Graham Potter | turns down Ajax job

Pochettino is odds on favorite right? New owner or not, Chelsea don’t feck around.
Probably Poch, I would hope so anyway. Don't think they'd get any better under him.
It's going to be Potter and I think he will be either fantastic or a complete disaster.
Poch is polishing his record of achievement as we speak.
Hopefully they go for Poch rather than the currently likeable Potter.
Probably Poch. Even with the instability and his team-building rather than plug-in coaching style I think Potter's good enough, and Chelsea have enough players hypothetically adaptable to Potter-ball for that to work. But I don't think they'll go for someone with no trophies on the board.
It’s someone who needs to play a back 5 with this team which narrows it down? It’s overly built for the wing back formation
Its actually a great chance for other top 4 aspiring PL clubs to look at Pochettino or Potter. They are gonna get sacked in 15 months anyways so still wont be damaged goods.
@Amadaeus if you were Chelsea would you rather get Potter or Pochettino?
If we get Pochettino I'm going to stick a grand on Galtier being our next manager.
I don't think I want Potter, not right now.

feck it, Zidane please.

Zidane said late june:
“When people say to me: 'Do you want to go to Manchester?' I understand English but I don't fully master it.
“I know that there are coaches who go to clubs without speaking the language, but I work differently. To win, many elements come into play. It's a global context. Me, I know what I need to win.”

Also, spoke about wanting to take the France job in the future. I reckon he'd turn down the Chelsea job for similar reasons.
Zidane said late june:
“When people say to me: 'Do you want to go to Manchester?' I understand English but I don't fully master it.
“I know that there are coaches who go to clubs without speaking the language, but I work differently. To win, many elements come into play. It's a global context. Me, I know what I need to win.”

Also, spoke about wanting to take the France job in the future. I reckon he'd turn down the Chelsea job for similar reasons.
I reckon the lure of London might be enough for him to download duolingo.

Also Chelsea head coach is the best job in football. Sign a long contract, win a few things and then get sacked a year later with your contract paid out and your reputation untainted because "Chelsea are mental".
I reckon the lure of London might be enough for him to download duolingo.

National team jobs often opens up after World Cup. France have said Deschamps will be staying on, but if they have a result like the Euros that might open for Zidane. It's only a few months away.

“I want to do it, of course. I will be [France coach], I hope, one day. When? That's not up to me.
“I want to come full circle with the French national team. I met this French team as a player, and it's the best thing that ever happened to me!
“It is the peak. So, since I went through that and now I am a coach, the French team is firmly anchored in my head.
“Succeed [Didier] Deschamps? I don't know. If it has to be done, it will be done, at that time or not.
No way Potter gets the time he needs to build something at Chelsea. They're in the instant results business.
Terry as caretaker until world cup break might be a shout if none of the favourites fancy it.
Potter would be a good choice, but under their ownership, I can't see him being given enough time. I don't see him hitting the ground running. But I do think they'll go for him.

Hopefully they go for uncharismatic one, Poch.