Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Its sad that in this day and age gay men who happen to be professional footballers feel they can't be openly gay.

Its sadder still that this seems to carry on into their retirement as bar Hitzlsperger i haven't heard of any other high profile former footballers coming out.


Full Member
Feb 25, 2010
There is a list made? Dear me, why?
I’ve avoided this thread like the plague. Today curiosity got the better of me...

@Denis79 - there is a list because it is important! These people are absolutely blazing the path for acceptance. Brave people who have put themselves out there publicly.

All those saying “why do you have to announce it?” Do you think Tom Daley would have been able to have a relationship with a man - dating, going to events together etc, eventually marrying and having a child without the media getting hold of it? Of if he wasn’t famous, without having to tell his friends and family first? We have to announce it, because we are assumed heterosexual as it’s the norm unless we want to live a life publicly using non-gender pronouns when referring to our significant others.

In my professional life I had to ‘come out’ to both colleagues and clients alike - questions like “what does your partner do for a living” straight away you have to decide - “s/he is...?” Or “they are?” People don’t assume I’m gay, therefore you end up in that situation where because people assume heterosexuality it very quickly becomes awkward. Having to live a life of lies would be exhausting.

I can imagine for a footballer it would be incredibly difficult being gay. You’d worry about teammates opinions (lots of different faiths and cultures in that dressing room with differing tolerance levels towards homosexuality). This extends further into club ownership. Sponsorship and image rights etc could be effected. Opposition fans chanting. Etc etc etc there’s so many facets to it - not least how must pressure there would be on the first gay man to come out publicly on top flight football as the media attention to you and your private life would be overwhelming.

Coming out isn’t about telling the world you’re gay and proud of it, it’s about letting the world being able to allow you to live your truth.


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
I’ve avoided this thread like the plague. Today curiosity got the better of me...

@Denis79 - there is a list because it is important! These people are absolutely blazing the path for acceptance. Brave people who have put themselves out there publicly.

All those saying “why do you have to announce it?” Do you think Tom Daley would have been able to have a relationship with a man - dating, going to events together etc, eventually marrying and having a child without the media getting hold of it? Of if he wasn’t famous, without having to tell his friends and family first? We have to announce it, because we are assumed heterosexual as it’s the norm unless we want to live a life publicly using non-gender pronouns when referring to our significant others.

In my professional life I had to ‘come out’ to both colleagues and clients alike - questions like “what does your partner do for a living” straight away you have to decide - “s/he is...?” Or “they are?” People don’t assume I’m gay, therefore you end up in that situation where because people assume heterosexuality it very quickly becomes awkward. Having to live a life of lies would be exhausting.

I can imagine for a footballer it would be incredibly difficult being gay. You’d worry about teammates opinions (lots of different faiths and cultures in that dressing room with differing tolerance levels towards homosexuality). This extends further into club ownership. Sponsorship and image rights etc could be effected. Opposition fans chanting. Etc etc etc there’s so many facets to it - not least how must pressure there would be on the first gay man to come out publicly on top flight football as the media attention to you and your private life would be overwhelming.

Coming out isn’t about telling the world you’re gay and proud of it, it’s about letting the world being able to allow you to live your truth.
Great post but they'll never get it.

Alabaster Codify7

New Member
Mar 11, 2015
Yep, projection.
They aren't strong enough themselves to go public about their own sexuality so despise those who do because sub-consciously they realise those guys/girls are stronger people than them. So they hate them.


Jan 14, 2010
Just posting this as browsing the Love Island thread made me think of it. It doesn't help when there are things like gay speculation either which is another form of homophobia as it's designating traits as to why people think someone is gay or not.

We've seen how rough people like Sterling have had it for running the way he does or Le Saux for reading etc. Silly stupid things but they're embedded into football due to the historic connotations that people have when considering homosexuals because they're daft. If people who aren't even gay get rinsed as much as they do for exhibiting certain traits, it's no wonder that people who are actually homosexual would find it tough to come out.


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
I’ve avoided this thread like the plague. Today curiosity got the better of me...

@Denis79 - there is a list because it is important! These people are absolutely blazing the path for acceptance. Brave people who have put themselves out there publicly.

All those saying “why do you have to announce it?” Do you think Tom Daley would have been able to have a relationship with a man - dating, going to events together etc, eventually marrying and having a child without the media getting hold of it? Of if he wasn’t famous, without having to tell his friends and family first? We have to announce it, because we are assumed heterosexual as it’s the norm unless we want to live a life publicly using non-gender pronouns when referring to our significant others.

In my professional life I had to ‘come out’ to both colleagues and clients alike - questions like “what does your partner do for a living” straight away you have to decide - “s/he is...?” Or “they are?” People don’t assume I’m gay, therefore you end up in that situation where because people assume heterosexuality it very quickly becomes awkward. Having to live a life of lies would be exhausting.

I can imagine for a footballer it would be incredibly difficult being gay. You’d worry about teammates opinions (lots of different faiths and cultures in that dressing room with differing tolerance levels towards homosexuality). This extends further into club ownership. Sponsorship and image rights etc could be effected. Opposition fans chanting. Etc etc etc there’s so many facets to it - not least how must pressure there would be on the first gay man to come out publicly on top flight football as the media attention to you and your private life would be overwhelming.

Coming out isn’t about telling the world you’re gay and proud of it, it’s about letting the world being able to allow you to live your truth.
Great post
Just posting this as browsing the Love Island thread made me think of it. It doesn't help when there are things like gay speculation either which is another form of homophobia as it's designating traits as to why people think someone is gay or not.

We've seen how rough people like Sterling have had it for running the way he does or Le Saux for reading etc. Silly stupid things but they're embedded into football due to the historic connotations that people have when considering homosexuals because they're daft. If people who aren't even gay get rinsed as much as they do for exhibiting certain traits, it's no wonder that people who are actually homosexual would find it tough to come out.
That's true, it goes the other way as well. "You like sport and play football, you can't possibly be gay" has been said on numerous occasions.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
Inappropriate Content
I’m no homophobe, hell I’ve even had a couple of dabbles myself & yes I’ve kept it quiet & was totally happy in doing so ;)

‘Consenting Adults’ is my bottom line. If my son/daughter came to me staying they were gay, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

However, being Gay is a sexual orientation, and *most* sex lives are kept relatively private are they not?

But just don’t say to me Gay is ‘normal’. Body parts say no. Simple as that. If it was ‘normal’, the species would be wiped out within 100 years without artificial intervention. And some people object to what isn’t ‘normal’, especially when it isn’t ‘normal’ through choice sorry to say.

Maybe in this case it’s a primal projection of the need to preserve the species first & foremost haha.

I do think the proactive LGBT agenda is getting a bit silly in general. Where I live, the PCC has sacked the chairman of Cheshire Police & Crime Panel because he had the temerity to question an officers impartiality because she was wearing a LGBT lanyard. Utter bollocks imo. Why stop there? Let’s have lanyards for every single oppressed minority out there eh?


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
I’m no homophobe, hell I’ve even had a couple of dabbles myself & yes I’ve kept it quiet & was totally happy in doing so ;)

‘Consenting Adults’ is my bottom line. If my son/daughter came to me staying they were gay, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

However, being Gay is a sexual orientation, and *most* sex lives are kept relatively private are they not?

But just don’t say to me Gay is ‘normal’. Body parts say no. Simple as that. If it was ‘normal’, the species would be wiped out within 100 years without artificial intervention. And some people object to what isn’t ‘normal’, especially when it isn’t ‘normal’ through choice sorry to say.

Maybe in this case it’s a primal projection of the need to preserve the species first & foremost haha.

I do think the proactive LGBT agenda is getting a bit silly in general. Where I live, the PCC has sacked the chairman of Cheshire Police & Crime Panel because he had the temerity to question an officers impartiality because she was wearing a LGBT lanyard. Utter bollocks imo. Why stop there? Let’s have lanyards for every single oppressed minority out there eh?


How do you dabble at homosexual activity, you either fancy blokes or you don't.

I think women could dabble as they are more about feelings and sensations but us men have to really be into something to get it on.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015

How do you dabble at homosexual activity, you either fancy blokes or you don't.

I think women could dabble as they are more about feelings and sensations but us men have to really be into something to get it on.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the term ‘Bi-Curious’ ? So yeah, a minority of men out there will have ‘dabbled’. That’s not conjecture, I know that for a an absolute fact. Sorry, not got the exact numbers as a lot of them opt to be relatively discreet about it.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
I’m no homophobe, hell I’ve even had a couple of dabbles myself & yes I’ve kept it quiet & was totally happy in doing so ;)

‘Consenting Adults’ is my bottom line. If my son/daughter came to me staying they were gay, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

However, being Gay is a sexual orientation, and *most* sex lives are kept relatively private are they not?

But just don’t say to me Gay is ‘normal’. Body parts say no. Simple as that. If it was ‘normal’, the species would be wiped out within 100 years without artificial intervention. And some people object to what isn’t ‘normal’, especially when it isn’t ‘normal’ through choice sorry to say.

Maybe in this case it’s a primal projection of the need to preserve the species first & foremost haha.

I do think the proactive LGBT agenda is getting a bit silly in general. Where I live, the PCC has sacked the chairman of Cheshire Police & Crime Panel because he had the temerity to question an officers impartiality because she was wearing a LGBT lanyard. Utter bollocks imo. Why stop there? Let’s have lanyards for every single oppressed minority out there eh?
There's so much wrong with this post. Feck off telling gay people they're not normal.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
I’ve avoided this thread like the plague. Today curiosity got the better of me...

@Denis79 - there is a list because it is important! These people are absolutely blazing the path for acceptance. Brave people who have put themselves out there publicly.

All those saying “why do you have to announce it?” Do you think Tom Daley would have been able to have a relationship with a man - dating, going to events together etc, eventually marrying and having a child without the media getting hold of it? Of if he wasn’t famous, without having to tell his friends and family first? We have to announce it, because we are assumed heterosexual as it’s the norm unless we want to live a life publicly using non-gender pronouns when referring to our significant others.

In my professional life I had to ‘come out’ to both colleagues and clients alike - questions like “what does your partner do for a living” straight away you have to decide - “s/he is...?” Or “they are?” People don’t assume I’m gay, therefore you end up in that situation where because people assume heterosexuality it very quickly becomes awkward. Having to live a life of lies would be exhausting.

I can imagine for a footballer it would be incredibly difficult being gay. You’d worry about teammates opinions (lots of different faiths and cultures in that dressing room with differing tolerance levels towards homosexuality). This extends further into club ownership. Sponsorship and image rights etc could be effected. Opposition fans chanting. Etc etc etc there’s so many facets to it - not least how must pressure there would be on the first gay man to come out publicly on top flight football as the media attention to you and your private life would be overwhelming.

Coming out isn’t about telling the world you’re gay and proud of it, it’s about letting the world being able to allow you to live your truth.
Nailed it.

I've not read through this thread. 13 pages of dross I'm guessing.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
I’m no homophobe, hell I’ve even had a couple of dabbles myself & yes I’ve kept it quiet & was totally happy in doing so ;)

‘Consenting Adults’ is my bottom line. If my son/daughter came to me staying they were gay, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

However, being Gay is a sexual orientation, and *most* sex lives are kept relatively private are they not?

But just don’t say to me Gay is ‘normal’. Body parts say no. Simple as that. If it was ‘normal’, the species would be wiped out within 100 years without artificial intervention. And some people object to what isn’t ‘normal’, especially when it isn’t ‘normal’ through choice sorry to say.

Maybe in this case it’s a primal projection of the need to preserve the species first & foremost haha.

I do think the proactive LGBT agenda is getting a bit silly in general. Where I live, the PCC has sacked the chairman of Cheshire Police & Crime Panel because he had the temerity to question an officers impartiality because she was wearing a LGBT lanyard. Utter bollocks imo. Why stop there? Let’s have lanyards for every single oppressed minority out there eh?
So if it's not 'normal', what is it? Are gay people freaks of nature? Deviants? Is only 'dabbling' acceptable?


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Feck off telling me to feck off. No need for the abuse. Refute the assertion then. Without the abuse preferably.
No, you're a dick. People kill themselves over these sorts of attitudes. If I was a mod you'd be banned.

So again, feck off. I don't need to refute the assertion that gay people aren't normal. If you think that, then guess what, you're a homophobe.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
If you define not normal purely as deviating from the norm, or the state of being that is most common, then I suppose you could say it isn't normal per se. The problem lies in the fact that a lot of people think that because it deviates from the norm, it's wrong, or something to ridicule.

Also, much like Tywin Lannister said a true king doesn't need to proclaim he is a king, a true non-homophobe doesn't need to proclaim he's not a homophobe. Not saying stuff that's homophobic is more than enough.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
No, you're a dick. People kill themselves over these sorts of attitudes. If I was a mod you'd be banned.

So again, feck off. I don't need to refute the assertion that gay people aren't normal. If you think that, then guess what, you're a homophobe.
So amidst your abusive bluster, little of actual substance.


Full Member
Oct 31, 2016
I’m no homophobe, hell I’ve even had a couple of dabbles myself & yes I’ve kept it quiet & was totally happy in doing so ;)

‘Consenting Adults’ is my bottom line. If my son/daughter came to me staying they were gay, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

However, being Gay is a sexual orientation, and *most* sex lives are kept relatively private are they not?

But just don’t say to me Gay is ‘normal’. Body parts say no. Simple as that. If it was ‘normal’, the species would be wiped out within 100 years without artificial intervention. And some people object to what isn’t ‘normal’, especially when it isn’t ‘normal’ through choice sorry to say.

Maybe in this case it’s a primal projection of the need to preserve the species first & foremost haha.

I do think the proactive LGBT agenda is getting a bit silly in general. Where I live, the PCC has sacked the chairman of Cheshire Police & Crime Panel because he had the temerity to question an officers impartiality because she was wearing a LGBT lanyard. Utter bollocks imo. Why stop there? Let’s have lanyards for every single oppressed minority out there eh?
That's an absolutely ridiculous post.

All you're really doing here is trying to hide your blatant disdain for homosexuals with the whole "oh, but I've dabbled" premise.

Sir Scott McToMinay

New Member
Feb 25, 2018
Acapulco, Somalia
Biology decides, not me.
Big news, two men/women having sex with each other can’t conceive a child, doesn’t mean it isn’t “normal”.
If everybody was “normal” we would’ve died from over population by now.

50 years ago is wasn’t “normal” for women to wear pants.
That’s simply because back in the day most people were even stupider than they are now.
That’s really all there is to it.


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
"How dare they let generations of abuse and discrimination bother them when it continues the utter snowflakes" - Mr H Eterosexual
Don't you know that homophobia shouldn't be on the streets, it should be in the closet.
I shouldn't laugh considering the terribly homophobic posts in this thread - but these two posts are hilarious :lol:

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
If you define not normal purely as deviating from the norm, or the state of being that is most common, then I suppose you could say it isn't normal per se. The problem lies in the fact that a lot of people think that because it deviates from the norm, it's wrong, or something to ridicule.

Also, much like Tywin Lannister said a true king doesn't need to proclaim he is a king, a true non-homophobe doesn't need to proclaim he's not a homophobe. Not saying stuff that's homophobic is more than enough.
Now that, is a comparatively sensible reply devoid of hyperbole. In this case though it would be ‘wrong’ if you wanted to preserve the species. The fact that modern technology means we could do that these days with a planet full of Gay people is by-the-by because that isn’t ‘natural’ is it?


Hates Beyoncé
Apr 22, 2014
Just posting this as browsing the Love Island thread made me think of it. It doesn't help when there are things like gay speculation either which is another form of homophobia as it's designating traits as to why people think someone is gay or not.

We've seen how rough people like Sterling have had it for running the way he does or Le Saux for reading etc. Silly stupid things but they're embedded into football due to the historic connotations that people have when considering homosexuals because they're daft. If people who aren't even gay get rinsed as much as they do for exhibiting certain traits, it's no wonder that people who are actually homosexual would find it tough to come out.
Yeah that's a good point especially in the Love Island thread, particularly as i've speculated on one of the contestants being closeted more for his behaviour rather than his traits per se. But thinking about it, I can see how it can come across as homophobic, which wasn't my intention.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2019
I think another thing would be that football is the World game and while the majority of the western world are fairly broad minded there are many countries which just do not tolerate homosexuality which is sad in this day and age.
There is an Australian Rugby League player called Ian Roberts who came out near the end of his career and now he is an actor and from memory he got a lot of support from the media and his club. He was a tackling machine and as hard as nails and there would not have been many that would pick a fight with him.

Strachans Cigar

New Member
Oct 23, 2015
I sense sarcasm. What makes you think it's not a good idea?
Last post because I’ve been slapped on the wrist by the mods.

It’s pretty obvious why it’s not a good idea.

A PC turns up to a bit of a do wearing a rainbow lanyard, it automatically projects bias towards that particular group, to the potential detriment of everybody else. Reverse discrimination if you like. How many lanyards would a PC need to wear simultaneously? Get real.

Also it would detract from the neutral, professional air of authority that the Police uniform brings. That’s my own personal opinion.

Right, I’m gone. Bye. The chattering classes of this forum must be absolutely correct as per.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
Now that, is a comparatively sensible reply devoid of hyperbole. In this case though it would be ‘wrong’ if you wanted to preserve the species. The fact that modern technology means we could do that these days with a planet full of Gay people is by-the-by because that isn’t ‘natural’ is it?
Sensible and devoid of hyperbole is my middle name.

While I understand the point your making, the problem is the need to point this deviation from the norm out. Without modern technology I wouldve died at age ten from appendicitis. That's not my fault and no one ever mentions that. Which is also why I never feel the need to defend myself over it. Gay people however, are constantly ridiculed. Not just by blatant homophobic bigots, but by almost everyone. I've told friends to stop being a fag or something similar and Im quite sure most people have as well, without ever considering themselves a homophobe. That's why I think, while it might technically be correct on some level that it's not normal, why do we feel the need to point this specific case of deviation out? Gay people have it hard enough without being told they're abnormal.

And I lied, I dont actually have a middle name :(
Last edited:


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
Last post because I’ve been slapped on the wrist by the mods.

It’s pretty obvious why it’s not a good idea.

A PC turns up to a bit of a do wearing a rainbow lanyard, it automatically projects bias towards that particular group, to the potential detriment of everybody else. Reverse discrimination if you like. How many lanyards would a PC need to wear simultaneously? Get real.

Also it would detract from the neutral, professional air of authority that the Police uniform brings. That’s my own personal opinion.

Right, I’m gone. Bye. The chattering classes of this forum must be absolutely correct as per.
Bye. You won't be missed.


New Member
Aug 7, 2016
These discussions always get messy.....

I think we need the football to start so we avoid any mass implosions.

I’m guessing when somebody wants to make a big show of coming out they will do just that.

Until then it’s not happening. It’s really that simple. I just wish people could get along and appreciate people’s personal choices and lifestyles without it needing to be ‘discussed’ all the time.

Couple of gay guys I know don’t need to come out, their general life choices make things clear. But they are not jumping on tables shouting out ‘look at me I’m gay’

Why should folks even need to do that? Why would anybody want them to do it?

I think people are just weird. The straighter they are the weirder truth be told.


Full Member
Jan 24, 2011
These discussions always get messy.....

I think we need the football to start so we avoid any mass implosions.

I’m guessing when somebody wants to make a big show of coming out they will do just that.

Until then it’s not happening. It’s really that simple. I just wish people could get along and appreciate people’s personal choices and lifestyles without it needing to be ‘discussed’ all the time.

Couple of gay guys I know don’t need to come out, their general life choices make things clear. But they are not jumping on tables shouting out ‘look at me I’m gay’

Why should folks even need to do that? Why would anybody want them to do it?

I think people are just weird. The straighter they are the weirder truth be told.
Read the thread. It's been answered numerous times.


Full Member
Aug 7, 2014
I’m sure you’ve heard of the term ‘Bi-Curious’ ? So yeah, a minority of men out there will have ‘dabbled’. That’s not conjecture, I know that for a an absolute fact. Sorry, not got the exact numbers as a lot of them opt to be relatively discreet about it.
Well I don't believe all that Bi-curious crap, you either find men attractive or you don't there is just no in between in my eyes.

If you've dabbled that's due to the fact you are more than likely gay and in denial. Just come out and be honest about it, rather than this anti gay ranting you seem to be doing.

There is nothing wrong with being gay, no need to hide behind your bigoted mask.


New Member
Feb 10, 2012
Well I don't believe all that Bi-curious crap, you either find men attractive or you don't there is just no in between in my eyes.

If you've dabbled that's due to the fact you are more than likely gay and in denial. Just come out and be honest about it, rather than this anti gay ranting you seem to be doing.

There is nothing wrong with being gay, no need to hide behind your bigoted mask.
While @Strachans Cigar is a pillock of the highest order, sexuality way more fluid than a lot of people in this thread are making out.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
These discussions always get messy.....

I think we need the football to start so we avoid any mass implosions.

I’m guessing when somebody wants to make a big show of coming out they will do just that.

Until then it’s not happening. It’s really that simple. I just wish people could get along and appreciate people’s personal choices and lifestyles without it needing to be ‘discussed’ all the time.

Couple of gay guys I know don’t need to come out, their general life choices make things clear. But they are not jumping on tables shouting out ‘look at me I’m gay’

Why should folks even need to do that? Why would anybody want them to do it?

I think people are just weird. The straighter they are the weirder truth be told.
Like what, holding hands, mannerisms?


New Member
Jul 20, 2018
Strachan's Cigar has stood up on the plane and read aloud why he should get both parachutes on this one I feel.
Not a popular one there father!