Is this the year Liverpool finally equalling our record?

Sir Erik ten Hag

Full Member
May 21, 2022
Normally it is City who stops Liverpool from winning the PL when they are in a position of strength. However this year City is so bad that they are only 3 points more than us on the table. And we are having one of the worst seasons this decade.

Does this mean Liverpool is finally free to go claim their long-awaited 20th title? I don't see Arsenal capable of stopping them.
In City we believe. (I'd like to say Arsenal, but they're obviously going to bottle it).

Things are quite obviously falling in place for them. Nobody's ever won 4 English domestic titles in a row in a long, long time so a new winner felt inevitable this season. And they look good enough to do it. They'll want to put a statement out in a few weeks against us at Anfield too.

I made this thread in the summer stating the same thing. I was hoping it'd be us making the most of it, but alas.
Hard to go against them but Arsenal are getting lucky at all the right times recently, if that keeps happening they might actually do it this year
Couldn’t care less, Klopp deserves it against the cheating state.
It’ll then be up to us to get our act together.
No, no and no. At this rate Fergie might pass away without witnessing us lifting the PL trophy even once after his retirement. If that's not bad enough, you think he deserves to see the scousers actually returning to their perch again (undoing his lifetime's work)?
Got a feeling that City will get their 4th on the trot. They go on a winning run after xmas virtually all the time.
I wonder how much more success Man City need to have before United fans clock that City is the biggest threat to their status as the biggest club in England, not Liverpool.
No, we should all have a team worth supporting ourselves. Feck all 3, there’s no good option.
We aren't in a title challenge and you can't pretend like it doesn't exist. Of course Arsenal is vastly a better option than city or Liverpool
I wonder how much more success Man City need to have before United fans clock that City is the biggest threat to their status as the biggest club in England, not Liverpool.

City will never be the biggest club in England. Even if they win 10 trebles in a row. Nobody cares.
We aren't in a title challenge and you can't pretend like it doesn't exist. Of course Arsenal is vastly a better option than city or Liverpool
You said we should all be Arsenal fans, I said we should have a team of our own worth supporting.

We should all be X fans is a trash mentality. If Arsenal win it good for them, we don’t need to support them in doing it. It should piss us all off that we had a head start less than half a decade ago & have fecked it up this badly. ‘a vastly better option’, no. If we can’t defend the perch then we’ll get knocked off at some point anyway.

No ones pretending the title race doesn’t exist, so come off it.
Liverpool should have it anyways. City cheating them out of the few titles and it’s just a fact they did.

It’s more our owners fault for putting the club in reverse since 2010. We won a few titles after but you reap what you sow.

I hate this cheering for City thing like it doesn’t matter. They literally won a treble last year. Why would we want them to win a title every season and catch us up faster than Pool.

City are gonna keep winning titles btw very often.
Maybe it'll be us....

- We drop out of Europe and have to play only one game a week for most of the rest of the season.
- The Jimmy Brexit revolution starts in January. Sends Varane & Martial to Saudi. Gets rid of Van de Meek and Sancho. And gets us a striker and a strong CB.
- Casemiro and Martinez get fit and find their old form.
- Rashford gets a rocket up his ass after starting rest of our games in December from the bench.
- ETH proves everyone wrong and actually has us playing football. Develops balls and doesn't set-up to draw games away from home.

One can dream!
Think i remember City getting a bit complacent and halfarsed last season as well. Arsenal was running away with it until City got their shit together. Would not be surprised if it happened again. Would be surprising if they didn´t get complacent after walking the league almost every year
I've stopped caring tbh. It doesn't look like we're going to be challenging for the title any time soon. Can't live our lives just hoping for other teams failures. If they deserve it, they'll win it. In fact, Liverpool have been quite unfortunate that they didn't win more PL titles because of the cheats.

Which is why, they should be pushing the hardest to have Man City punished since they've lost the most. I'm surprised at their lackadaisical approach towards City's charges.
I struggle to bring myself to care if I am being honest. We literally gave them an entire decade of our own mismanagement to catch up. Hard to be annoyed or care if they do just that. Ultimately someone has to win, and City are going to scoop up the next generation of fans away from us if they keep winning, as much as people like to put their fingers in their ears and say that no one cares what city do, so it's like a lose-lose situation from all angles for us until we get ourselves back in order.
Not going to lose any sleep over it, I'm more bothered about us getting good again.

Given how shit we've been the last ten years, we should be thankful they haven't already surpassed our record by distance.
Arsenal, Arsenal, Arsenal, Aaaaarrseeeenalll

C'mon the lads.
Liverpool should have it anyways. City cheating them out of the few titles and it’s just a fact they did.

By this logic we'd still have more titles than Liverpool.
I don't know , i think they will fall a bit short this season. They will go deep in the Europa and that may hurt them later in the season. I think its setup for Arsenal and they would be all the better for having last years experience of running close but just falling short. Klopp really is the difference though, on paper that team does not look special.
I don’t care anymore. I’m completely sick and tired of having to hope City or whoever stops Liverpool winning the league. It’s pathetic. Feck it, if they win it they win it. All I care about is us getting good again. Can’t believe so many United fans can sit happy in cheering on Man City every season just stop Liverpool. Time to get over it. If we care so much about our record then we ought to be protecting it ourselves.
City will bounce back and by the end of the season they'll be top as usual.
Well if we can somehow get our act together then we shouldn't be wishing for arsenal to win it, we aren't exactly miles off the top points wise and only 3 behind city, with all our loses so far, we are due a good winning streak and with rashford and martial using up all of eth trust (I hope) had in them we should start to look more coherent, especially with people coming back from injury as well, all we need now is hojlund to have a half decent scoring streak for december
WTF is up with the use of "FINALLY" in the thread title, as if it is something the OP wants to happen?

If Liverpool win this season, it's a token of the league being of a lower quality than before. They are just not very good.
City had the same mini crisis about this time last year, epitomised with Pep saying he doesn't recognize his team, we all know how that ended.
They've always gone strong second part of the season, but think Arsenal won't falter this year and it will be them.
No way, I can endure City but Arsenal fans are insufferable and I won't be able to tolerate their celebrations.

It's a big local fan / international support split. I can see why you feel that way.

Arsenal over City isn't even close for me, half my family are City fans - sick of it
I'd like Arsenal to win it but it probably be Liverpool.

And they will probably surpass it too since we're not likely to win the league for a long damn time.
I think Arsenal will win it. Even the biggest bottlers have to be lucky once in a while, right? Right..?
but think Arsenal won't falter this year and it will be them.
This is Arsenal we're talking about, ofcourse they will falter, it's been a tradition at every attempt they made in the last 20 years. Arteta doesn't have what it takes to pull them over the line.

Sadly Klopp does and I can see Liverpool hold a lead untill the end, especially should City fade and Arse remain the only contender.