Help on Ayala needed...


Everyone knows Ayala has been strongly linked with us especially in the last few months, but hasn't he been linked with us for more than a year now??
I've got this annoying mate of mine who's a Bayern fan, and he reckons that Ayala has only been linked with us since January. Bollox.!!
I certainly can remember Ayala being linked to us ever since his strong performances in Europe when Valencia made into their second consecutive final,and he was strongly linked with us when we were searching for our replacement for Jaapster.
But the problem is, I can't find any past articles linking Ayala to us which go back as far as last year, to prove this mate of mine wrong. :mad:
I know this is stupid but this mate of mine is really annoying and would be good to shut him up for good.!!
Would anyone have any links to past articles going back before January which link Ayala to us??
It would be greatly appreciated. :)