Gary Neville - Pundit

Loves using the word mauling when it’s us.
Arsehole. Says we were an embarrassment which we were. But maybe he should take a look at himself.

So you agree with him but are annoyed that he is saying it in public. He loves the club and it’s obvious that a part of him is dying watching this
He was speaking from the heart. It's funny that people on here think they're better Utd supporters when they're saying exactly what he said but on here, but for some reason he's not allowed to?
I had no issue with him calling out United's ineptitude, but he's a real drama queen when it comes to assessing our challenges, and seems to apply a harsher standard than he would for others. The same guy who said Mane's elbow on Azpi recently wasn't a red card, was today insisting that Maguire should have been sent off for a regulation yellow.
I had no issue with him calling out United's ineptitude, but he's a real drama queen when it comes to assessing our challenges, and seems to apply a harsher standard than he would for others. The same guy who said Mane's elbow on Azpi recently wasn't a red card, was today insisting that Maguire should have been sent off for a regulation yellow.

he said he thought it was close, I don’t think he specifically said it should have been a red. I thought it was a yellow, but my mate said it could have been more, it’s just opinions.
You failed to hear him up City’s arse from the first minute?
What do you want him to be? Up United's ass? We are trash and they are really good. I can hate City as much as the next person but recognise they are absolutely leagues above us and play fantastic football, it's not betrayal or arseholeness it's being grounded in reality. We are an appallingly bad football side and him as a pundit is fawning over them because they play amazing football. Perhaps instead of pointing anger towards Neville, you should direct it towards the owners who have left us and this squad in such a dilapidated state that City look like footballing gods compared to us.
Says Rangnick was tactically showing off. Then when he put on Rashford and Lingard and went more traditional it became worse. Pretty glaring contradiction.

Those first 25-30 minutes or whatever it was, was the first time I've seen this team play progressive football against a progressive side in about a decade. If he (or another progressive manager) can build a side fit for purpose, we can actually start to enjoy football again.
He has the habit of bigging up Rashford out of nowhere. Marcus will be shocking for a long time then, out of the blue, he’ll be shocked that Marcus is on the bench and every little run is highlighted in a positive sense
He has the habit of bigging up Rashford out of nowhere. Marcus will be shocking for a long time then, out of the blue, he’ll be shocked that Marcus is on the bench and every little run is highlighted in a positive sense
I think his confidence is so shot to shit that he’s trying to find literally anything to help him improve
Says Rangnick was tactically showing off. Then when he put on Rashford and Lingard and went more traditional it became worse. Pretty glaring contradiction.

Those first 25-30 minutes or whatever it was, was the first time I've seen this team play progressive football against a progressive side in about a decade. If he (or another progressive manager) can build a side fit for purpose, we can actually start to enjoy football again.

It’s kind of sad that the second half made us forget that first 25 minutes. I remember thinking that after the Atleti game where RR had complained that our players had shown no courage or confidence it was nice to see the players taking control of the ball and try to play. Then everything just went to shit after the second goal
It's his job to call it as he sees it. Which he does.
It's ironic that people on here call him out when he's pretty much verbalising on Sky what is been posted on here.
City and Liverpool are currently in a different class from us, he has to articulate that to retain his credibility. He just cannot praise them because they're City. I remember Liverpool's dominance in the 70s & 80s, I didn't like it but had to admire it - same applies now.
If I had a magic wand that could get us playing like either of those 2 and them like we are - I'd use it and so would all United fans. No point being bitter, just suck it up, acknowledge brilliant football when it's being played and pray we get back to that level sooner rather than later
No I didnt hear that, what did he say?
What annoys me about Neville is the over compensation he is trying to be unbiased and in doing so is much harder on Utd. He constantly gives the English players greater benefit of the doubt and moans about Bruno mosning when he should be agreeing and highlighting how the ref has just allowed a challenge at the other end but once it is Fernandes he has to be braver or stop moaning.
He needs to stop listening to Tyler and his crap, at least Carragher gives his opinion and disagrees with the has been geriatric who just wants a sound bite.
I don't mind criticism of utd, that is why most of us come here to post our thoughts but, maybe look at the other faults and failings and call out some of your friends and contacts in the club like Maguire, he criticised every other defender but the one who let the ball go through his legs for the first goal.
I swear he says "that's a red card" about at least one challenge we make every time he co-commentates a United game. It's a running joke at this point.

I generally prefer him in the studio than up in the gantry. His analysis is good, as are his opinions when he's had time to formulate them. He is nowhere near as good when he is reacting in real time.
What annoys me about Neville is the over compensation he is trying to be unbiased and in doing so is much harder on Utd. He constantly gives the English players greater benefit of the doubt and moans about Bruno mosning when he should be agreeing and highlighting how the ref has just allowed a challenge at the other end but once it is Fernandes he has to be braver or stop moaning.
He needs to stop listening to Tyler and his crap, at least Carragher gives his opinion and disagrees with the has been geriatric who just wants a sound bite.
I don't mind criticism of utd, that is why most of us come here to post our thoughts but, maybe look at the other faults and failings and call out some of your friends and contacts in the club like Maguire, he criticised every other defender but the one who let the ball go through his legs for the first goal.

I dont see it like that personally, and. i think he is as harsh on all the players imo, i think people just hear it different. After the game he was very critical of Rashford and Lingard, saying we looked even worse when they came on and also talked about how he was benched despite us missing 4 strikers that we started the season with.

People hear things differently, and for me it just feels as thought people cant wait to jump on him for saying what most fans are thinking. Its the same with Carragher and liverpool fans too.
He has the habit of bigging up Rashford out of nowhere. Marcus will be shocking for a long time then, out of the blue, he’ll be shocked that Marcus is on the bench and every little run is highlighted in a positive sense

Thats the opposite of what he said today though?
I feel bad for him at times tbh because he loves the club and it must kill him to see us like this . He is one of the very few players who grew up a United fan and to watch Liverpool & City being so good while United being so trash and then having to talk about it isn’t easy. He obviously gets paid well for it but the next time we are actually good again whenever that is he is going to be proper Souness like I reckon
He has the habit of bigging up Rashford out of nowhere. Marcus will be shocking for a long time then, out of the blue, he’ll be shocked that Marcus is on the bench and every little run is highlighted in a positive sense
He said he was shite when he came on
I had no issue with him calling out United's ineptitude, but he's a real drama queen when it comes to assessing our challenges, and seems to apply a harsher standard than he would for others. The same guy who said Mane's elbow on Azpi recently wasn't a red card, was today insisting that Maguire should have been sent off for a regulation yellow.

He didn't say that though... He said it was a bad challenge (it was), it was late (it was) and it was borderline (meh)

At no point did he say that's a definite red card.
Says Rangnick was tactically showing off. Then when he put on Rashford and Lingard and went more traditional it became worse. Pretty glaring contradiction.

Those first 25-30 minutes or whatever it was, was the first time I've seen this team play progressive football against a progressive side in about a decade. If he (or another progressive manager) can build a side fit for purpose, we can actually start to enjoy football again.
Exactly my thought on the game, which is why I’m not that pissed off at the second half/result. There is small light at the end of the tunnel.
Says Rangnick was tactically showing off. Then when he put on Rashford and Lingard and went more traditional it became worse. Pretty glaring contradiction.

Those first 25-30 minutes or whatever it was, was the first time I've seen this team play progressive football against a progressive side in about a decade. If he (or another progressive manager) can build a side fit for purpose, we can actually start to enjoy football again.

We absolutely battered City first half in the same fixture a few years back? We were 2 up in 30 minutes.