Hero executed for opposing war on terror!

Rooney gr8

New Member
Jul 18, 2005
The only requirement for the triumph of evil is fo
Pat Tillman, turned down a $3.6M pro football contract, to join the army.
He was so outraged by the events of 911 that he enlisted in the forces and was sent to Iraq with a fanfare of media attention, flagged as the golden boy of the Bush administrations 'war on terror'.

when he got to Iraq he soon learned that, the war was not only immoral but also illegal and spoke out against it.

He was then sent to Afghanistan where he died from friendly fire..
Dubya even made speeches about his bravery and he was awarded the silver star medal.

It would seem he was killed executions stile, by 3 bullets to the forehead from close proximity...

this is a fecking travesty!!

please read the link, it just about somes things up


corruption at the highest levels..

Chris H

Video Posting God
Feb 26, 2008
Tillman may have been murdered by one or more of his platoon-mates, but he wasn't assassinated.

There is absolutely no evidence supporting assassination. The Daily Mail article offers no evidence of such a plot, absolutely none. Only mentions that some people think that maybe he was asssassinated - even though they too have no evidence - and then propose scenarios for his assassination which are transparently contradictory. There were snipers in the area - maybe three snipers all shooting at once! Sure, except a few paragraphs earlier, an Army medical report is cited saying that he was shot at close range by an M-16. Snipers, last I checked, do not use infantry weapons, and they do not use them from 10 feet away. Otherwise they wouldn't be...you know...snipers.

There's nothing to the assassination angle. Murder is a definite possibility, but assassination is unsupported by any evidence.


Full Member
Aug 23, 2005
Co Armagh Ireland
I tend to agree with Chris H on this.
We are all too prone to conspiracy theories.
Frankly a war zone is an ideal place to murder someone. Fog of War, Friendly fire, etc.
In this case much more likely than an "assassination".

Perhaps the most interesting aspect is that
Success has many fathers and Failure is an Orphan.

Not too open a can of worms on whether Iraq and Afghanistan are "won or lost".
But it seems most people look on it all as a massive screw up and theres a kinda distancing from it all, magnified by Bushs last days in office and Tony B Liar being discredited.

(I see it in the context of David Milliband saying that the words "War on Terror" were badly chosen. He could not have said that 6 months or a year ago).
All these things are part of a re-positioning.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
I think its another silly conspiracy. But again it doesnt exactly make the US army look very competent with very friendly fire all over the place.

Chris H

Video Posting God
Feb 26, 2008
I think its another silly conspiracy. But again it doesnt exactly make the US army look very competent with very friendly fire all over the place.
Actually the report points to murder rather than friendly fire, if I read my articles correctly. Friendly fire is accidental, in the course of combat. This seems to have been neither.