Gianni Infantino loses the plot (WC 2002 Edition)

Real Madras

Full Member
Nov 30, 2016
Real Oviedo
That is their right - but they should not be allowed to have a World Cup as long as they enforce their belief systems.
I think it comes down to accepting that certain countries are not accepting on alcohol,
They are 100% well within their rights to do so. Not many are asking them to change and before being handed this WC, I imagine most people would even be able to place Qatar on a map, let alone care enough about them to tell them to change.

The flip side is of course that nobody asked them or forced them to host a global tournament, where people from all countries, cultures, beliefs etc will be attending. If they wanted to host a tournament of only generally like-minded people, there is the Arab Cup. They also promised to act a certain way and, now empowered, have rowed back on many of their initial agreements.

This conversation I have to say is fraught with difficulties for me. Qatar is an awful location for a world cup. For so many reasons, not least of which are the terrible worker conditions, their constantly shifting goalposts etc. Some of the defence of them have come from exactly the same people I would have expected and who sadly often come to the defence whenever a Muslim country is criticised.

Yet despite this, there definitely is an Islamophobic undercurrent to some peoples' comments (often those who have a similar undercurrent anyway in some of their other posts on here). There is also the (to me anyway) slightly erroneous feeling some on here have that the World Cup is a gift from the West/Europe to bestow upon other countries, which of course it is not. Finally, whataboutism has become an over-used phrase to deflect from even valid criticisms of hypocrisy. To me, it means not even bothering to respond to a question but deflecting it with another entirely. However, some on here for instance are pointing out that Qatar was a terrible choice and shouldn't have received it, whilst still pointing out that the USA will 100% not receive anything like the same amount of criticism. A country that, even putting aside its foreign adventures, has some incredibly....peculiar domestic policies.

Nuances which are difficult to discuss online, where people seem to feel the need to get entrenched and either make up crap about Qatar or jumping to comments about how the Brits can't say anything because of their country's past or who only talk about how crap Russia/USA WCs are/will be without acknowledging the issues of this one.
I completely agree with you but the only reason I’m commenting is because I feel there is Islamophobia undertones in this thread and it’s masked behind the LGBT and Alcohol comments when it doesn’t feel like that and I had to say something. I never criticise any other countries but will protect my religion and Qatar is a Muslim country and they’re not about to change their rules for 30 days of football, whether anyone likes that or not. I stand by that. I’m actually enjoying the fact that they have refused to sell Alcohol. People need to get over it and enjoy the football.

There is no denying the fact that Qatar shouldn't have gotten the World Cup. I’m not refuting that because I too feel they won it on the basis of something more sinister but someone people on here need to take a long hard look at themselves. No country in this day and age is squeaky clean. A bit of tired of all of this to be fair as it’s football and not politics. Just enjoy the World Cup, go to Qatar is your willing to accept their rules or don’t go at all.

I think what’s really annoyed me is the owner of BrewDog and Box Park in London campaigning against this World Cup whilst showing the games in Box Park and selling his lager through third parties in Qatar which quite rightly so has been called out on it all over social media. This country is really something. Infantino is right. Look at yourself before you hand out moral lessons.


New Member
Jan 17, 2021
Yeah the Caf really does harbour some deep rooted bigotry it seems.

This World Cup is highlighting it even more.

The point scoring and whataboutery is in quite bad taste I feel too.
It's the go to for 'men's rights activists' on Twitter who hunt for any woman talking about her experience of sex discrimination by furiously shouting at them for not talking about male suicide.

Thing is asking why there isn't similar attention to all human rights abuses issues all at the same time is a reasonable point morally. This isn't it though. This is trying to use hypocrisy to deflect from the fact that persecution of homosexuals is a human rights abuse they don't have a problem with.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
We are all going to die anyway - so why bother?

That said, the Newbies are on fire in here! Literally.


career ending
Jun 5, 2010
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
You'll actually find that before people were regarded as transgender, saying someone can't use the bathroom because of their gender is actually discrimination, so the gender specific bathrooms was always a recommendation for 'safety reasons', it's never been the law to use a gender specific bathroom. Hope this helps your confused little post


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
Infantino was a ginger haired freckle-ridden cnut, and now he’s just a corrupt bald cnut. Is it wrong to still hate him for being a ginger?
Please, this cannot be allowed here. For gods sake a ginger has lost all their hair, this is not right mods. I know this poster has a longstanding history here, but this is not right. I can't be the only one that thinks this?


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
A couple of days ago Germany's FA announced they wouldn't support his reelection. However they also let FIFA's deadline for nominating a challenger pass, leaving Infantino unopposed. According to officials it would have been pointless, because he's already got the votes for next year lined up.

Despite this shit show.

It will be interesting to see who will actually vote him in. Maybe UEFA should consider their options, if there's a unified front from their members.

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.
When it comes to accepting that gay people do not have a 'sickness of the mind' I actually feel like I know better than the Qataris, yes.


Full Member
Jul 28, 2019
Schalke 04
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
No offense and with all due respect, this post has to come from a deranged, troubled mind.


Full Member
Dec 5, 2020
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
Great post:drool:

Football and sport administrations in general always try to play the neutrality card, but sport is politics either we want it or not. Supporters, players and sport administrations and everyone who loves sport have an opportunity to raise their voices and have an opinion about right and wrong. In that way sport is a potent democratic force.Sport connect people across borders and can be a significant voice and also make a difference if we unite and stand together.

Sport represents people or is “the people”to a greater extent than much else. European players, supporters and national sport federations should of course stand up for democratic values. We don’t have to care about the same as politicians (geopolitics, power or state survival or economy). I think European players and supporters and national federations should do more of what they’ve done in the case of this World Cup.

… and I’m sick and tired of World cups and Olympic Games being a symbol and economic gold mine for Russia, China and Gulf states and their ruling elite.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
The pro-Qatar stuff here is so baffling.

"The West is shit. You are all repugnant hypocrites. We all hate you and your morality. Now please, let us host this event for a competition in which 70% of the teams are Western."

Nobody asked you to host this.


Jul 26, 2022
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
Bla bla bla bla bla and bla bla bla bla bla some more.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
I think it comes down to accepting that certain countries are not accepting on alcohol,
And I would have no problems with it - if they disclosed in when they made the bid. To come 2 days before the world cup starts - knowing that Budweiser is one of the main sponsors, that sends your logic right out the window. That is backstabbing FIFA (as an organization - .not Gianni who probably knew about it before), backstabbing the sponsor and backstabbing the fans.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
And I would have no problems with it - if they disclosed in when they made the bid. To come 2 days before the world cup starts - knowing that Budweiser is one of the main sponsors, that sends your logic right out the window. That is backstabbing FIFA (as an organization - .not Gianni who probably knew about it before), backstabbing the sponsor and backstabbing the fans.
Also it shows to the world that Qatar does not honor it's word.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2019
This corrupt cnut is now talking about bringing the world cup to Iran! This is why people have to speak otherwise infantino will become and even worse and corrupt version of blatter.

Fifa is a disgustingly greedy and corrupt organisation that does no the game no favours.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
As long as the British Empire and the American government don't pay reparations for the millions of lives they destroyed through colonialism and slavery, I plug my ear when they or their citizens stand on their moral soapbox about other cultures.
I was born in South America and I am 1/8th Arab so I suppose I have free reign to say whatever I want about the Qataris here.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
History is fundamentally simple: the word of any god, dictator, ruler is worth nothing against the will of their plebs or, in last instance, of any gun capable to fire a bullet. The gay man assisting Infantino in his tirade against Western hypocrisy is better served by a gun than a word while expressing his nature in Qatar without his FIFA badge.


Nov 22, 2006
No offense and with all due respect, this post has to come from a deranged, troubled mind.
I didn’t want to say this but I am genuinely concerned that some here have some very deep rooted personal issues and prejudices that they really need to address.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
Can I ask you if you think it's wrong that women have rights or that gay people should have the right to live ?


Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
I didn’t want to say this but I am genuinely concerned that some here have some very deep rooted personal issues and prejudices that they really need to address.
All this, while writing on a forum supporting the quintessentially Westerner football club.


Full Member
Jun 1, 2008
Incredible that you've read my post and come to that conclusion and fits nicely with what I said at the very end about how people are approaching this conversation.
You wrote "they are well within their rights" - and my point being - maybe, but not if they should host a tournament that involves an entire where some of the main goals is "respect"


Jul 26, 2022
When it comes to accepting that gay people do not have a 'sickness of the mind' I actually feel like I know better than the Qataris, yes.
No offense and with all due respect, this post has to come from a deranged, troubled mind.
The pro-Qatar stuff here is so baffling.

"The West is shit. You are all repugnant hypocrites. We all hate you and your morality. Now please, let us host this event for a competition in which 70% of the teams are Western."
It baffles me that some of the genuine issues raised at this world cup has met with whataboutism of the extreme level.

“You have no right to say anything no matter what we do or think about gay people or human rights because you guys did this 100 or 1000 yrs back. You are all Islamophobes or have hatred for Qatar because it’s a Muslim country”

“You can’t even raise your voice because you did this or did that there so keep quiet”. “And If you come to the World Cup you have to adhere to our backward ass laws because they are part of our culture and beliefs which are bigger than human rights itself and if you don’t then you obviously are an Islamophobe and a racist”


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
The main problem with your utterly(and I really mean utterly) shite post, is that if you asked 99.9% of the people you are aiming your post at about any single thing you have mentioned, they would disagree with it too. Go and start a thread about all of those topics, and see who posts in them, I'm sure it will be the same people that have posted in here, and post in all the other threads of a similar vein.

Do you want people to list off every single topic they have issues with in the entire world, past and present, when giving an opinion in a thread on a particular topic? Do you think it makes sense to ascribe decisions made by governments and the 1% to citizens of a given country? I'm sure you haven't really thought of these things, as you're too busy in an infinite loop of whataboutery in your silly brain.

Ladron de redcafe

Full Member
Oct 25, 2020
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
Spot on. And the responses will shed light on some of the stuff African sput was talking about. It's interesting that you don't see much of a fuss about the country you alluded to, when it's 50 times more egregious than Qatar ever was and is.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
I didn’t want to say this but I am genuinely concerned that some here have some very deep rooted personal issues and prejudices that they really need to address.
Yep, a lot of posters with some very nasty opinions and views post on this forum and the Qatar world cup discussion is exposing that.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
there is Islamophobia undertones in this thread and it’s masked behind the LGBT and Alcohol comments when it doesn’t feel like that and I had to say something.
An argument against "Islamophobic undertones" would hold more weight if this thread weren't full of anti-Western overtones. It is a bit silly to ask for acceptance while every two pages some person shows up saying the West is immoral and repulsive.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
I get he's been elected unopposed but surely there's something seriously wrong if he cannot be removed after that horrendous speech.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
I get he's been elected unopposed but surely there's something seriously wrong if he cannot be removed after that horrendous speech.
As I posted earlier today: according to DFB they didn't bother putting forward an alternative candidate for next year's election, because Infantino already has the votes for re-election secured. It seems like the majority of FIFA members is fine with his leadership.


What would Kenny G do?
May 9, 2013
An argument against "Islamophobic undertones" would hold more weight if this thread weren't full of anti-Western overtones. It is a bit silly to ask for acceptance while every two pages some person shows up saying the West is immoral and repulsive.
I don't particularly care about people being offended for their religion. I have no qualms criticizing your religion if your religion is not compatible with human rights for all. If that's "phobic", then so be it.
That counts for all religions whether it's Islam or Christianity (I see you, evangelicals).


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
As I posted earlier today: according to DFB they didn't bother putting forward an alternative candidate for next year's election, because Infantino already has the votes for re-election secured. It seems like the majority of FIFA members is fine with his leadership.
I understand but perhaps I phrased myself wrong.

How much shit can the footballing world take from FIFA before telling them all collectively to feck off? I think 9/10 people would now be fine with a new body


Full Member
Nov 3, 2015
I'm really enjoying the white privilege driven melt down. Everyone HAS to follow your rules because YOU know best.

When Westerners decide someone with a penis can use the ladies loos because that's how they identify suddenly that becomes okay too.

The icing on the cake is the selective application of morality too.

Buying Qatari gas is OK. Qatar owning half of London is fine. Selling them advanced weaponry is OK - but no beer in the WC stadium for peasants is the hill to die on.

Similarly most Westerners, including and especially the celebrity wokeratti, will holiday in Dubai - a city built on slave labour and dead labourers. Nobody remembers that because in Dubai you can get your tits out and have a drink. The only person discriminated against in Dubai is the Asian migrant worker - and all us wealthy Asians still go holiday in Dubai, so why shouldnt you? Also I forgot to mention that like London and Switzerland, Dubai is a global money laundering hub - but that doesn't matter if you have money.

Shout out to the biggest petrol pump of them all. Saudi Arabia - bombing Yemeni Civilians since 2015 but again - thier oil and money is OK, they host concerts and boxing matches.

On top of it all there is the direct support for discrimination and oppression through the support of dictators like Sisi in Eygpt and the hybrid regime in Pakistan. These countries have Western backed governments that have turned lives into hell for anyone who wants basic political freedom - fully supported and funded by the Western governments. Yet we see crocodile tears for homosexuals in Qatar.

There is actually a "country" in the middle east who's human rights record is akin to the Nazis. It has limitless political and financial support from the Western governments. It faces no sanctions. Attempts to boycott it have been banned in some countries. It has been embraced by Uefa (funny that)... Can you guess who it is?

You can be gay in this country, you can drink beer on the streets, sunbathe on the beach - what you can't do is be Palestinian.
And what does any of this have to do with anyone in this thread? We can critisce this event just like I can say, feck Israel, feck the tories, feck the Iraq war, feck Dubai, feck Saudi Arabia, feck Americas lack of healthcare & gun obsession.

I disagree with a considerable amount of what the West does, I can protest, I can have my opinion without being rounded up.

You'll find a lot of the posters here ranting over Qatar, probably have similar view points on Israel, Saudi etc. The difference is that the limelight is on Qatar currently, biggest sporting event in the World? It's going to get attention & lots of negativity but that is entirely on Qatar. They paid for this Worldcup. Deal with the consequences of increased attention.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Can we finally talk about that attack on an LGBTQ club in the USA!? I'm sick and tired about people losing the plot talking about Gianni "Ginger" Infantino and all that stuff related to the World Cub that's about to begin in a couple of hours.


Full Member
Jun 19, 2010
Borussia Dortmund
I understand but perhaps I phrased myself wrong.

How much shit can the footballing world take from FIFA before telling them all collectively to feck off? I think 9/10 people would now be fine with a new body
As far as I'm aware every country has one vote and FIFA has 221 members. Going by the anecdotal evidence I saw on the caf it seems like "Eastern" people don't have a huge issue with this or maybe even welcome it, so there's a chance they simply outnumber the "Western" votes.
But as I said earlier, it seems like Europe is fairly in sync about feeling outraged, so if that is indeed the case maybe it's time UEFA throw their weight around and/or (threaten to) abandon the WC going forward.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
And what does any of this have to do with anyone in this thread? We can critisce this event just like I can say, feck Israel, feck the tories, feck the Iraq war, feck Dubai, feck Saudi Arabia, feck Americas lack of healthcare & gun obsession.
There is nothing resembling a credible "pro-Qatar World Cup" argument that can be made, so the people who support it have to resort to accusations of hypocrisy, except these accusations are largely made up and have no basis in reality.

90 + 5min

Full Member
Aug 8, 2019
I didn’t want to say this but I am genuinely concerned that some here have some very deep rooted personal issues and prejudices that they really need to address.
Problem in this thread is people taking everything personal.

This thread is about Infantino and his speech that for most part was nonsens even if he sometimes said something you could agree on.
Last edited:


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
You wrote "they are well within their rights" - and my point being - maybe, but not if they should host a tournament that involves an entire where some of the main goals is "respect"
I wrote they were well within their rights to have their views on certain things, after the poster said the Qataris have the right to have different views. They're not going to get bombed or forced t change their views.

Literally in the very next paragraph, I also then wrote that if they wanted to do things a certain and not expose themselves to outside influences, they could decide to not apply to host a global tournament with countries from around the world. Nobody forced them to apply to the world cup. I then only semi jokingly suggested that the Arab Cup would provide such an opportunity. Nobody would particularly care then how they built their stadia, whether they were serving alcohol or their stance on LGBT rights.

I then stated that Qatar is an appalling choice for a world cup.

So I don't see how that translates to me having no problems with them hosting the world cup.

And ties in well with what I said at the very end about the total lack of nuance in some people's postings on this matter. You're seemingly either going all in on western hypocrisy and unable to point out the appalling nature of this world cup or everything about it is is abysmal and if you dare to mention anything but, you have no problems with it.

Real Madras

Full Member
Nov 30, 2016
Real Oviedo
An argument against "Islamophobic undertones" would hold more weight if this thread weren't full of anti-Western overtones. It is a bit silly to ask for acceptance while every two pages some person shows up saying the West is immoral and repulsive.
I wouldn’t have to call out shite, if people weren’t being Islamophobic. If you judge the Muslim countries for their belief system and how ‘wrong it is’, my point is that you should look at yourself before you give moral lessons because the western world are no angels.


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
This thread is about Infantino and his speech that for most part was nonsens even if he sometimes said something you could agree on.
I disagreed with almost all of it. To suggest countries around the world should apologize for historical crimes is not only absurd but would set a dangerous precedent. Where do we start saying sorry, when do we stop saying sorry and how much would everyone need to give to show ancestral remorse?

Secondly he spoke about “educating” countries on morality despite suggesting the west has already done enough damage to the World. Which in turns really does begin to contradict what he was trying to say. A World Cup won’t do anything to change a societies beliefs and discussing it for another “3000 years” isn’t going to change it either.

Protesting about this tournament should have been done at the time of the announcement. Nothing anyone says is going to change it now. Once this World Cup is over I’m sure everyone will quickly forget about it and they will go onto enjoy their vacations in other morally and ethically questionable countries.


United make me feel dirty. And not in a sexy way.
Jul 13, 2019
Another one of those virtue signaling woke crowd. I hope you're one of those who never watch the World Cup but knowing arm chair critics, you will still watch it.
MAGA troll spotted. Since you have nothing valuable to contribute, henceforth you are ignored. Have fun if your echo-chamber of bigotry.