Gary Neville

Yeah, and who cares if he does or not? It wouldn't sway my opinion either way.
It matters a lot more than you make out. The board will certainly be listening to his view/other legends alongside what the fanbase and the media/those outside the club are saying. In my opinion the voice of former players is as important or more important than that of the fanbase, at least to the owners.
This just means that he is a shit pundit and should not be taken seriously as an analyst then.

None of those managers deserved more time. At this point, it just seems like he's against sacking managers, period. Why even bother saying it then.
Neville said it multiple times, he will never call for a manager to be sacked, especially after his Valencia experience.

Thing is, with Ole he's going a bit over the top because the guy is his friend. He's a muppet like all of us and you should never listen to him talk about United.
It matters a lot more than you make out. The board will certainly be listening to his view/other legends alongside what the fanbase and the media/those outside the club are saying. In my opinion the voice of former players is as important or more important than that of the fanbase, at least to the owners.
And there's no reason why they can't apply the same logic as most of us do when it comes to Neville's opinion on Ole.
I really don’t mind that Neville isn’t calling for Ole’s head.

What really bothers me, and why I think he’s starting to show his ineptitude as a pundit, is that he keeps using Jose and LvG as an argument to why Manchester United wouldn’t be better off with a world class manager. When asked about what Pep, Klopp or Tuchel could achieve with this united team he brushed it off with “Jose came and it didn’t work”. I just can’t believe that he’s reverting to the same argument over and over again. A good pundit would recognise that:
  1. Jose and LvG, were both past their prime when they joined united, especially LvG. So to use them as a comparison against best managers of today just shows his lack of knowledge or at least just laziness.
  2. Just because it didn’t work for Jose and LvG, isn’t a valid excuse to not hire a world class manager. Every other club would hire the best managers, but somehow Gary thinks united are different and unique.
I honestly think Gary’s biggest issue is he’s too attached to his playing experiences when discussing matters related to United. He’s an owner of a club now, it’s starting to become obvious that outside of united he completely contradicts himself. I’m inclined to believe that Gary is a realist, but for some reason when united comes up, all logic goes out the window.
I really don’t mind that Neville isn’t calling for Ole’s head.

What really bothers me, and why I think he’s starting to show his ineptitude as a pundit, is that he keeps using Jose and LvG as an argument to why Manchester United wouldn’t be better off with a world class manager. When asked about what Pep, Klopp or Tuchel could achieve with this united team he brushed it off with “Jose came and it didn’t work”. I just can’t believe that he’s reverting to the same argument over and over again. A good pundit would recognise that:
  1. Jose and LvG, were both past their prime when they joined united, especially LvG. So to use them as a comparison against best managers of today just shows his lack of knowledge or at least just laziness.
  2. Just because it didn’t work for Jose and LvG, isn’t a valid excuse to not hire a world class manager. Every other club would hire the best managers, but somehow Gary thinks united are different and unique.
I honestly think Gary’s biggest issue is he’s too attached to his playing experiences when discussing matters related to United. He’s an owner of a club now, it’s starting to become obvious that outside of united he completely contradicts himself. I’m inclined to believe that Gary is a realist, but for some reason when united comes up, all logic goes out the window.
Gary’s take is idiotic. He somehow suggests that the only manager who can take us somewhere is a manager that’s not world class since we’ve tried that and it didn’t work. But since Ole didn’t work out we can’t take poor managers, and since Moyes failed we can’t take average ones either. From that, it follows that the only way that Manchester United can ever achieve success is by having no manager and a completely player-led setup, because any manager from world-class to poor has failed.

It’s either that or it’s that the so-called world class managers Mourinho and LvG weren’t actually world class. I know which one any person without a personal stake in this and a few brain cells would go with.

Populist bullshit and as if Ole’s goal had anything to do with his managerial skills and job he’s doing as a gaffer, feck me it’s embarrassing - if you would’ve said 22 years ago that most of the class of 92 that I have idolized back then would turn out to be egoistic cnuts with little valuable to say I would’ve said no way.

If the manager of Salford spent what Ole had, relative to Salford and their league level of spending and quality of players Neville would have already sacked him.

Not counting Scholes, Salford have had 5 managers in 6 years. Yet they’ve been promoted 4 times. So clearly managers who get promoter are not given time to get promoter, or a few windows to adjust to the new league and higher standards.
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What I don’t understand given how he and others played under Sir Alex and saw how ruthless he was with players in his drive to succeed when they showed they weren’t up to the task or outlived their usefulness , why they all seem to have endless patience with every single manager we have.

Refusal to face up to the difficult decisions and allow the club to fester under inadequate management seems to be the antithesis of everything Sir Alex stood for and represented during his tenure and yet so many of his former players have that mindset
Rashford and Romero made the exact same tackle, Romero clatters Rashford and Neville gets the knives out for Rashford.
I used to think people on here were unreasonable about him but I'm totally done with him now.
He's been a hell of a lot more scathing about Ole than he was about Nuno. And no less than he was about Moyes, LVG or Mourinho.

Neville has a code which stops him from openly calling out a manager to get him the sack. Fair play to him for having principles. But he's done everything up to that in criticising Ole.
He's been on Sky for what 10 years and has said repeatedly that he won't call for any manager to be sacked. Not sure what people expect, he's hardly going to start now and call for a friend to be sacked.
Yet his club Salford he sacks managers after winning a trophy and after 4 months of being in the job. Hypocrite of the highest order.
Yet his club Salford he sacks managers after winning a trophy and after 4 months of being in the job. Hypocrite of the highest order.
I wish someone in the studio would hit him with this live on air.
He's still a brilliant pundit, commentator - but i've been finding him having certain views based on suiting his own agendas, rather than being partial objective commentator.

He hasn't called out the mass spending from City, PSG, and now Newcastle because in my opinion it doesn't suit his own agenda at Salford. Compare that to the passionate rants against the Super League.

His stance on his friend Ole really makes him look silly. Essentially his argument is Jose and Gaal failed so there are no other managers around and we may as well continue to suffer under Ole. It's an extreme bizarre stance.
He keeps banging on about the long term plan. What plan is this exactly? Doesn't seem like there is one.
He keeps banging on about the long term plan. What plan is this exactly? Doesn't seem like there is one.
He literally said press reset at the end of the season but not now. He is an imbecile and knows nothing.
He's been on Sky for what 10 years and has said repeatedly that he won't call for any manager to be sacked. Not sure what people expect, he's hardly going to start now and call for a friend to be sacked.
Agree I don't have any major issues with him not asking for managers to be sacked outright.

The issue I have is he complains about United sacking managers who are doing terrible jobs, when he himself sacks managers for fun. Man is a complete hypocrite. He still thinks Moyes LVG and Mourinho should have been given more time, and if Ole gets sacked tomorrow he'll be on TV complaining "this is ridiculous, he's just been given a new contract after finishing 2nd in the league and you sack him 12 games in".

Frankly if he's unwilling to give an honest opinion on United he shouldn't be covering their games. Any pundit worth his salt should be pointing out that this team performs no better than it did 3 years ago when Ole took over and we're a disjointed mess on the pitch every time we step out there.
The logic behind his arguments don't make sense. Never sign world class coaches because two(already on their way down) failed.
To be fair, I prefer Neville's approach of basically fronting up and just saying he never calls for managers to be sacked - it's better than the alternatives where pundits just give bad spin for their mates without being honest about it.

However, I'm not sure how exactly noble it is as a position. Neville regularly says players aren't good enough, what's the difference? You're basically asking for players to lose their jobs, why does it matter for managers? At the top level which Neville gives his opinion on, these people are paid very well and always get another job (well, coincidentally I'm not sure Ole would, but still...) I'm sure it's damn hard when it goes wrong for you, but that's top level football management.

It does get a bit frustrating watching these pundits just rallying round their mates. They get paid a lot of money for their 'insight' (which nowadays isn't really important, does Graeme Souness really have genuine insight into the game ahead of much less prestigious but more studied and eloquent others?), and all it seems to boil down to is them going soft on their mates.
Neville (and carragher) are both great when they don't cover their own team
Carragher has been really really good at covering United