Other Geoguessr

I was trying to be too clever for that guess. If I had a few more minutes I'd find it, but I was frantically trying to search through two different cities.

Your first guess is a dirty cheat you dirty cheater admit it
I wasn't sure where it was so just went with my first instinct.

:lol: Nah, I assumed it was...

Italy because of the writing I saw, but thought the buildings looked Greek so went in the South so if it was Greece it wouldn't be too far away.
:lol: You may be right.

That's the Italian writing I saw, I just thought there was a slight chance it was an Italian restaurant in Greece.

Fair enough!

I was right there with you on the "Southern Italy, looks a bit like Greece" thing, I just picked the wrong part of Southern Italy that had been Greek.

I quite like the map A Diverse Urban World. You wouldn't get this guess in the other maps we play.
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I wasn't sure where it was so just went with my first instinct.

:lol: Nah, I assumed it was...

Italy because of the writing I saw, but thought the buildings looked Greek so went in the South so if it was Greece it wouldn't be too far away.
That's exactly what I did, but you were a tad closer. Enjoyed that one.
22,362 on that last one.

I really need to stop leaning forward to my screen and squinting, as if that's going to make it any less blurry when I'm zoomed in fully.
I was loving this one until the last place. I'd been in a couple of the places and vaguely knew another. Hadn't a notion of number 5 though.
I was loving this one until the last place. I'd been in a couple of the places and vaguely knew another. Hadn't a notion of number 5 though.

We were within a couple of points of each other until the last round.
I was loving this one until the last place. I'd been in a couple of the places and vaguely knew another. Hadn't a notion of number 5 though.

You were quite good at finding specific spots!

For Puerto Rico, I would focus on the Americans cars + the Spanish writing. But that was deliberately a hard one. Barely out of good focus is a sign that says "Hola Puerto Rico" as well (but in slightly better focus right underneath it says "Hola Europa", for added confusion)
Not a single person has been very close to #5 yet, Olly the closest at 1038 km. My trap worked!

On the other hand, @diarm got within 4 meters of #1. Three pure 5000 guesses so far, two from diarm. Some other high 4900s too.
You were quite good at finding specific spots!

For Puerto Rico, I would focus on the Americans cars + the Spanish writing. But that was deliberately a hard one. Barely out of good focus is a sign that says "Hola Puerto Rico" as well (but in slightly better focus right underneath it says "Hola Europa", for added confusion)

It helped that I'd been at a couple of them!

I spent ages looking at signs on that one, to the extent that I ran out of time and managed to smash the middle of Spain with around a 10th of a second to spare!
14,771. Last one got me too.

The one that had "Faroe" visible being in the Faroe Islands, but then the one that said "Kuwait" not being in Kuwait is why I have trust issues
Yeah that one was a load of balls
You nailed the two hardest, but you got the wrong country entirely on one with the language in clear view. You're an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a puzzle.

I was plonked in front of a bus with 'Aeroporto Porto' written on it. Of course I'm not looking around any more after being presented with that.
The 2nd one seemed so simple but... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fecked the last one. Pretty sure the Sun was showing in the south so thought the only country that it could be was UK.

The one in Naples might stump a few if they dont rotate the pic and just go by what is written on the Bus :lol:
Only a pointdexter would look at anything else after being presented with that bus.
Fecked the last one. Pretty sure the Sun was showing in the south so thought the only country that it could be was UK.

The one in Naples might stump a few if they dont rotate the pic and just go by what is written on the Bus :lol:
Sun was pretty much straight east. The Naples one has the Porto trap, but there's also a big sign where it says "Genova". Sneaky sneaky.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo! I'd just found Via Pavia in Naples and I timed out :lol:

I got basically 5k on the rest. You could tell 5 was Aus because they have a Coles, and then the North part behind the car meant it could only be Darwin.
The huge Australian coat of arms was probably a bigger giveaway :lol:
Is Coles a big web of supermarkets there? I've went to Sydney (on the map) and there were so many of them, so I stuck there until the time ran out :(
The huge Australian coat of arms was probably a bigger giveaway :lol:
Is Coles a big web of supermarkets there? I've went to Sydney (on the map) and there were so many of them, so I stuck there until the time ran out :(

Yeah I'd say Coles and Woolworths are the main two.
Who's Ug669n, and why is he beating me?