Television Invincible (Amazon Prime)

I thought that it would've been stupid of Kate not to have a copy stashed somewhere
I was so scared when that women showed up and beat the living shit out of Mark. I won’t be ready for when they meet again…if they have the balls to do it.
That was good and a pretty subdued ending in the end, but sets up season three well. I do think the stuff with Angstrom or whatever he’s called was a bit less shocking than I expected it to be. Though I did wince when he snapped Debbie’s arm, I guess I just expected there to be more fall out than just “Mark turned out to be way stronger and pummelled him to a crisp”.

good series again, but season one was stronger. I really hope we don’t have to wait nearly three fecking years again.
Good finale that but yeah the wait between seasons is agonising.

Genuinely needed that recap this week to remember who Angstrom was and that was only the start of this season in November :lol:
Oh man the wait is going to be unbearable. Marks relationship scenes were the most boring for me so glad that's over. Allen is such a great character. Nolans development is handled pretty well I'd say, it's not easy to give a space nazi murderer a redemption arc. It's all just so damn good.

Season 3 I'm hoping to see a lot more of a certain feline with exceptional strength.
Of course Kate is alive :lol: So nobody died from dramatic beatdown they got.

Good finale but feels like they solved Mark being stuck in that alternate dimension a bit quickly.
Just a note for those who enjoy this show, Xmen 97 is well worth watching and the most recent episode felt a bit like Invincible
Just a note for those who enjoy this show, Xmen 97 is well worth watching and the most recent episode felt a bit like Invincible
That episode was the Marvel Animation equivalent of the red wedding. Just a superb episode.
Just a note for those who enjoy this show, Xmen 97 is well worth watching and the most recent episode felt a bit like Invincible
That was one of the best episodes I've ever seen of the animated series.
Regarding X-Men 97, can you jump in here or do you need to have watched the original series?