Harry Maguire receives Bomb threat

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Full Member
Dec 31, 2017

Sometimes this fanbase is just ridiculous.
So he received the threat in an email.

Somebody know his personal email is no ordinary fan.
Shocking. Reminds me of Pool players death threats in their baron years.

We'll now have partake in another show of solidarity for him at OT whilst he's playing god-awfully.
I think a lot of people need to understand, football is not that important. You have to be mentally deranged to be angry enough to go to a player's social media page to abuse him cause of a football match. To send a bomb threat, I am lost for words.
Stuff like this genuinely puts me off football. How can people take it this seriously?
I think a lot of people need to understand, football is not that important. You have to be mentally deranged to be angry enough to go to a player's social media page to abuse him cause of a football match. To send a bomb threat, I am lost for words.

Have you been to a live football match? Grown men froth at the mouth when they concede a goal or two.

Football is a brilliant game but it doesn’t half attract the absolute pits of society.
Have you been to a live football match? Grown men froth at the mouth when they concede a goal or two.

Football is a brilliant game but it doesn’t half attract the absolute pits of society.
Many times. Too many people take football too seriously.
Someone look up how many bomb threats Real Madrid fans sent their players over the years. I'm sure there is a correlation between number of bomb threats and trophies won.
Dear lord, why do people have to be so uncivilised, he's playing football badly not abusing children. His family do not deserve to be terriroised in their own home.
Not shocked, could as well be some of the abusers in here. He gets death threats and is being harrassed online all the time. Mentally ill are very much alive in our fanbase
Why are people moaning about the 'fanbase' for this :lol:

It will be some deranged spanner sat in his mums basement. Hardly something to denounce a group of people over ffs.
Lack of logic in whoever did this is astounding. All this would do is further play on the mind of a player whose current mental status is probably in the pits with how poorly he's performed this season. "I know exactly what would fix that, sending Harry Maguire a fake bomb to his personal residence!"
Anybody else think he sent it to himself for sympathy
No. Because it's too stupid to get police involved. If police find out, Maguire would do more damage to his career than any sympathy he wishes to get.

How this person get a hold of Maguire email? For Maguire family to be this alarmed, that person may also know Maguire's house location too. Crazy stuff
Ten Hag: Harry!! I gave him an offer he can't refuse

On a serious note, that's sick. Feckin idiots who call themselves fans.
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