Iago Falque


Full Member
Jan 7, 2008
Magical Manchester United.
... an 18-year old Spanish winger probably is on his way to Old Trafford. New Barcelona coach Guardiola told him that he is not part of the club's future plans. I talked to a few mates who follow Barca more closely and they say he has as much potential as Bojan Krkic. Anyone know the kid better? He has been already targeted by Chelsea a season ago or so, but refused to leave Barcelona.

Spanish source

Exclusiva AF : Oferta del Manchester por Iago Falqué

Iago Falqué, si consigue la carta de libertad del FC Barcelona, pasará a formar parte de la plantilla de reservas del Manchester United, que ya se ha puesto en contacto con el jugador. Iago se muestra contento con la posibilidad de acabar en el Manchester ya que, en declaraciones a AIRFUTBOL, el jugador expresa: " lo considero el lugar ideal para crecer como jugador", dejando atrás la posibilidad de quedarse en el Barça un año más.
Parece que el vergonzoso culebrón de Iago Falqué y el FC Barcelona puede llegar pronto a su fin. Después de que el gallego fuera ninguneado tanto la temporada pasada por Pep Guardiola como esta por Luis Enrique, tras hacer un papel excelente en el Juvenil y no ser ascendido a jugar con el Barça B, ha decidido que está harto de su situación y del trato recibido y no quiere saber nada más del equipo catalán.

Curioso es el caso del mediapunta zurdo ya que, hace unos 6 años el Barça se metió en una lucha con el Real Madrid para hacerse con sus servicios, y ahora le ningunea de un modo que no demuestra que el Barça de un buen trato a sus canteranos, ni mucho menos. Iago siempre fue el jugador más destacado por todos los equipos que pasó, recordemos que es de la quinta de Bojan Krkic o Fran Mérida, por lo que ser el mejor de esas plantillas no era nada sencillo.

Desde Airfutbol mostramos nuestro total apoyo y buenos deseos vaya donde vaya a nuestro buen amigo Iago Falqué y nuestra disconformidad por el trato que ha recibido el gallego en el último año y medio aproximadamente por parte de los responsables del fútbol base del FC Barcelona. Airfutbol os deja este vídeo de Iago Falqué que deja bien a las claras que el FC Barcelona ha dejado escapar a un fenómeno. Por otra parte, informamos de que esta noticia ha intentado ser pisada por los "compañeros" de Joinfutbol.com, publicándola éstos como propia y sin citar fuentes fiables. Las fuentes de Airfutbol son fiables 100% ya que tenemos contacto con los jugadores y no publicamos noticias falsas, ni inventamos fuentes. Reiteramos de nuevo nuestra queja ante esta web que suele publicar nuestras noticias como si fueran de ellos sin citar que la fuente es Airfutbol, aprovechándose así de nuestro gran trabajo y burlándose de nuestros miles de seguidores. Basta ya.



Full Member
Apr 2, 2007
... an 18-year old Spanish winger probably is on his way to Manchester. New Barcelona coach Guardiola told him that he is not part of the club's future plans. I talked to a few mates who follow Barca more closely and they say he has as much potential as Bojan Krkic. Anyone know the kid better? He has been already targeted by Chelsea a season ago or so, but refused to leave Barcelona.

Spanish source
United or City?


Full Member
Jan 7, 2008
Magical Manchester United.
United or City?
Sorry, of course United.

I'll let my Spanish speaking girlfriend translate the article when I'm finished at work today, but basically Guardiola won't need him in the first team and he does not want to play for Barca B anymore. Maybe there is someone who could tell us anything about his skills...


Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
Sorry, of course United.

I'll let my Spanish speaking girlfriend translate the article when I'm finished at work today, but basically Guardiola won't need him in the first team and he does not want to play for Barca B anymore. Maybe there is someone who could tell us anything about his skills...


Full Member
Jan 7, 2008
Magical Manchester United.
as much potential as bojan?
and barca let him go?
bull cocky!
These are none of my words. I don't know this young lad, but just check some Barcelona communites, 90% of all comments are about how fantastic he is and most of the supporters tell Guardiola to feck off for letting him go. Again I can only say I know nothing about him, maybe he is just shite.
We could do with another winger though.

Beside that Barca have Henry, Eto'o, Messi, Bojan, Hleb, Iniesta, Jeffren, Gudjohnsen and Gai Assulin for three positions. Iago might just be one too much.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2005
iago is very good on FM

they do use real scouts , not the best , but real scouts

Iago Falque, if it succeeds the letter of freedom of FC Barcelona, will become part of the staff of Manchester United's reserves, already has contacted the player. Iago is happy with the possibility of ending up in Manchester as, in statements to AIRFUTBOL, the player said: "I think the ideal place to grow as a player", leaving behind the possibility of staying at the club for another year.
It seems that the embarrassing soap opera of Iago Falque and FC Barcelona may soon reach its end. After the galician none out both last season by Pep Guardiola like this by Luis Enrique, having a role in the excellent Youth and not be promoted to play with Barca B, has decided that is tired of their situation and treatment received and does not want to know more of the Catalan team.

Curious is the case of mediapunta left-handed as, about 6 years ago the club was put into a fight with Real Madrid to take over its services, and now you ninguneo in a way that does not prove that the club a good treatment for their youth squad players, far from it. Iago always been the most outstanding player by all the teams that passed, remember that it is the fifth of Bojan Krkic or Fran Merida, so be the best of these templates was nothing easy.

Since Airfutbol show our full support and good wishes go where they go to our good friend Iago Falque and our dissatisfaction at the treatment he has received the galician in the last year and a half around by those in charge of FC Barcelona football basis. Airfutbol you leave this video Iago Falque that makes it clear that the FC Barcelona has left to escape a phenomenon. Moreover, note that this news has tried to be footprint by the "comrades" of Joinfutbol.com, posting them as his own and without citing reliable sources. The sources Airfutbol are 100% reliable because we have contact with players and we do not publish false news, or invent sources. We reiterate again our complaint with this site that often publish our news from them as if they were without citing the source is Airfutbol, thus benefitting from our hard work and flout our thousands of followers. Enough is enough.

Danish Voice

Full Member
Apr 21, 2006
He asked for a transfer because he was unsatisfied on the bench in my FM game. Stay away

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
These are none of my words. I don't know this young lad, but just check some Barcelona communites, 90% of all comments are about how fantastic he is and most of the supporters tell Guardiola to feck off for letting him go. Again I can only say I know nothing about him, maybe he is just shite.
We could do with another winger though.

Beside that Barca have Henry, Eto'o, Messi, Bojan, Hleb, Iniesta, Jeffren, Gudjohnsen and Gai Assulin for three positions. Iago might just be one too much.
True that. And he's left-footed too.

Name Changed

Jan 10, 2008
If he had half as much potential, nevermind as much potential, as Bojan then there is no way Barca would let him go.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
If he had half as much potential, nevermind as much potential, as Bojan then there is no way Barca would let him go.
They play in different positions with very different qualities. I doubt he really is as good as Bojan but the last few young players that Barcelona have lost to English teams haven't been too bad, have they?

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I think people really need to get their priorities sorted out.


God knows if it's true or how good he actually is. Obviously it's disappointing he's not brazilian or portugese but that will pass. He's probably after an improved contract however

however, he has his own website: http://iagofalque.com/ so make of that what you will
Meh. Least impressive hat-trick ever.

Having his own website - at 19 years old - is a bit of a worry, tbh.


nice guy, unassuming, objective United fan.
Jan 21, 2004
Surely there's someone on here who has watched him more frequently and can offer a judgment?

Name Changed

Jan 10, 2008
They also had to let players like Cesc, Pique etc go
They play in different positions with very different qualities. I doubt he really is as good as Bojan but the last few young players that Barcelona have lost to English teams haven't been too bad, have they?
There is a hell of a difference between losing a player that they did not want to lose under any circumstances to letting a player go.

They did not let Pique or Fabregas go. They were poached before they could sign professional contracts. This other lad is 18 and is being let go for free. Big difference.


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
It seems that the embarrassing soap opera of Iago Falque and FC Barcelona may soon reach its end.

Since Airfutbol show our full support and good wishes go where they go to our good friend Iago Falque and our dissatisfaction at the treatment he has received the galician in the last year and a half around by those in charge of FC Barcelona football basis.

We don't know the full story but I think it sounds like the player wants to leave the club rather then the club wanting to get rid of the player. There is obviously some kind of dispute - if this isn't all bollocks, of course.

So what's the dispute about?


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
There is a hell of a difference between losing a player that they did not want to lose under any circumstances to letting a player go.

They did not let Pique or Fabregas go. They were poached before they could sign professional contracts. This other lad is 18 and is being let go for free. Big difference.
Pique and Fabregas wanted to leave for first team football, if they had waited another year and signed a contract they would have ended up wanting to leave anyway. They didn't have a chance of first team football because Barca were looking for quality players now, like Eto'o, Guily, Deco etc. who could come in and do the job then. Even Messi had to wait a while to get his chance.

Similar situation to Iago, he decided he'd stay for another year and see if he could work his way up into the first team, but there are so many quality players ahead of him he has very little chance of doing so. Just like Dos Santos.

Where does it say he's going for free?


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
It seems that the embarrassing soap opera of Iago Falque and FC Barcelona may soon reach its end.

Since Airfutbol show our full support and good wishes go where they go to our good friend Iago Falque and our dissatisfaction at the treatment he has received the galician in the last year and a half around by those in charge of FC Barcelona football basis.

We don't know the full story but I think it sounds like the player wants to leave the club rather then the club wanting to get rid of the player. There is obviously some kind of dispute - if this isn't all bollocks, of course.

So what's the dispute about?
First team football basically, and from what i can gather he;s on the last year of his contract so they don't want to let him go for free. Not overly sure about that bit though.


Shameless Musketeer
Jun 8, 2004
There is a hell of a difference between losing a player that they did not want to lose under any circumstances to letting a player go.

They did not let Pique or Fabregas go. They were poached before they could sign professional contracts. This other lad is 18 and is being let go for free. Big difference.
In the end it was the decision of the youngsters to leave so they had to let them go, same with this Iago or Petrucci or many other young talents


New Member
May 1, 2004
The slums of Hackney
Falque is in a small group of their most highly rated kids, including Tiago Alucantra and Gai Assulin. From what i've seen of Falque though, he generally plays in central midfield, and is an elegent player.


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
Falque is in a small group of their most highly rated kids, including Tiago Alucantra and Gai Assulin. From what i've seen of Falque though, he generally plays in central midfield, and is an elegent player.
You watch Barcelona's reserve team?

There are people who have been watching him on a regular basis on here. I'm quite positive of that.
Seems like you're right. Can't believe people watch Barcelona reserves.


"I will cry if Rooney leaves"
Sep 20, 2004
'Tis a shrewd doubt, though it be but a dream,
And this may help to thicken other proofs,
That do demonstrate thinly.


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
barcelona tv isn't too hard to get and I think it's free actually so seeing the reserves wouldn't be a problem. I'd rather watch our reserves mind :D


Juventus fan who used to support United
Sep 5, 2002
Maito Gai is the best out of all of them.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
barcelona tv isn't too hard to get and I think it's free actually so seeing the reserves wouldn't be a problem. I'd rather watch our reserves mind :D
Me too.

feck knows how people find the time to watch United games, United reserves games, as well as Barcelona first team and reserve games.

And where does it stop? What about watching Real Madrid reserves? AC Milan? Chelsea? Juve? etc. etc. :confused: The mind boggles.

I think we all know it's much more likely that anyone who has an opinion on the likes of Iago Falque will have formed it from playing FM.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2008
Magical Manchester United.
First team football basically, and from what i can gather he;s on the last year of his contract so they don't want to let him go for free. Not overly sure about that bit though.
Either way (last year of his contract or not) we would only pay a marginal sum, they don't want him and he obviously wants to leave.
He only got a few games under Guardiola (who managed Barca B until May) for Barca's B team and seems to be desperate for a new challenge. The 'bad treatment' obviously refers to the fact he is one of the few talented kids who do not get a chance at the club, not even for the reserves. Not sure what this means though, as far as I could research he has done excellent at all international youth levels and is currently a member of the Spanish U-19 team.
A good site for Barca B news is the FC Barcelona Blog about transfers, it's quite reliable as well: FCB Blog


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
reading that blog kinda gives the story more substance. Think it might happen. Says barca wanted to loan him out but he rejected so we'll see. Oh and I think I read he's left footed which has a certain appeal