Joke, to house warm this politics forum.


GB, i hope you like this one.

A Belfast man was making his weekly journey across the border into the Republic when he witnessed a little girl being attacked by a dog. The man bravely got out of his car and kicked the dog of the girl and saving her from serious injury. A reporter for a local newspaper was quickly on the scene, and got the whole story. He told the man that he would be on next weeks paper and said, "i can just see the headlines now-MAN SAVES GIRL FROM SAVAGE DOG". The man then tells the reporter he is from the North, so the reporter says no problem"NORTHERN MAN SAVES GIRL FROM SAVAGE DOG". The man then tells the reporter that he is from Shankill.

The following week the man is driving through the same town and stops to get the paper, the headline reads-
"ORANGE BASTARD MURDERS FAMILY PET" <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laugh Out Loud]" />