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TBH Frank, when you claim something like that it would be good to back it up with some examples or proof as such otherwise it could just appear to be the same thing anti-semites say.
Can someone please recommend a good book on the history of the conflict?

Just discovered Rashid Khalidi’s The Iron Cage is readily available (pdf) with a quick google search. It’s a good historical account of the Palestinian side of things.
Probably didn’t like Al-Jazeera reporting on the countless Israeli crimes & showing the world the Palestinian casualties. I’m sure this counts as “defending itself” though. The world’s silence to these actions is deafening.
I'm guessing this is the same building...

Sickening. If they have nothing to hide why are they cutting off the media? No other country would have been allowed to do what's happening here. Why are they being coddled? Is it because they cry antisemitism if they are reprimanded or held responsible? Seems like that's their get out of jail card for almost everything.
Hasn't that already happened when they fought the likes of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and others in the past ?

I feel like the Arab countries have always been much more afraid of America than ever fully united to free Palestine. When america eventually loses interest or gets drawn into something new then Israel is in trouble. Most reasonable people are totally against the land grab and the murdering and the whole world are calling them war criminals and they still can’t be reasoned with but it’s a guarantee things won’t always be like this. The danger is there’ll be nothing left of Palestine long before then.
Of course it is an obtuse statement by the IDF. It's an absolutely ridiculous justification.
Objectively speaking, if there’s a legitimate military target in such a building in such a location, how else does an opposing force deal it?

Unfortunately, the result is the inevitable horror of conflict.