Love the player but his football takes are about as special as some dude at the bar. This is why for all Roy's stuffiness I prefer his takes always over guys like Gary. Gary strikes me as the company man type, while Roy's the guy who gets fired and escorted out at lunch with his shit in a beat up box.
I'm not a huge fan of Nev but good on him for speaking out. One of the main problems in football is the amount of ex-players commentating and scared of upsetting their former colleagues. They're getting very well paid for talking about a game they used to play and in most cases not unable to give more insight than my mates down the pub.

However, I see Red Nev is going to be hosting "Have I got News for You" so probably has is eyes on expanding his media profile.
I think he was also due to be on Question Time, but, if I remember rightly, it was the week of (or week after) the Queen died so the programme was either cancelled or they went with a less controversial, less politically charged, line up
Has he used his platform yet to criticise Qatar during commenting as he promised after taking money from Qatar?
Maybe it's not a great idea to do it while you are there, given how they react to an American commentator simply wearing a shirt they didn't like...
Maybe it's not a great idea to do it while you are there, given how they react to an American commentator simply wearing a shirt they didn't like...
They can't detain Gary and ask him to take off a shirt before he's allowed in the stadium though
So he’s going to do it from back home in England, like he could have done had he not gone [for the paycheck] in the first place?
Add how do you see things first hand without going there? then you get accused of not knowing what's going on. Besides he went long before the WC started and made a documentary about the preparations. so why would he not do so again?
But he himself said he would use this opportunity.
did he say he was going to do it while in the country? no. maybe he is doing what he did last time. Seeing, then reporting. As he did with the documentary about the preparations for the event