Injury Crisis 2023/24 | Martínez and Casemiro back in training

This happened before in 2015 to Real Madrid's no9 you know. Google "Benzema 15" for more info
He even rolled up one of the legs to prove it!

Now if he would just stop holding his breath for the cameras...

I don't mean to be rude about our other LBs but having Shaw return to replace them is like having a really, really good LB return to replace others that are really fecking shit.
There's no way that's a recent photo. Look at what he's wearing and the state of the fecking weather! That photo was obviously taken during preseason.
You're right, it is an old photo. But the club have released a short gif of him warming up today so the news must be legit.

Just seen the white text but he does look to have put some muscle on, not sure if that's a good thing.
Well if he did it's probably gone now, that photo is about 6 months old by the look of it
I've been critical of some aspects of Shaw's performances over the years (not last season where he was by and large immense) but we do miss him when he's on form and he'll be a massive help. I do wonder if he'll play centre back more often though. IIRC he even said he enjoys playing there.
Shaw's a good player but it shows how shite our squad is that the fanbase is reacting like prime Rio is coming back from injury.
With Evans out will he slot in at centre back so we have a left footer there?
I am keeping my hopes pretty low. It was not like he was tearing it apart before he was injured and besides, it is Shaw. I ll keep my fingers crossed on him continuing to be fit.
Shaw's a good player but it shows how shite our squad is that the fanbase is reacting like prime Rio is coming back from injury.
On form he’s the best LB in the league. He adds so much going forward and a lot solidity when tucking in. One of our few very press resistant players. If he comes back in good form then he does a lot to transform our progression from the back. If being the operative word there.
Shaw is back just in time for Christmas. Thank God! I'm not worried about the number of games; I'm more concerned with him being injured during a period of notorious gorging. Can you imagine a non-training, injured Shaw post-Christmas? It'd be like Ghostbusters and seeing the Marshmellow Man round the corner.
Shaw is back just in time for Christmas. Thank God! I'm not worried about the number of games; I'm more concerned with him being injured during a period of notorious gorging. Can you imagine a non-training, injured Shaw post-Christmas? It'd be like Ghostbusters and seeing the Marshmellow Man round the corner.
Shaw is a rich footballer, a Michelin man at the very least
Shaw and Martinez coming back will be such a lift to the team. We severely underrate how good a player Shaw is at times.
I sometimes wonder if our fanbase is addicted to the soap opera like shenanigans that have defined us these last ten years, this kind of post just adds fuel to that fire. Firstly, the fact no one wants DDG should, in itself, be enough to stop this line of thought - he's been away from elite training for however long now and was declining quickly as it was. Secondly, why invite the drama? It's not like we'd be signing DDG pre 2018 and there'd be a legitimate argument that he's so good, it would be worth the added media ridicule, it's nearly 2024! Long gone are his best days.
OK we go with Tom Heaton. The Turk maybe they be OK.. Onana has been Awsome hasn't he we can stay with him .. last season DDG declined so far he had golden glove ?? .. if that's not a legitimate argument I don't know what is.. DDG wasn't as good a keeper than Onana because he only used 1 hand to save ..??