Gay footballers | Czech Republic international Jakub Jankto comes out as gay

Fair play to the lad. It's a brave move.

Isn't he's a practicing muslim?

Why should he be punished for not wanting to support something that might conflict with his own belief system?
Never understood why homophobia is classed as wrong (and rightly so), but if it’s part of your cult (religion), then it’s deemed acceptable.
I notice he stated he has scored 30 goals this season I assume for the youth team.

Wonder if he is worth making a bid for
There was a few like that and I went on a bit of a reporting spree but it's overwhelmingly supportive. I always find it funny that some homophobes are so obsessed with gay sex. When I hear someone is gay I don't think about what their genitals are doing at all but judging by some of those tweets some of them think about to an unhealthy degree for a supposed straight man. It does make you wonder.
I always find this so funny. Some guys can simply see something about LGBT or a gay person coming out and be like ‘I don’t want to think about two guys sucking the cum off each other’s dick’ and it’s like…why are you so descriptive for something you supposedly can’t stand, especially when no one even mentioned anything about that :lol:
Never understood why homophobia is classed as wrong (and rightly so), but if it’s part of your cult (religion), then it’s deemed acceptable.
The vast majority of homophobia in this country (and also in football) is because of toxic masculinity rather than religion.
The most amazing thing about this is how young he is. That’s younger than a lot of people feel able to come out to their own family. Never mind such an open (and potentially hostile) forum. Plus his career is barely started. So must be all the more tempting to keep his head down. He’s a hero for doing this.
I wonder if this will lead to a flurry of players coming out.

I hope/expect the reaction to be positive and ease others' trepidations. They are probably others who want to come out, but were reluctant to be the first.
Wasn’t Justin Fashanu the first?
The most amazing thing about this is how young he is. That’s younger than a lot of people feel able to come out to their own family. Never mind such an open (and potentially hostile) forum. Plus his career is barely started. So must be all the more tempting to keep his head down. He’s a hero for doing this.
I have high hopes for this generation; they seem far more open-minded than previous ones. I only wish I could've felt this comfortable coming out back in the day, and that wasn't to millions of people!
Hope more of his generation feel encouraged to follow suit and normalize this, at least in parts of the world.
Fair play to him. It's not easy being the first to do something like this. Hopefully it's a non issue, there's little reaction and we can move on to a time where footballers are free to open about who they are and who they love.
Bizarre isn’t it. We’re in 2022 and this is huge. It really should be a non issue.
The vast majority of homophobia in this country (and also in football) is because of toxic masculinity rather than religion.
Any stats to back that up?

Being part of the LGBT community myself, I know where most homophobia has come from aimed at myself and my friends. Not all of it of course.

But I also can’t claim it as fact that more comes from religion since I have zero statistics as evidence, only my own experiences.

My friends who found coming out the worst experience when it came to family acceptance, were nearly always from religious backgrounds (Catholicism, Islam, Christianity the worst offenders).

After all, the majority of religious text teaches homosexuality to be profane and disgusting.

Where do you think the very first instance of homophobia came from and why?! I don’t know the answer but could hazard a good guess. But the majority of today’s homophobia will have stemmed from a very long time ago, whether consciously or sub-consciously.
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Fair play to the lad and all the best to him hopefully he can move forward and his career will thrive but not to be negative he’s not high profile enough.

I Don’t think this will have any effect whatsoever in making others come out, it will likely be forgot about in a few weeks too seen as though the season is all but ended. It’s got people taking right now but see where we are in a months time.

Some of the replies, yikes.

Also didn't see anyone with the decency to make the obvious "another player who comes out more often than De Gea" joke.
He’s a hero in my book. It makes a lot of sense that it would be a youngster, in a way. I’m not saying it’s easier for him, far from it, but his generation have grown up in a world that’s slightly more accepting and open minded than previous generations.
Good for him for living his most authentic life.

Sexual preference should never be a cause for abuse, and by the same token pride.
Good for him.

Get the feeling press/public were hoping it was some established mid 20s England international to put more scrutiny on.

However probably not a surprise it's a young lad at the start of his career proud of who he is and just wants to get on with things now. Probably a good reflection of how society is going with more young people willing to speak up about mental health and stigma associated with being "different."
Fair play to the lad and all the best to him hopefully he can move forward and his career will thrive but not to be negative he’s not high profile enough.

I Don’t think this will have any effect whatsoever in making others come out, it will likely be forgot about in a few weeks too seen as though the season is all but ended. It’s got people taking right now but see where we are in a months time.

I find your post completely contradictory.

If it passes without major kickback and is forgotten about quickly, that would be huge and you can be sure it will have an impact and will convince others it's safe to come out.
That's great news. Hope this leads to others feeling confident that they can come out and not have to hide their sexuality.
Never understood why homophobia is classed as wrong (and rightly so), but if it’s part of your cult (religion), then it’s deemed acceptable.

Regardless of your religion, there should be an absolute minimum requirement for participation in society to not discriminate against anyone based on their sexual orientation. Beyond that, it becomes a freedom of speech issue trying to compel someone to say or wear something they just don't to be associated with.
Yeah but there are thousands of individuals associated with Newcastle Football Club that support the sentiments in this tweet. It'd be no different from United sending out this tweet if one of the Glazers was a homophobe.
Yeah but the Glazers aren't part of the American government. Newcastle is effictively owned by a state that punishes homosexuality severely
All the best to this young lad.
I find your post completely contradictory.

If it passes without major kickback and is forgotten about quickly, that would be huge and you can be sure it will have an impact and will convince others it's safe to come out.

I don't see it that way, my point was he's too low profile as a player much like the aussie guy that came out. He did it and it was talked about for a couple of days then you’ve heard nothing since.
Like I said I wish him all the best and applaud him for going public but I'm almost certain it will change nothing in the grand scheme of things.

It's slightly different, I'd say.

Beyond the point of sending gotcha online zingers, not really. The ownership of the club is irrelevant to the football club standing with this young footballer.

Yeah but the Glazers aren't part of the American government. Newcastle is effictively owned by a state that punishes homosexuality severely

Irrelevant to the football club and associated community providing support to a brave young footballer.

The ownership of Newcastle (Saudi Arabia according to some so let's roll with that) have cordial close ties with, and an endorsement from the United Kingdom (domicile of said football club), who sells them weapons to wage their murderous wars, let's their citizens buy real estate in London and luxury goods in Harrods...

So I for one am not bothered with the pretense outrage of a football club being owned by an entity (that has outlawed homosexuality within it's environs) that has official ties with the democratic nation (i.e. citizens who are fine with their MPs maintaining close ties with the Sauds) this football club resides in.

And specifically speaking, when I see said football club offering support to this brave young man, my first thought isn't, "oh but look at their ownership hurr hurr hurr".
I don't see it that way, my point was he's too low profile as a player much like the aussie guy that came out. He did it and it was talked about for a couple of days then you’ve heard nothing since.
Like I said I wish him all the best and applaud him for going public but I'm almost certain it will change nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I fail to see how it won't have an impact. At the very least, it's another step towards normalising it.
I don't see it that way, my point was he's too low profile as a player much like the aussie guy that came out. He did it and it was talked about for a couple of days then you’ve heard nothing since.
Like I said I wish him all the best and applaud him for going public but I'm almost certain it will change nothing in the grand scheme of things.

But that's what we want. Gradual acceptance to the point that even if a big profile name comes out we're all like "good for you" and we hear nothing negative since then. The end goal is to have a society where being gay openly is like breathing fresh air. No negative connotations or fear of any negative reactions from dickheads. Just benign acceptance.
Given that Preston North End and Fleetwood aleady sing homophobic songs towards Blackpool because of Blackpool's large gay community I can only hope this lad has a thick skin.
The ownership of the club is irrelevant to the football club standing with this young footballer.

The owners of Manchester United may or may not be homophobic but they aren't a state. They don't make or uphold laws.

The owner of Newcastle United is Saudi Arabia.

The difference - again - should be pretty feckin' obvious.
I have high hopes for this generation; they seem far more open-minded than previous ones. I only wish I could've felt this comfortable coming out back in the day, and that wasn't to millions of people!

Yeah, I’m not that old (or so I like to think!) and grew up in a school environment where full on, explicit homophobia was the norm. Not one kid in my school came out until long after they’d left. My own kids are light years more enlightened than I was at their age. The difference is astonishing (and heartening)