Giant Explosion In Lebanon

allowing £500k of fertilezer to be abandoned for 7 years. It's very odd, both from the owner as well as the authorities. something feels off.

The politics and administration of the country are extremely dysfunctional. This is a decent read on how this manifests in the butchering of basic services -

On the other hand, it’s not a country where some kind of grand cover-up would be easy to sustain. It’s not a dictatorship where one party controls the narrative, its politics are riven by factionalism and fluid, ever-shifting alliances. So if one particular faction bears some responsibility there is every incentive for their rivals to ensure it is known. Yet so far there seems to be little if any finger-pointing of that nature.
Nothing too meaningful I can add to be honest.

An "arrested" ship isn't an uncommon thing. It usually means bills or fines were not paid (finance, bunkers etc.), the people owed money went to court and got an arrest warrant for the ship, which was then forbidden from sailing unless debts were paid. The ship's 34-35 years old according to my db, so it's past the end of its life. Usually those get sold for scrap, but often a shady owner might take it on and operate it (usually in nefarious practices) till an event like an arrest. Then the owning company either quickly dissolves in a bankruptcy file or fully disappears into the shadows, leaving the port operators with a ghost ship on their hands.

This kind of stuff is quite common for ships operating illegal routes or moving contraband material. Not everyone can afford the risk of having a spanking new £100m ship getting arrested for trafficking drugs/weapons/humans and having to come forward to claim it. So usually it's done through these old beat-up vessels who's ownership lies in layers of obscure companies so when you try to untangle the yarn you get nowhere.

The ship was operated by a tiny company out of Burgas, Bulgaria who obviously couldn't be contacted the second the ship got arrested. If that gives you any clue. Could be the fertiliser was contraband or was intended for hezbollah bomb-making? Your guess is as good as mine.
That makes sense. Thanks for the detailed response. I am also guessing seven years isn’t too long when it comes to abandoned or arrested ships?
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Nothing is tinfoil hat in Lebanon. I would guess that's one of the more likely causes. The initial fire was a target for the strike supposedly
Wouldn't we hear a missile? And there's been plenty of videos circulating that don't show any missile.
The videos of the explosion are terrifying. How are explosions measured? Was this bigger than the one in China? I must have watched it so many times and it still shocks me every time.
Wouldn't we hear a missile? And there's been plenty of videos circulating that don't show any missile.
I have seen a video of something in the air moving towards the fire just before the blast, god knows how genuine it is these days though
Wouldn't we hear a missile? And there's been plenty of videos circulating that don't show any missile.

There are people* that to this day will tell you the planes hitting the WTC are holograms/remote controlled missiles disguised as planes. Nothing surprises me when it comes to CT nutters. A person sees what he/she wants to see, or can convince oneself to see.

* imbeciles is more apt

Horrible... thankfully, according to Twitter, she was ok but can just imagine so many people like this going about their day without knowing what’s going to happen in a few seconds. Like something out of a movie :(
There are people* that to this day will tell you the planes hitting the WTC are holograms/remote controlled missiles disguised as planes. Nothing surprises me when it comes to CT nutters. A person sees what he/she wants to see, or can convince oneself to see.

* imbeciles is more apt
Agree 100%. Conspiracy theorists love this kind of stuff.

If you hear hooves look for horses, not zebras.
Anyone have any idea how much $$$ -all that ammonium fertiliser was worth?

Why would the owner leave all that abandoned?

The hassle of paperwork to move them back, probably fines, and years of overstaying demurage (that's factory rent, with compounded interest on top of it), ownership dispute, ex company going bankrupt, lack of buyer, etc.

I'm not saying it's impossible for a foul play to happen, but many things got into dispute and just left to rot is pretty normal.
Emanuel Macron visitng the port and Beirut residential areas (like Gemayze) to check the damage and stand with the Lebanese people.

Whereas our "President" only went to the port to check for damage and didn't check residential areas because he's scared of the people.

This is so embarrassing.
I just saw this tweet regarding the scale of the damage:


He then mapped this onto London:


I have seen a video of something in the air moving towards the fire just before the blast, god knows how genuine it is these days though
Let me know if you're able to find the video. Missile strike seems unlikely to me but I'll watch for the sake of perspective. If I had to make a case for a conspiracy, it would be about the start of the fire, though I haven't read any updates as to what may have caused it so this could already be debunked before I even search for it.

And for the record, I'm not claiming any foul play — just thinking out loud.
"Never assume conspiracy when stupidity will do" -some hacker speaker at DefCon
Am not going full on conspiracy yet but something very odd going on.

I'm late to the party but it's not actually odd. The shipment had little worth and the vessel had technical problems and was blocked by Lebanese authorities, some unscrupulous shipowners will definitely abandon worthless ships and their shipment because it would cost a fortune to remork or repare the ship, they could send an other ship but if they only have one vessel, they won't. On the side of authorities they generally have two options destroy or sell the shipment, the option depends on whether the shipment was legal and its state. One thing is sure is that you are not supposed to keep it in high activity warehouses, the likely reason for that was probably laziness from custom officers.
Let me know if you're able to find the video. Missile strike seems unlikely to me but I'll watch for the sake of perspective. If I had to make a case for a conspiracy, it would be about the start of the fire, though I haven't read any updates as to what may have caused it so this could already be debunked before I even search for it.

And for the record, I'm not claiming any foul play — just thinking out loud.
It’s a WhatsApp vid so can’t post it sorry. Could probably post a few screenshots but doubt that would go down well here

edit: just watched it again, looks crap
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Oh come on guys... a missile strike?

With all the high tech satellite these days? Cctv all over and somehow a fat nerd on the internet managed to capture the missile in whtasapp video?

I mean come on man, a missile strike would alert everyone in the region, even if they missed it early on there will be plenty of evidence of a real missile strike.
Oh come on guys... a missile strike?

With all the high tech satellite these days? Cctv all over and somehow a fat nerd on the internet managed to capture the missile in whtasapp video?

I mean come on man, a missile strike would alert everyone in the region, even if they missed it early on there will be plenty of evidence of a real missile strike.
Give over. Who has been saying it’s a missile strike?
Also, how do you know the nerd was fat?
Macron and other countries stated that help will come directly from their embassies to the families that were hurt, bypassing our politicians.

The cnuts proceeded to refuse other countries' help cause they want to steal/benefit from the money.... same as they did to the aid received from Qatar.
Anyone else not quite buying the "it was confiscated and left there line" ? I mean if you have 2700t of bomb building material in a poorer country troubled by violence, surely someone is going to find a use for it?
I can totally buy it in a sufficiently corrupt, damaged and incompetent administration.
God, we are going to have to listen to even more conspiracy theories in the years ahead aren’t we.
I can totally buy it in a sufficiently corrupt, damaged and incompetent administration.
But if it's such a corrupt, damaged and incompetent administration, how do they keep loyal people to watch over it? I don't believe in any sophisticated conspirancy, but I also think it's unlikely it's been completely untouched for 7 years.
On the 3rd August, Lebanon's foreign minister Nassif Hitti resigned
"I participated in this government on the basis that I have one employer named Lebanon, and I found in my country many employers and conflicting interests," Hitti said in his resignation letter to Prime Minister Hassan Diab, made public on Monday.

"If they don't come together around the interests of the Lebanese people and save them, then the ship, God forbid, will sink with everyone on board."

In his resignation letter, Hitti chided the "absence of a vision for Lebanon as I believe in it as a free, independent and capable nation" and the absence of a "real will to achieve structural reforms ... which our national society asks for and the international community are calling on us to do".

"Lebanon today is sliding towards becoming a failed state," he wrote.
On the 3rd August, Lebanon's foreign minister Nassif Hitti resigned
"I participated in this government on the basis that I have one employer named Lebanon, and I found in my country many employers and conflicting interests," Hitti said in his resignation letter to Prime Minister Hassan Diab, made public on Monday.

"If they don't come together around the interests of the Lebanese people and save them, then the ship, God forbid, will sink with everyone on board."

In his resignation letter, Hitti chided the "absence of a vision for Lebanon as I believe in it as a free, independent and capable nation" and the absence of a "real will to achieve structural reforms ... which our national society asks for and the international community are calling on us to do".

"Lebanon today is sliding towards becoming a failed state," he wrote.
"Sliding towards a failed state" ?

It already was. The corruption there is astounding.
Macron and other countries stated that help will come directly from their embassies to the families that were hurt, bypassing our politicians.

The cnuts proceeded to refuse other countries' help cause they want to steal/benefit from the money.... same as they did to the aid received from Qatar.

Other nations should just do it anyway. Would the Lebanese government really start a scuffle over it?

Lebanon's president has revealed he knew about the huge stockpile of explosives at Beirut's port almost three weeks before they blew up.

President Michel Aoun was told about the 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate on 20 July - and he claimed he subsequently ordered officials to "do what is needed".

The stockpile had been there since 2013 after being confiscated from an impounded cargo ship, but Mr Aoun said he "had no authority to deal directly with the port" and didn't know "where it was placed".